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Topic: Media library problem with 1 artist and five albums. (Read 2517 times) previous topic - next topic
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Media library problem with 1 artist and five albums.

I was moving my organized music to my primary music folder which Foobar is monitoring. I already had one album in the artist folder and so I added these in there through File Operations -> Move. And then they moved, four albums (and there already was one album)

Funny part coming..

Now these albums which I moved, won't show up in the media library viewers. Like it wouldn't update itself I guess, but when I remove the album which already was in there and leave those which I had moved in there, it updates and I can see them, after adding this moved album back, the moved album won't appear until I remove those which I moved through File Op. dialog.

Tags are all set up and they are right and they play n show just fine if I just throw them to a playlist and this behaviour doesn't appear anywhere else, but in this artist and albums.

Media library problem with 1 artist and five albums.

Reply #1
can you go to artist folder and run command prompt: from there run "dir/a" than paste the result here

Media library problem with 1 artist and five albums.

Reply #2
Okay.. it was something messed up with my computer I guess since after a restart (I restarted because command prompt failed after 1 minute of use) they were updated to media library. Win XP Sp3 & latest beta.


Media library problem with 1 artist and five albums.

Reply #3
if you have foo_run add new service and enter this: cmd /k cd "$directory_path($directory_path(%path%))"
then command prompt will appear in artist folder hopefully, and run dir/s (not dir/a my mistake)

[edit] OK