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Topic: foo_bubble_coverflow (Read 436540 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #400
hmm, did you already try changing the preferences? (right click into black are of the coverflow panel -> preferences).

however, the plugin does not work flawlessly for me ,too, there are several bugs/errors in its source code.
that's the reason i've decided to start from scratch for my own coverflow plugin

when i enter prefrences and try to check mipmaps, foobar crash after hiting ok/apply button with this:

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 695883D0h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 0B7E7000h

Call path:

Code bytes (695883D0h):
69588390h:  04 83 EE 01 D9 59 F8 DD D8 0F 85 61 FF FF FF 5B
695883B0h:  8B 44 24 0C 8B 4C 24 04 8B 54 24 10 03 C8 85 D2
695883C0h:  76 60 8B 44 24 08 57 EB 07 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00
695883D0h:  0F B6 79 02 89 7C 24 10 83 C0 10 83 C1 03 83 EA
695883E0h:  01 DB 44 24 10 D8 0D 88 6C A7 69 D9 58 F0 0F B6
695883F0h:  79 FE 89 7C 24 10 DB 44 24 10 D8 0D 88 6C A7 69
69588400h:  D9 58 F4 0F B6 79 FD 89 7C 24 10 C7 40 FC 00 00

Stack (001298B0h):
00129890h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001298A0h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001298B0h:  0000066F 695322EF 0B7E6CB0 06FAB078
001298C0h:  00000000 0000066F 0000000B 06ECCAB0
001298D0h:  0000066F 000005C6 000005C6 00000000
001298E0h:  6955AEA0 00001350 00000CDE 0000000B
001298F0h:  0000066F 00000000 0B7F0020 695304D1
00129900h:  695883B0 00000001 00000000 0B0F0020
00129910h:  00000000 0000000F 00000004 04D77AB8
00129920h:  06FC09D8 00000000 06E33510 06ECCAB0
00129930h:  0012996C 00000000 0000000A 00000000
00129940h:  0000000B 0000024C 0000000F 0000000A
00129950h:  695394CA 04D77AB8 0000066F 00000501
00129960h:  00000007 00000031 00000000 00000000
00129970h:  0B0F0020 00000000 00000000 00000007
00129980h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 030107A8
00129990h:  03010000 04CCEA10 00129988 001299D0
001299A0h:  00129BCC 001299D8 03010000 7C910222
001299B0h:  00000011 030109B8 03010000 06FC09D8
001299C0h:  001299B0 7C9100C4 00129BF4 7C90E920

