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Topic: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy (Read 2766 times) previous topic - next topic
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Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Each rip of my cds is stored in a seperate folder with a folder.jpg and a .cue file (they are .wav files from EAC.)
They all encode nicely to an output folder for each, but I have some CD Albums with 2 or more discs. Each disc is in a sub-folder with its own .wav, .cue and folder.jpg.

when encoding, the output template has no %discnumber% in it, so everything is written to a single folder with the following results;
- the folder.jpg is overwritten. (cuetools pauses and prompts for permission) in a batch encode)
- the cue file from disk 2 overwrites the cue file from disk 1.

So I added %discnumber% into the output template so that each disc has a subfolder for output as well. This solves the problems above, and allows the artwork for each disc to be different. but the output is split across sub-folders. I am wondering if there is a better way? Also is there anyway to have a overall artwork image and then others for each disc?


Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #1
I do something similar with multiple sub-folders but use %totaldiscs% to only do this when there are 2 or more discs
Code: [Select]
$ifgreater($max(%discnumber%,%totaldiscs%),1,\CD%discnumber%[ %discname%],)
[ %discname%] adds the Disc Subtitle Name of the disc if exists

If you want to keep everything in one folder
You could do this to the CUE file
Code: [Select]
\%artist% - %album%$ifgreater($max(%discnumber%,%totaldiscs%),1, - CD%discnumber% of %totaldiscs%,).cue
in this example I get (only when there are 2 or more discs)
Code: [Select]
Artist - Album - CDn of n.CUE[code]

If outputting to one file per track you could play with the filename template.
Code: [Select]
$ifgreater($max(%discnumber%,%totaldiscs%),1,%discnumber%.,)%tracknumber% %title%
would add the %discnumber% to the %tracknumber% (only when there are 2 or more discs)
Code: [Select]
1.01 song.flac
alternatively you can just make %discnumber% conditional
Code: [Select]
[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber% %title%
so it will only be added if exists

If outputting to Image + CUE the filename template could be
Code: [Select]
%filename%$ifgreater($max(%discnumber%,%totaldiscs%),1, - CD%discnumber% of %totaldiscs%,)
Code: [Select]
filename - CDn of n.flac

you can use templates to modify the artwork and/or accurip filename (if necessary)

Only one coverart per CD

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #2
I ended up keeping everything in a single folder and relying on the metadata to organize in player.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #3

Thanks for the suggestions and 'code' snippets....

I'm automatically getting track numbers with the disc number at the beginning somehow.
Not sure what I think / want wrt unique artwork for each disc, but this is driving the multiple folder approach

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #4
Feels like this never really reached a even though it's 120 days old, I'll prod and see what responses  I get...
I have a folder hierarchy of the ripped CDs. They were all ripped with EAC. For historical reasons, each CD was ripped to a .wav file, a .cue file and a log file. Most have folder.jpg. Each CD was ripped to a seperate directory / folder under windows using the naming hierarchy:

while some have
<artist>/<year> - <album>

I want to standardise that naming. The other thing I was to standardise are the rips of albums that have multiple CDs.  For whatever reasons,  I have rips of albums that consist of multiple CDs in a variety of hierarchies:

1. <artist>/<album>/disc <n>/ holding the wav file etc
2. <artist>/<album> with file names of the form: <album> disc x of y.[wav|cue]log] and folder.jpg
3. <artist>/<album disc n>/ holding the wav, cue and log file etc.

Note that these are the inputs to my encoding process which creates separate output folder hierarchies per encoder used.
I want to standardise on one hierarchy layout for the source..  I am inclined to use option 1. It has the advantages of
- easy to have a different folder.jpg per CD.

Any thoughts? recommendations?

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #5
Code: [Select]
<albumartist>/<year> - <album>/CD<discnumber>

I don't like embedded images - and they weren't as compatible with my devices when I tested them - so this way I can have an image per disc (mainly for boxsets) and where I need more than one per disc I'll embed.

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #6
I do folder naming similar to SimBum except I use the 1st code snippet in reply#1 to make CD%discnumber% folder creation conditional to 2 or more CDs in the set.
If you want similar image file naming to EAC for [wav|cue|log] (i.e. get rid of any <album> disc x of y.[wav|cue|log]), try changing %filename% to %artist% - %album% for output and audio filename (single) templates.
To keep existing [supported] tags in CUE file and skip checking database for metadata, untick 'Edit Tags'.

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #7
and what format do you use for track numbers?
disc-track if disc =>2 otherwise just track?

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #8
I just zero pad them e.g. 01

I appreciate that compatibility isn't your goal here (assuming you're sticking with CUE and single WAV) but UPnP requires the track number to be an integer, so if for some reason you did want to include discnumber in the tracknumber "tag" you'd be better off using <discnumber><tracknumber> e.g. 0101.

Re: Any tips or recommendations for handling multi-cd rips / file hierarchy

Reply #9
and what format do you use for track numbers?
disc-track if disc =>2 otherwise just track?
As there is only one CD per folder I just use 2-digit track numbers