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Topic: Can't use --preset (Read 3329 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't use --preset

Anytime I try to use "--preset insane" or any flag that starts with "--" for that matter, I get an error.

An example...

ffmpeg -i file.wav -vn -c:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 2 --preset insane output.mp3

Unrecognized option '-preset'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

Re: Can't use --preset

Reply #5
It seems that is incorrect (outdated?). According to ffmpeg -h full, only few options are available. And without two dashes.
Code: [Select]
libmp3lame encoder AVOptions:
  -reservoir         <boolean>    E...A...... use bit reservoir (default true)
  -joint_stereo      <boolean>    E...A...... use joint stereo (default true)
  -abr               <boolean>    E...A...... use ABR (default false)
  -copyright         <boolean>    E...A...... set copyright flag (default false)
  -original          <boolean>    E...A...... set original flag (default true)

Re: Can't use --preset

Reply #6
IIRC the previous presets are now mapped to the bitrate settings, eg, -b 320 = insane, etc.

Re: Can't use --preset

Reply #7
Any option that starts with -- throws an error, for example if I try to set the lowpass cuttoff with --lowpass 22050, I get the error Unrecognized option '-lowpass'. This happens with any option that starts with 2 dashes.
You need to use ffmpeg supported options only. You're running ffmpeg but trying to use lame options.

It seems that is incorrect (outdated?). According to ffmpeg -h full, only few options are available. And without two dashes.
The build of ffmpeg I'm using shows even fewer.