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Topic: Developer Tutorials (Read 148810 times) previous topic - next topic
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Developer Tutorials

Reply #25
I managed to compile SDK, and SDK helpers, but i have errors compiling step1:
Code: [Select]
step1.obj : error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu __imp__RegisterClassW@4 référencé dans la fonction "public: struct HWND__ * __thiscall window_tutorial1::create(struct HWND__ *)" (?create@window_tutorial1@@QAEPAUHWND__@@PAU2@@Z)
step1.obj : error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu __imp__LoadCursorW@8 référencé dans la fonction "public: struct HWND__ * __thiscall window_tutorial1::create(struct HWND__ *)" (?create@window_tutorial1@@QAEPAUHWND__@@PAU2@@Z)


foobar2000_sdk_helpers.lib(window_placement_helper.obj) : error LNK2001: symbole externe non résolu __imp__IsWindow@4
foobar2000_sdk_helpers.lib(window_placement_helper.obj) : error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu __imp__GetWindowPlacement@8 référencé dans la fonction "public: bool __thiscall cfg_window_placement::read_from_window(struct HWND__ *)" (?read_from_window@cfg_window_placement@@QAE_NPAUHWND__@@@Z)

Developer Tutorials

Reply #26
The missing functions are from the Win32 API. Do you use Visual C++ 2005 Express? If so, you should check that the Windows SDK (previously called Microsoft Platform SDK) is installed correctly, specifically that the library directory is set up correctly in the IDE.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #27
you're right, i've forget to modify a file

Developer Tutorials

Reply #28
I've updated the DSP tutorial. It now compiles with the latest foobar2000 SDK. There is still a warning message about a deprecated dialog helper class from the SDK, I plan to get rid of that in the next version.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #29
Nevermind. Found what I was looking for 

Developer Tutorials

Reply #30
Hey guys,

Maybe this is a really newbie question but here it goes.

I compiled and tested the tutorial component but is there an easier way of making modifications to it other than:

1. Modify
2. Compile
3. Close foobar
4. Copy .dll to components folder
5. Open foobar
6. Try




Developer Tutorials

Reply #31
Set output target directory to ...\foobar2000\components directly, or add a post-build step to copy it there, and set ...\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe as debugged process in project properties. Just hit F5 (Run) to do everything automagically each time after that.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #32
Set output target directory to ...\foobar2000\components directly, or add a post-build step to copy it there, and set ...\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe as debugged process in project properties. Just hit F5 (Run) to do everything automagically each time after that.

Thanks Yirkha, I'll try that ...


Developer Tutorials

Reply #33
I've updated the DSP tutorial. There was an old bug in the dsp_tutorial_nopreset::flush() method.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #34
I'm a new on this part. Recently, I want to have a look of the development process.
I have download and installed,
-VC 2005
-Windows platform SDK

And get But when I unzip it, I can not find the "SDK-test" solution file.
Is there anything wrong?

Developer Tutorials

Reply #35
No, the .sln file is just not bundled with this version. Create a solution yourself and add all the projects (search for *.vcproj).
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #36
Thanks Yirkha!
I have another problem,
Is there any method to debug the project?
How can I see the value/state of a parameter?

Developer Tutorials

Reply #37
Yes, see this (but note it's old, it might fairly outdated in some other regards).
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #38
Hi Foobares  . As i'm new here and really addicted to contribute into the devolepment of foobar, i was wandering if one momber of the commity could tell me what EDI we should install (microsoft visual 6, 2003, 2005 or later ) and others related staff !!

Thank you 

Developer Tutorials

Reply #39
well, i downloaded MVS C++ Express edition 2008. and i tried to compile the foobar project but when compiling it told me to specify the name of the exec to use. COuld some one tell me or give a tuto or a little help to surpass this nooby handicap.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #40
I have been developing a plugin that I finally got to a point where I would like to share it but when I switch the configuration over from debug to release in visual studio 2010, I get numerous errors for my project along the lines of "error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL':".  All of the separate components for the SDK compile fine in release mode, it is only when I try to make a component dll that I get these errors.  I have tried doing the same for the sample projects mentioned here and I get the same errors.  Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas about how I should go about fixing this?

Developer Tutorials

Reply #41
You have part of the projects build with debug and part with release configurations. Make sure your Release configuration reference Release .libs of other components, that you don't force /D_DEBUG options for compiler even in Release configuration etc.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #42
Thanks Yirkha.  For some reason when I was switching over to release, some of the projects were switching over to the Multi-Thread libraries and some to the Multi-Thread DLL libraries.  Just switched them all to the Multi-Thread and it worked fine.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #43
I have seemingly successfully compiled the general component tutorial, and loaded it into foobar:
but when I start foobar (v1.1.1) I can't see the component's main menu item.  The component is visible in the components list and can display it's simple about form.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #44
Nevermind my last post, I was incorrectly looking for a preferences dialog, not a link under the view menu where I should have been looking.

Developer Tutorials

Reply #45
the link seems to be broken to download the General Component Tutorial.

Re: Developer Tutorials

Reply #48
So, If I read all of this documentation I will be able to do a component from the scratch? If not, where can I look for that?
Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: Developer Tutorials

Reply #49
I want to read REM DISCNUMBER of cue file