EAX: 06FAC218, EBX: 0BC93CF6, ECX: 0B7E6FFE, EDX: 00000555
ESI: 0B7E6CB0, EDI: 00000000, EBP: 04D77AB8, ESP: 001298B0

Crash location:
Module: atioglxx
Offset: 5583D0h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 005B9000h
ntdll                            loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B1000h
kernel32                        loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F6000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 773C0000h - 774C3000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77C00000h - 77C58000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77DC0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 77E70000h - 77F02000h
Secur32                          loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
GDI32                            loaded at 77F10000h - 77F59000h
USER32                          loaded at 7E360000h - 7E3F1000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 73ED0000h - 73F2C000h
ole32                            loaded at 774D0000h - 7760D000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77BF0000h - 77BF8000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76B30000h - 76B5D000h
UxTheme                          loaded at 5B250000h - 5B288000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D8000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002B000h
imagehlp                        loaded at 76C80000h - 76CA8000h
dbghelp                          loaded at 59C50000h - 59CF1000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 76390000h - 763D9000h
IMM32                            loaded at 76370000h - 7638D000h
LPK                              loaded at 62EF0000h - 62EF9000h
USP10                            loaded at 75550000h - 755BB000h
guard32                          loaded at 00AA0000h - 00ACA000h
fltlib                          loaded at 4DD60000h - 4DD68000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 76C20000h - 76C4E000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 77A70000h - 77B06000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 77B10000h - 77B22000h
wdmaud                          loaded at 72CE0000h - 72CE9000h
msacm32                          loaded at 72CD0000h - 72CD8000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BE5000h
midimap                          loaded at 77BC0000h - 77BC7000h
msctfime                        loaded at 751A0000h - 751CE000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 00F60000h - 00FB0000h
foo_textdisplay                  loaded at 00FD0000h - 0100F000h
foo_ac3                          loaded at 01030000h - 0105B000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 01080000h - 0118E000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 4EBE0000h - 4ED8B000h
MSIMG32                          loaded at 76360000h - 76365000h
foo_skype                        loaded at 011B0000h - 011CE000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 011E0000h - 0124C000h
foo_audioscrobbler              loaded at 01270000h - 012A1000h
foo_fileops                      loaded at 012D0000h - 01318000h
foo_facets                      loaded at 013C0000h - 01441000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77110000h - 7719B000h
foo_uie_biography                loaded at 01450000h - 014A1000h
foo_channel_mixer                loaded at 014B0000h - 014EA000h
foo_vis_shpeck                  loaded at 014F0000h - 01531000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 01540000h - 015B0000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 015D0000h - 01612000h
foo_popupplus                    loaded at 01640000h - 016D7000h
RICHED20                        loaded at 74E00000h - 74E6D000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 01700000h - 0184D000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 01870000h - 018B9000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 018E0000h - 0190F000h
foo_run                          loaded at 01930000h - 0195D000h
foo_input_monkey                loaded at 01980000h - 019C8000h
foo_lyricsgrabber                loaded at 019F0000h - 01A55000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 71A90000h - 71AA7000h
WS2HELP                          loaded at 71A80000h - 71A88000h
foo_wave_seekbar                loaded at 01A80000h - 01BF8000h
foo_bubble_coverflow            loaded at 01C20000h - 01C71000h
OPENGL32                        loaded at 5F210000h - 5F2DC000h
GLU32                            loaded at 61AE0000h - 61B01000h
DDRAW                            loaded at 73720000h - 7376B000h
DCIMAN32                        loaded at 73B80000h - 73B86000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 02AA0000h - 02AED000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 02B10000h - 02B40000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 02B60000h - 02BAF000h
foo_grabber_python              loaded at 02BD0000h - 02C27000h
python25                        loaded at 1E000000h - 1E208000h
MSVCR71                          loaded at 7C340000h - 7C396000h
atioglxx                        loaded at 69030000h - 69BCD000h
atiadlxx                        loaded at 03020000h - 0303F000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77910000h - 77A04000h
MSVCR80                          loaded at 78130000h - 781CB000h
CLBCATQ                          loaded at 76FC0000h - 7703F000h
COMRes                          loaded at 77040000h - 77109000h
xpsp2res                        loaded at 07E00000h - 080CC000h
