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Topic: foo_cwb_hooks (Read 312185 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #125
If someone could help me please..  How would one use %cwb_activelist_duration% & cwb_hms() converts a time in seconds into hh:mm:ss (Together to make a tracklist into Hours minutes & seconds)??



Reply #126
If someone could help me please..  How would one use %cwb_activelist_duration% & cwb_hms() converts a time in seconds into hh:mm:ss (Together to make a tracklist into Hours minutes & seconds)??

Code: [Select]

Works for me, i don't know why it would not for you


Reply #127
Thanks  It works until you add or remove songs & the time stays the same.  Does it need to use --> refresh cwb_next_* on playlist operations (reorder,add,remove) in any way??



Reply #129
Come on, do some reading for you self, we're not your library.


Reply #130
I searched the threads and could not find the code for this.  I want to convert the value displayed in seconds for %cwb_playinglist_duration% to days:minutes:seconds in a simlar fashion to the way playlist dropdown displays this data.  Anyone know of the appropriate code?


Reply #132

%cwb_playlist%, %cwb_playlist_count% and %cwb_playlist_duration%.  I am writing the code to display certain playlist info with trackinfo mod.  However, I want to display the item count for particular playlist which may or may not be active or playing.  As such, these hooks would make it possible.  The user could define the name for %cwb_playlist%, and the other two variables could automatically store the count and duration for the user defined playlist.


Reply #133
Would it be possible that the %cwb_next*% variables show the right next fields even when playback order is shuffle (track, directory, album)?
By now it shows false next fields and have to be sorted out.
The same with order: repeat


Reply #134
Would it be possible that the %cwb_next*% variables show the right next fields even when playback order is shuffle (track, directory, album)?

No, not really.

But with %cwb_playback_order% you can test to see what the playback order is and not use %cwb_next_*% if its not really going to work.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #135
Would it be possible to add something like %cwb_audioscrobbler% to check if foo_audioscrobbler has submitted a track or not?

%cwb_audioscrobbler% = 0, when false
%cwb_audioscrobbler% = 1, when true


Reply #136
Would it be possible to add something like %cwb_audioscrobbler% to check if foo_audioscrobbler has submitted a track or not?

%cwb_audioscrobbler% = 0, when false
%cwb_audioscrobbler% = 1, when true

No, that should be done in foo_audioscrobbler.
There used to be a link to my website here.



Reply #137
New version, should help somewhat with the lag issues in foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.

= Version 1.0.12 =
  *  $cwb_wdhms() - weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds
    * $cwb_splitnum() - converts "12345678" to "12 345 678". optional second paramater can be delimiter (i.e. comma for comma separated)
    * reduced callback notifications by posting one message for some items rather than all variables (cwb_next rather than cwb_next_title, cwb_next_artist, etc)
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #138
New version, should help somewhat with the lag issues in foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.


= Version 1.0.12 =
  *  $cwb_wdhms() - weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds
    * $cwb_splitnum() - converts "12345678" to "12 345 678". optional second paramater can be delimiter (i.e. comma for comma separated)
    * reduced callback notifications by posting one message for some items rather than all variables (cwb_next rather than cwb_next_title, cwb_next_artist, etc)

Thanks for the update,it acts better but still lags.
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB


Reply #139
Don't see this on the request list and IIRC no one has requested this here yet. Could you add this feature if possible which users can add their own variables and define it like the way we can use global varibables in ColumnUI, global variables in ColumnUI are limited to ColumnUI and its extensions only.


Reply #140
After reading 6 pages & the Wiki I can't seem to find the answer to this question. Can you change the way %cwb_systemdate% shows year, month, date into the reverse?



Reply #141
After reading 6 pages & the Wiki I can't seem to find the answer to this question. Can you change the way %cwb_systemdate% shows year, month, date into the reverse?

No, but you could use $substr() to split it up yourself.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #142
Code: [Select]


Reply #143

I use following function to arrange systemdate for my needs:
Code: [Select]

Returns substring of string s, starting from m-th character and ending at n-th character.

DD.MM.YYYY would be
Code: [Select]
// DAY

edit: hehe, quick guys here


Reply #144
A function that i would really need does similar like $meta_sep(Tag,s1,s2) but would sort the multiple tags by alphabet.


Reply #145
Since we are all making requests I'd like to throw one in..

How about a function like maybe $cwb_filename(x) that will do:
Code: [Select]

Returning string x stripped of \,/,:,*,?,",<,>,| which are the characters windows reports as invalid for filenames. IMO it would be very useful when using tags for albumart or other filename functions.

EDIT: Or perhaps add a second parameter which woudl determine what character to replace those with.


Reply #146
= Release 1.0.13 =
* added preferences option to turn on/off notifications.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #147
After reading 6 pages & the Wiki I can't seem to find the answer to this question. Can you change the way %cwb_systemdate% shows year, month, date into the reverse?
No, but you could use $substr() to split it up yourself.
Besides YYYY-MM-DD is ISO 8601 standard.


Reply #148
= Release 1.0.13 =
* added preferences option to turn on/off notifications.

Thank you very much!It completely solves the problem of high cpu usage!Great plugin,thanks again!
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB


Reply #149
I do not know if it's your plugins mistake, or trackinfo_mod panels:

When I update a playlist, e.g. with foo_playlist_bind, %cwb_activelist_count% does not refresh. It does refresh if I go to another playlist and then return.

Can you fix that or ist it the trackinfo_mods job? BTW, I have notifications turned on.