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Topic: Chronflow (Read 482471 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #200
Well, "E:\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Bilder\Cover2\%artist% - %album%.jpg" seems to resolve to something that causes a crash.
Could you maybe narrow it down to a single file that causes the crash (Just use "%sometag% IS 1" as a Filter and set sometag to 1 on the file you want to check)?

I guess the reason is either a really weird filename or a really weird File.


Reply #201
This is freaking awesome

I'm sorry, but It's not quite ready for release, but the "custom flow" feature is implemented. That means: you can completely customize the way the covers flow throught 3d-space through the settings.
Developement has slowed down since I'm playing with this thing since 2 days.

As a sneak preview, here's the "api" for customizing the flow. The language is Jscript. It should be useable for anyone who is able to use foobar titleformating (except for the mirror settings you have know what a normal is ).
Code: [Select]
// General Notes:
// Most of these functions return an array with 3 elements
// These are the x,y,z coordinates in 3d-space
// x is left to right
// y is bottom to top
// z is front to back

/************************* COVER DISPLAY *****************/
// These functions define the Display of the single Covers
// The given parameter coverId is a floating point number.
// It is 0 for the center cover, 1 for the one right
// beneath it, -1 for the one on the left side and so on.
// During movement the values float between the integer
// values.
function coverPosition(coverId){
  var x, y, z;
  x = coverId/2;
  y = 1;
  z = -8;
  return new Array(x, y, z);
// return array is (angle, x, ,y, z) - this rotates
// the cover *angle* degrees around the vector (x,y,z)
// With (0,0,0,0) the cover is parallel to the y-z-Plane
function coverRotation(coverId){
  return new Array(10,0,1,0);

// Sets which point of the cover coverPosition() defines
// (-1,-1) means bottom left, (0,0) means center,
// (1,1) means top right, (0, -1) means bottom center etc.
// The cover is also rotated around this point.
function coverAlign(coverId){
  return new Array(0, -1);

// Defines the the size boundaries for the cover.
// Aspect ratio is preserved.
// Return Array is (widht, height)
function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
  return new Array(1, 1.5);

// Defines the range of covers to draw.
// Return array is (leftmostCover, rightmostCover)
// The Selected cover is 0
function drawCovers(){
  return new Array(-10, 10);

/************************** CAMMERA SETUP ****************/
// Position of the viewport
function eyePos(){
return new Array(0, -0.3, 0);
// Defines the point for the eye to look at
function lookAt(){
  return new Array(0, -0.3, -4);
// Used to rotate the view.
// The returned Vector points upwards in the viewport.
// This vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the
// eyePos point to the lookAt point.
function upVector(){
  return new Array(0, 1, 0); 

/************************** MIRROR SETUP *****************/
function showMirrorPlane(){
  return true; // return false to hide the mirror plane
// Any Point on the Mirror Plane
function mirrorPoint (){
  return new Array(0, -1, -50);
// Normal of the Mirror Plane
function mirrorNormal (){
  return new Array(0, 0, 1);


Reply #202
A teaser screenshot at least?


Reply #203
Well done Chronial! Thank you for your patience and your will to share your achievements with the community. Your component already kicks a$$ as a toy (i really love to spin it and watch the acceleration an retardation it has with my covers!  ), and i can't wait to try it as a functional and creative browsing tool.

Do you have plans to release it as a UI Element for the new foobar, like 'facets' ? (Is this a difficult task?) I'M worrying about future incompatibility of the old foobar or the new with panels UI now that they aren't supported anymore and its a shame for such brilliant components like yours to work only with the unsupported panels ui..


Reply #204
there's already an answer : no, he's no plan to do this, plz read the whole topic, not the end

Chronical : thx man, better everyday day...


Reply #205
there's already an answer : no, he's no plan to do this, plz read the whole topic, not the end

Chronical : thx man, better everyday day...

Sorry Maxoo, but not all of us have the time to read 9 pages searching a single statement....

So what will happen when the incombatibillity will be there?


Reply #206
A teaser screenshot at least?

Well, there's no more screeenshot of "the" component - since it all depends on your configuration now. But here are 3 configurations of mine:
The typical coverflow:
[a href="" target="_blank"]
[a href="" target="_blank"].
Short: Who knows?


Reply #207
Ok, i must learn to praise the miracles of the present and not making so many thoughts about future. Thanks again Chronial, your new screenshots looks very promising especially if we can tweak some factors like zoom, number of covers,font properties etc..great work! You should show this to your teacher of 'computer programming' (if you have lessons like this).


Reply #208

This is totally amazing. If you need any beta testers, I'd be glad to volunteer . Keep up the great work man.


Oh and a question, will the configuration be exportable so people can share coverflows?
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Reply #209
Feature request. Perhaps it's already possible but...
Ability to resize images to a square before twisting into 3D shape. That way coverflow will look more consistent.


Reply #210
Oh and a question, will the configuration be exportable so people can share coverflows?

I had this in mind when designing this feature, so: yes. The whole configuration is one piece of text. You can just copy and paste it - just like I did in my post above.

Ability to resize images to a square before twisting into 3D shape. That way coverflow will look more consistent.

Not going to happen, sry. I don't believe it's desirable to change the aspect ration of your covers, since this is going to look like shit on most of them.


Reply #211
please do not forget to add some kind of scrollbar.


Reply #212
Really amazing guy, you're one of the best dev. I've seen... sa many thing in just one plugin...


Reply #215
OOHH YEEAHH!!!....crazy covers all around!!! are starting the 'chron' revolution!!!!.

....maybe reflects at both sides of the 'turbine', 'tornado'...or 'spiral' style could be more realistic effect...



