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Topic: Adding a new theme (Read 3605 times) previous topic - next topic
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Adding a new theme

SO I have tried like 5 themes already but none of them are working. Foobar2k crashes or I'm using wrong version etc.
Could some1 kindly upload a very nice theme which is working with the newest stable version of foobar (

- 100% working/tested with Foobar2000
- Easy to understand installation notes
- Easy to install
- Fonts and components
- Cool looking

I will be very thankful

Thanks in advance! 

Adding a new theme

Reply #2
SO if I want e.g. this theme ( ) I have to do it by myself? I can't download it anywhere?

Moderation: Removed useless full quote of the preceding post.

Adding a new theme

Reply #3
You could try to find the user that created it and send a p.m. to him through this forum to ask him for the theme. Maybe he has an account on deviant art where you can download the theme or you could create it yourself.

Adding a new theme

Reply #4
you could try one of Falstaff's themes which can be found in these forums & over at Deviantart.

unfortunetly all themes on foobar, especially the ones with alot of eye candy require a fair amount of user knowledge of foobar.

if you want straight out, easy to install themes you'll probably be better of using something like winamp.


Adding a new theme

Reply #5
There is this fancy theme called Default UI.