3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_quicksearch
Last post by regor -I have already shown foo_quicksearch can be edited to work properly with quotes. No need to promote other components on this thread.
The optimal solution for me would be that when you find a PNG with the same name as the BIN (or two PNG's with a 1/2 at the end of the name) that PNG overrules the one from within the BIN.Not the easiest solution. Nor efficient. I made that mistake with the INI files. It is painful to track and match files by their file names. Extensions are not proper ways to differentiate files either. Compressed archives can have any amount of garbage in them as well, it is more cases that need to be filtered out leading to lots of defensive programming.
Or allow BIN's to be inside a RAR/ZIP container together with the partly transparent PNG.
This would be the easiest solution imo.
All this work messing around with VU Editor would not be needed and I would not have to create a needle if your software would accept external PNG for background.I won't post the obligatory xkcd comic panel. But this is how we end up with lots of standards and unmaintainable varieties. There has been a working format for many years. Let's try to work within those parameters as much as we can. The juggling of the INI files has taught me that flinging around of file handles and with having yet another variation of packing the data to debug does not lead anywhere fun.
1. Dev is known to remove support at any day and nuke components. (so please stop recommending their components without warning as alternative)