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Topic: foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1 (Read 78023 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #25
  Converter rejects non-console executables for encoders (avoids common mistake of people using installer packages instead of the encoders themselves).

But... emm... it was dark! And I was drunk!

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #26
...and stereo LPCM http streaming (audio/L16 mime-type).

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #27
* You can now change audio output or GUI without restarting foobar2000.

as I know changing audio output doesn't needed restart, maybe missing something?
as for changing GUI it's the same as old change display then "file > restart" command - foobar is literally restarted

+ keyboard shortcuts filter maybe can be accelerated a bit when typing - timing between typing keys and trying to find matches can be extended i.e. no matter how fast I enter "playlist" it stops on "p", then "pl" then "pla" etc

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #28
Some more changes regarding Output preferences page:
  Bit depth for DirectSound devices is fixed to 32bit float on Vista+, because the system mixer uses that format internally and other settings caused only unnecessary conversions.
  For outputs which dictate the format and sample rate to the application instead of letting it choose (e.g. ASIO), a meaningful message is shown to hint that this is the case.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #29
Congrats guys, finally getting to see Foobar reach version ONE! Thanks for developing the best audio player on the planet! One more reason I can't switch to linux for everyday use.

I myself will wait till the second beta release :-P Unless someone can confirm that the DTS, AC3, MIDI & Channel Mixer plugins work without a hitch!

everybody's a jerk. you, me, this jerk!

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #30
@ the foobar developer team,

thank you very much for the new version of foobar2000!

This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #31
What if 1.0 beta will explode after 4 weeks, and there wont be new foobar release? We all gonna have to downgrade, thus all component settings will be lost ^^

Not true at all.

Any developer with x86 ASM knowledge and knowledge of kernel/user-mode debuggers can hack the player to not have that problem..... That's not to say I don't support this practise, but realistically, a skilled enough person can easily write a patch to do this, so that it does not violate the license since a modified binary is *not* distributed

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #32
The default currently selected button no longer seems to be Close after doing a successful file rename operation. Was kind of handy to be able to hit enter twice, once for Run, once for Close.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #33
why does it reindex the music folder everytime I restarted foobar2000?
What specifically do you mean by "reindex"?

Any developer with x86 ASM knowledge and knowledge of kernel/user-mode debuggers can hack the player to not have that problem.....
This is not really the point, I'm afraid. The time limit isn't there to block users from using expired versions completely, it will just politely tell people running old betas to upgrade to a "stable" version, that's all. Sure anybody and his dog can defeat the check in a second, but then it's not there for those people in the first place.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #34
Wow! Came as quite a surprise when I was reading my RSS feeds this morning.

Does this mean I have to reconfigure my foobar again??! I just started using o.9.6.9 six months ago ....

Anyway, thanks for the great work - Foobar has made a world of difference to way I listen to music.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #35
Just noticed that when editing "Colours And Fonts" section under "Default User Interface", the changes doesn`t take immediate effect and I have to click Apply when I change something to see it change. Intended effect ? If it was, I preferred the instant change and not having to click apply everytime.

And when I go to DUI > Quick Setup > Change Color for example "Gray Orange" it doesn`t change the colors showing in the "Colours And Fonts" menu, they stay the same they were before going to QS > CC. Intended effect ?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #36
Thank the foobar developer team for your great work.

  • Default User Interface: new pseudo color code system for status bar and playlist view.

I'm glad to hear this, but how to use the "pseudo color code"?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #40
I did think there would never be a 1.0. It's mad how much work has gone into this beast.

Love it!

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #41
Embedded covers lost priority over external covers. Please add back the priority for embedded covers, or at least add a name that can be used in the sources list.

P.S.: I use singles collection, where every file has different cover, and i use folder.jpg for files that i don't have embedded cover. Now for every file the folder.jpg is displayed.
LAME 3.100.1 -V0

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #42
1.0 beta prompts me a component is outdated and it suggests me update the component. However, the component is developed by me for my personal use (I never release it to public). Any idea to prevent this?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #43
Embedded covers lost priority over external covers. Please add back the priority for embedded covers, or at least add a name that can be used in the sources list.