Reply #216
Great work my main man, absolutely great. This is noble price winning material.
A teacher is a student in denial.


Reply #217
....maybe reflects at both sides of the 'turbine', 'tornado'...or 'spiral' style could be more realistic effect...

hehe - this way you could create a mirror that is able to look inside an other mirror - so the plugin would have to renderer infinite passes of mirrorness. That doesn't sound useful to me ^^.

Well, anyways - I gues it's time for a release.
We have a lot of changes, so let's call this version 0.2.0. Still miles away from 1.0 (a feature-complete version). Kind of beta-beta.

What are the changes?
I don't remember all of them - it's been quite some time ^^. But here's what I know:
  • doubleclick, mittleclick, [enter] user-defined actions.
  • Album follows playback option
  • Title display (fully customizable, use empty titleformat string to hide)
  • Custom BG Color
  • The Album Source Options page has gotten a "Reload Sources" button, so you don't have to recreate the panel to see changes in your sources setup.
  • The most hottest of all: Custom Cover Flow.

The custom cover flow is written in Jscript. It is Microsoft's version of JavaScript. JScript Docu is here:
My code should be documented very well. In case you have further questions, feel free to ask.
I want to see some cool coverflows, people .

Get the new version here:


Reply #218
....maybe reflects at both sides of the 'turbine', 'tornado'...or 'spiral' style could be more realistic effect...

hehe - this way you could create a mirror that is able to look inside an other mirror - so the plugin would have to renderer infinite passes of mirrorness. That doesn't sound useful to me ^^.

Well, anyways - I gues it's time for a release.
We have a lot of changes, so let's call this version 0.2.0. Still miles away from 1.0 (a feature-complete version). Kind of beta-beta.

What are the changes?
I don't remember all of them - it's been quite some time ^^. But here's what I know:
  • doubleclick, mittleclick, [enter] user-defined actions.
  • Album follows playback option
  • Title display (fully customizable, use empty titleformat string to hide)
  • Custom BG Color
  • The Album Source Options page has gotten a "Reload Sources" button, so you don't have to recreate the panel to see changes in your sources setup.
  • The most hottest of all: Custom Cover Flow.
The custom cover flow is written in Jscript. It is Microsoft's version of JavaScript. JScript Docu is here:
My code should be documented very well. In case you have further questions, feel free to ask.
I want to see some cool coverflows, people .

Get the new version here:

Thanx for the release Chronial, it looks great, but like a new release, some buggs are present

on exiting, i've this error message : ImgTexture Leak:119 and encoured a crash after having changed the config to parabola ...

it's just my 1st impressions, i'll test it more accurate tomorrow


1) no mousewheel support or cursor keys ?? what a shame ...
2) Text is not anti-aliased (no cleartype effect), normal ? 'cause it looks aa on yours screenshots ...
3) backgroud color not render like values entered : i.e. rgb => 20,20,20 => render a very light grey so not the result i was expected because 20-20-20 would give a very dark grey background ... any idea ?

info: i use foobar, panelsUI 0.14.9 under Vista SP1



Reply #219
Alas! Not that I was particularly expecting it to, but this does not work under WINE  In fact the panel flat refuses to show up and any configuration I try to do in the preferences menu ends in an unhandled exception crash. Ironically, wine just added some jscript support in their latest release, so I had high hopes for this working- at least to some degree.

Chronial, is it worth me trying to pursue my hopes of a working coverflow in WINE, or should I just accept defeat and be happy that I have foobar2000 working in any way, shape or form "natively" under a different OS?

Thanks for the component, I am sure it is fab.


Reply #220
I can't seem to get this to load in Panels UI . My code is correct, it just wont load :/
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Reply #221
on exiting, i've this error message : ImgTexture Leak:119 and encoured a crash after having changed the config to parabola ...

Sry for the error message. I uploaded a fixed version (same file). Just download again.
The crash is odd. When does it crash? When you click on compile/apply?

1) no mousewheel support or cursor keys ?? what a shame ...

It's there. You host system (panels_ui?) doesn't give me keyboard focus. Click around a bit and it should work.

2) Text is not anti-aliased (no cleartype effect), normal ? 'cause it looks aa on yours screenshots ...

It should be - I'm not manually forcing it but using OS defaults.
This means that there is no antialiasing for small fonts - that's desired.

3) backgroud color not render like values entered : i.e. rgb => 20,20,20 => render a very light grey so not the result i was expected because 20-20-20 would give a very dark grey background ... any idea ?

Bug confirmed and fixed. Download again

Chronial, is it worth me trying to pursue my hopes of a working coverflow in WINE, or should I just accept defeat and be happy that I have foobar2000 working in any way, shape or form "natively" under a different OS?

Sry, no can do. I'm using IScriptControl - this is obviously not ported to WINE (Or at least google says so). But maybe I'll switch to IActiveScript one day - don't loose your hopes .

I can't seem to get this to load in Panels UI sad.gif. My code is correct, it just wont load :/

What does "it just wont load" mean - error message, crash?


Reply #222
I can't seem to get this to load in Panels UI sad.gif. My code is correct, it just wont load :/

What does "it just wont load" - error message, crash?

I use this code here:


And nothing shows up in the area that the $get() commands specify. If I put another panel there, that panel works . And no crashes or error messages :\.

Console output:

Startup time : 0:03.241348
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
Error creating:

When I try to switch the coverflow script, and click the compile button, I get a crash. No log, just an error box that says "unhandled exception: <unknown exception>"
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Reply #224
You can't run the JScript code for some reason.
Try this version, pls:

What OS are you running?

Windows XP Home SP2. I tried that version you just posted, and it didn't seem to fix anything . Is there a runtime environment for JScript I could install?
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