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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_quicksearch
Last post by regor -
Thanks marc for more trolling, not sure what your reply has to do with answering the user's problem. Not even bothering replying your absolutely absurd post (specially when you are talking about a compile of someone else's component which is hosted by me precisely because you delete everything you touch xd).  ::)

I have already shown foo_quicksearch can be edited to work properly with quotes. No need to promote other components on this thread.
Listening Tests / Re: Problem with schnofler's ABC/HR Tool
Last post by Case -
Windows 10 is not the problem. I'm unfortunately not familiar enough with Java to willingly spend more time to figure out what you might possibly have done to trigger the error. Something is NULL which causes exception message to also be NULL.
For reference the tool works fine even on Windows 11 using a Java from I tested on a machine that was already using JRE 17 LTS for Ubiquiti.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_outinfo
Last post by Case -
The component gives you access to new titleformat fields. You decide where and how to show the information, and you can show it anywhere you can use custom titleformatted text.
Best place out of the box is the player status bar. To use that, navigate to Preferences -> Display -> Default User Interface, and add the fields you want to the status bar string.
If you use Columns UI instead of Default UI, status bar titleformat string is on page Preferences -> Display - Columns UI -> Status bar.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
The optimal solution for me would be that when you find a PNG with the same name as the BIN (or two PNG's with a 1/2 at the end of the name) that PNG overrules the one from within the BIN.
Or allow BIN's to be inside a RAR/ZIP container together with the partly transparent PNG.

This would be the easiest solution imo.
Not the easiest solution. Nor efficient. I made that mistake with the INI files. It is painful to track and match files by their file names. Extensions are not proper ways to differentiate files either. Compressed archives can have any amount of garbage in them as well, it is more cases that need to be filtered out leading to lots of defensive programming.

In addition, the separate-PNG alternative doesn't solve the issue. Several reasons:
  • You're assuming simply providing the transparent base image "just works" without fixing the pin/needle and led/lamp deltas as well. This is very, very, very untrue.
  • A PNG generally does not include the "glass" that you find composited into the base by VUEditor.
  • Adding it to an archive or having it side-by-side with the BIN is duplicating data. It is inefficient. Plus, PNG uses DEFLATE, archiving it with another compression scheme (or DEFLATE again) is also redundant.
  • The program still must read the entire BIN file into memory because it contains large amounts of data besides the base image pixel array.
  • The PNG pixel array is top-down whereas the BMP pixel array is bottom-up in file form.
  • For transparency, need to use premultiplied alpha and not straight alpha. This has its own complications when applying the deltas. For example, dark backgrounds appear OK, but light ones bleed through and look very broken.

My suggestion:
  • Uncompress the single-side BIN file.
  • Use ImageMagick to convert the PNG base image to BMP. Generates a V5 bitmap whose pixel array is bottom-up but with proper alpha. Example: magick.exe base.png output.bmp
  • Substitute the BMP pixel array into the uncompressed BIN file. Also bitwise-OR 0x80 into the 7th byte (starting from 0) if the bitmap array has alpha and is top-down or 0xc0 if the bitmap array has alpha but the array is kept unrotated in the bottom-up order.
  • Recompress the BIN file, preferably using BZIP2 since LZMA is hard to identify as it does not have a magic number.
  • If you want to do the "right" side meter, repeat the steps and concatenate the compressed BIN files together.

This can easily be accomplished with Python or any other similar scripting language, be made generally-applicable.

All this work messing around with VU Editor would not be needed and I would not have to create a needle if your software would accept external PNG for background.
I won't post the obligatory xkcd comic panel. But this is how we end up with lots of standards and unmaintainable varieties. There has been a working format for many years. Let's try to work within those parameters as much as we can. The juggling of the INI files has taught me that flinging around of file handles and with having yet another variation of packing the data to debug does not lead anywhere fun.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_quicksearch
Last post by marc2k3 -
1. Dev is known to remove support at any day and nuke components. (so please stop recommending their components without warning as alternative)

Meanwhile.... you're continuing to use and promote components posted by me. This gif clearly illustrates that...,124385.msg1057830.html#msg1057830

And visiting the download page for your script is also hosting my compile...

For any comment about my reliability to stick, you would not touch anything I've done but you can't help yourself. You're just making yourself look more of a dick every time you post.