P.S.: I use singles collection, where every file has different cover, and i use folder.jpg for files that i don't have embedded cover. Now for every file the folder.jpg is displayed.

Please don't do this. Embedded covers are cumbersome, add unnecessary increases in file size, and need ID3 tagging software to manipulate - having a separate image file is far easier to manipulate (in any file explorer) and makes much more sense. Thanks for the 'Custom art filename patterns', I've been wanting that for a while since the newer DUI was introduced.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #44
Some more changes regarding Output preferences page:
  Bit depth for DirectSound devices is fixed to 32bit float on Vista+, because the system mixer uses that format internally and other settings caused only unnecessary conversions.
  For outputs which dictate the format and sample rate to the application instead of letting it choose (e.g. ASIO), a meaningful message is shown to hint that this is the case.

Pardon my ignorance, but I always thought that the option was for the output device. For example, my USB DAC only takes 16-bit depth, up to 48000 kHz sample rate. I can't complain because DS and ASIO work ok.

How does WASAPI Exclusive Mode fit into this scheme?

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #45
Just noticed that when editing "Colours And Fonts" section under "Default User Interface", the changes doesn`t take immediate effect and I have to click Apply when I change something to see it change. Intended effect ? If it was, I preferred the instant change and not having to click apply everytime.

I think it MIGHT be a bug, since changing DSP chain takes effect immidietly (it cancels un-applied changes when closing or canceling preferences window) which is IMHO good solution and could work with "colours and fonts".

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #46
First, thanks for the release!
Are there any plans to add win7 shell integration to foobar? There is a plugin that activates it, but it's not customizable to the extent i'd like to have (no custom commands on the context menu of the thumbnail, only play and preferences). Sorry if it was asked already but i didn't find anything about it in the pinned "issues and feature proposals" thread.

Embedded covers lost priority over external covers. Please add back the priority for embedded covers, or at least add a name that can be used in the sources list.
Agreed. Please give us some way to change the priority of the embedded covers.

Please don't do this. Embedded covers are cumbersome, add unnecessary increases in file size, and need ID3 tagging software to manipulate - having a separate image file is far easier to manipulate (in any file explorer) and makes much more sense. Thanks for the 'Custom art filename patterns', I've been wanting that for a while since the newer DUI was introduced.
Well, everyone has their own way to handle the files. I prefer to have ONE file that has all the info and not several separate ones scattered around the hdd/folder. Besides, portable mp3 players support embedded art only, at least the ones i saw. An option to set priority won't harm your nor mine way of organizing files.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #47
Pardon my ignorance, but I always thought that the option was for the output device.
And you know what Vista+ does? It has a 32-bit float pipeline. This option hooks foobar2000 right into that pipeline instead of requiring a conversion. Before the audio gets sent to your device, Windows automagically drops it down to 16-bit or whatever. So to recap, before: foobar2000 outputs N-bit audio to Windows, Windows changes the N-bit to 32-bit, Windows mixes with whatever other audio is being played, Windows changes 32-bit to the bitdepth of your output device, Windows sends the audio. The new way skips Windows' conversion step. It's a minor optimization.

How does WASAPI Exclusive Mode fit into this scheme?
It doesn't. It hasn't changed.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #48
1.0 beta prompts me a component is outdated and it suggests me update the component. However, the component is developed by me for my personal use (I never release it to public). Any idea to prevent this?
Tell me the name of the component and I'll see what I can do. Generally when crash reports come from just one PC they don't get labelled as problematic.

foobar2000 v1.0 beta 1

Reply #49
Tell me the name of the component and I'll see what I can do. Generally when crash reports come from just one PC they don't get labelled as problematic.

Well, its name is foo_script.