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Topic: Visibility news submissions (Read 2833 times) previous topic - next topic
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Visibility news submissions


Just wondering why news submissions don't show up in the recent topics? There seem to be a lot of interesting topics in there that probably aren't important enough to move to validated news, but still interesting enough to discuss.

Not showing up in recent topics seems to result in pretty much no discussion at all for those topics...
Music: sounds arranged such that they construct feelings.

Re: Visibility news submissions

Reply #1
Not showing up in recent topics seems to result in pretty much no discussion at all for those topics...
Case in point:,127110.0.html has no congratulations yet.

Anyway ... "Congratulations!"

Re: Visibility news submissions

Reply #2
Just wondering why news submissions don't show up in the recent topics?
That's a question that needs to be addressed by the Administrators of the forum software.
There seem to be a lot of interesting topics in there that probably aren't important enough to move to validated news
Many topics submitted in News Submissions don't bother to follow the guidelines.