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Topic: foobar2000 v1.0: discussion (Read 175752 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #75
.... Keep up this perfect work.

Yes, Peter, thanks a lot. And not just him, but thanks to all the cooperating devs of fb2k AND the components.

But whenever I hit a milestone, I want to see the next one. However, in this case, I don't see it. Actually, if fb2k just happens to be so perfect (which I think it is), is there anything that comes to your mind an AUDIO player should do? I am out of the ideas. Is THIS the end of foobar2000?

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #76

I am curios to know if from now every major release will inrease the first digit of version number. The final is called 1.0 and not 1.0.0: Does that mean anything at all?

Does this mean that developers could write full featured components like CUI components??

I would to say please to the component developers outside to repect the spirit of the DefaultUi: So please don't add preferences for custom colors but respect the global ones, if you create a selection viewer take the global setting, keep components simple and clean, ...

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #77
just to say another time:

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #78
1.0 works like a charm. But so did all the previous versions. 
Thanks for putting all the time and effort into this awesome piece of software.

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #79
small step for peter and a great step for the humanity, congratulations!

not only that we got a great player, we are about to get a lot more new and updated plugins for it. this just can't get any better!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #80
Congratulations to the 1.0 release and many thanks to all who made it happen!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #81
thanks a lot...been using foobar since 2004

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #82
Congrats to Peter and the foobar2000 team.  Using v1.0 right now and its flawless.  Love it guys.  You should all be proud of your accomplishments.
foobar2000, FLAC, and qAAC -V90
It just works people!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #83
Thanks to all the people who made this player what it is... The best audio player by far!

Even with your old school version naming you arrived at 1.0 (others would have probably been at version 27.1! Congratulations!

"Stop making me older, start making me new"

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #84
Will I lose my settings and my foobar layout if I update?

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #86
My honest Respect and Thanks for this wonderful Program.

Thank You


foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #87
Don't post here often, don't read here often, but just wanted to pop my head round the door and tip my hat to Peter. Thanks for such a great piece of software fella!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #88
congrats for v1.0! TOP!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #89
Congratulations and thanks!

Foobar makes listening to music more enjoyable .

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #90
Thanks for this great new version!
One question: Where can I find the changes since 1.0 beta 6?

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #91
Many thanks to all the foobar2000 devs and of course Peter.

By far the best audio software player ever 

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #92
Getting the line of "thanks". 1.0, its been a long time coming, and I am happy that you feel the software is ready for a non decimal-only release. Kudos!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #94
In the ID code, v1.0 reads as "10" (without the dot) - so why not renaming foobar2000 to foobar2010 instead?

Congrats to all developers making this fantastic player possible! 

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #95
A very big thanks to Peter and the whole foobar2000 community for a brilliant product made available for everyone. (Everyone meaning that everyone can afford it. as opposed to being able to use it - Apples & Linux e.t.c.)

Thanks so much

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #96
I'm not one who gives a lot of credence to version numbers and such, but a milestone's a milestone, and at the end of the day, foobar2000 is an impressive piece of software of which everyone involved with its development, especially Peter, should be damned proud.

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #97
congrats and thanks for all your hard work.
its been a fun ride to v1.0!

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #98
I would to say please to the component developers outside to repect the spirit of the DefaultUi: So please don't add preferences for custom colors but respect the global ones, if you create a selection viewer take the global setting, keep components simple and clean, ...

My components use the global colors by default and provides the ability to override a global color individually per instance. My experience is that it's very hard to get a pleasing and consistent look for all the different permutations of global colors. It's almost essential to provide the ability to override some in order to get a pleasing look.
To quote the movie Clerks: "The best of two worlds."
Stay sane, exile.

foobar2000 v1.0: discussion

Reply #99
Where can I find the changes since 1.0 beta 6?

Friendly mr bb10 has kept quite accurate list of changes on


I see one change in v1.0 is "Separated ID3v2 padding on/off from ID3v2 compatibility mode switch."
I see indeed, that an extra switch appears in the advanced preferences. As I always use the compatibility mode switch to enable correct tagging for my Nokia N95, I'm wondering if padding was enabled or disabled before. I guess it was enabled if the compatibility switch was off, and it was disabled if the compatibility switch was on?