_socket                          loaded at 07650000h - 0765D000h
KsUser                          loaded at 73EA0000h - 73EA4000h
imon                            loaded at 20B00000h - 20B4B000h
WSOCK32                          loaded at 71AB0000h - 71ABA000h
pr_imon                          loaded at 20C00000h - 20C0C000h
mswsock                          loaded at 71A30000h - 71A70000h
hnetcfg                          loaded at 0A990000h - 0A9E8000h
wship6                          loaded at 58EF0000h - 58EF7000h
DNSAPI                          loaded at 76F10000h - 76F37000h
rasadhlp                        loaded at 76FB0000h - 76FB6000h
wshtcpip                        loaded at 71A70000h - 71A78000h
SXS                              loaded at 7E690000h - 7E740000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 695322EFh (atioglxx+5022EFh)
Address: 6955AEA0h (atioglxx+52AEA0h)
Address: 695304D1h (atioglxx+5004D1h)
Address: 695883B0h (atioglxx+5583B0h)
Address: 695394CAh (atioglxx+5094CAh)
Address: 7C910222h (ntdll+10222h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+15Eh)
Address: 7C9100C4h (ntdll+100C4h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 7C90E920h (ntdll+E920h), symbol: "strchr" (+113h)
Address: 7C910228h (ntdll+10228h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+164h)
Address: 7C910222h (ntdll+10222h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+15Eh)
Address: 7C91019Bh (ntdll+1019Bh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+D7h)
Address: 7C9101DBh (ntdll+101DBh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+117h)
Address: 7C9100C4h (ntdll+100C4h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 69539539h (atioglxx+509539h)
Address: 695376A1h (atioglxx+5076A1h)
Address: 7C91A4D5h (ntdll+1A4D5h), symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+935h)
Address: 7C91A45Eh (ntdll+1A45Eh), symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+8BEh)
Address: 7C9109BAh (ntdll+109BAh), symbol: "wcsncpy" (+43Bh)
Address: 7C910981h (ntdll+10981h), symbol: "wcsncpy" (+402h)
Address: 7C91005Dh (ntdll+1005Dh), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+130h)
Address: 694F0FD6h (atioglxx+4C0FD6h)
Address: 694F4A8Bh (atioglxx+4C4A8Bh)
Address: 694F49BDh (atioglxx+4C49BDh)
Address: 695345E0h (atioglxx+5045E0h)
Address: 694EEADFh (atioglxx+4BEADFh)
Address: 03020100h (atiadlxx+100h)
Address: 6952E9CAh (atioglxx+4FE9CAh)
Address: 694F15A5h (atioglxx+4C15A5h)
Address: 694F4838h (atioglxx+4C4838h)
Address: 03020100h (atiadlxx+100h)
Address: 69503678h (atioglxx+4D3678h)
Address: 69503800h (atioglxx+4D3800h)
Address: 6919AFE2h (atioglxx+16AFE2h)
Address: 5F214078h (OPENGL32+4078h), symbol: "glTexParameteri" (+0h)
Address: 69495233h (atioglxx+465233h)
Address: 5F2132ECh (OPENGL32+32ECh), symbol: "glTexImage2D" (+2Ch)
Address: 01C2DF06h (foo_bubble_coverflow+DF06h)
Address: 01C2DB55h (foo_bubble_coverflow+DB55h)
Address: 01C28A52h (foo_bubble_coverflow+8A52h)
Address: 01C27CD7h (foo_bubble_coverflow+7CD7h)
Address: 69736544h (atioglxx+706544h)
Address: 01C5298Ch (foo_bubble_coverflow+3298Ch)
Address: 01C29700h (foo_bubble_coverflow+9700h)
Address: 01C4F470h (foo_bubble_coverflow+2F470h)
Address: 01C28306h (foo_bubble_coverflow+8306h)
Address: 0051692Fh (foobar2000+11692Fh)
Address: 004CA2F1h (foobar2000+CA2F1h)
Address: 004CA2C1h (foobar2000+CA2C1h)
Address: 004C9FDFh (foobar2000+C9FDFh)
Address: 01C4F540h (foo_bubble_coverflow+2F540h)
Address: 01C2877Fh (foo_bubble_coverflow+877Fh)
Address: 10006D7Bh (shared+6D7Bh), symbol: "uGetDlgItemText" (+18h)
Address: 01C4F58Bh (foo_bubble_coverflow+2F58Bh)
Address: 01C223DBh (foo_bubble_coverflow+23DBh)
Address: 0057A960h (foobar2000+17A960h)
Address: 01000014h (foo_textdisplay+30014h)
Address: 01C52970h (foo_bubble_coverflow+32970h)
Address: 7C9100B8h (ntdll+100B8h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+18Bh)
Address: 7C910041h (ntdll+10041h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+114h)
Address: 7C91005Dh (ntdll+1005Dh), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+130h)
Address: 7C912D80h (ntdll+12D80h), symbol: "LdrUnlockLoaderLock" (+67h)
Address: 7C912D78h (ntdll+12D78h), symbol: "LdrUnlockLoaderLock" (+5Fh)
Address: 7C91690Eh (ntdll+1690Eh), symbol: "LdrGetDllHandleEx" (+24Dh)
Address: 7C9168D6h (ntdll+168D6h), symbol: "LdrGetDllHandleEx" (+215h)
Address: 7C97EEC8h (ntdll+7EEC8h)
Address: 7C97EEC8h (ntdll+7EEC8h)
Address: 7C90F65Ch (ntdll+F65Ch), symbol: "RtlNtStatusToDosError" (+2Fh)
Address: 7C90F661h (ntdll+F661h), symbol: "RtlNtStatusToDosError" (+34h)
Address: 76383C0Ch (IMM32+13C0Ch), symbol: "CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled" (+36Bh)
Address: 76386020h (IMM32+16020h)
Address: 76383C1Ah (IMM32+13C1Ah), symbol: "CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled" (+379h)
Address: 7C809430h (kernel32+9430h), symbol: "GetTickCount" (+E6h)
Address: 7C90F65Ch (ntdll+F65Ch), symbol: "RtlNtStatusToDosError" (+2Fh)
Address: 7C90F661h (ntdll+F661h), symbol: "RtlNtStatusToDosError" (+34h)
Address: 7C90E920h (ntdll+E920h), symbol: "strchr" (+113h)
Address: 7C809430h (kernel32+9430h), symbol: "GetTickCount" (+E6h)
Address: 7C80E772h (kernel32+E772h), symbol: "GetModuleHandleW" (+295h)
Address: 7C80E6CBh (kernel32+E6CBh), symbol: "GetModuleHandleW" (+1EEh)
Address: 751C8248h (msctfime+28248h)
Address: 77F193E4h (GDI32+93E4h), symbol: "CreateFontIndirectW" (+46h)
Address: 77F193ECh (GDI32+93ECh), symbol: "CreateFontIndirectW" (+4Eh)
Address: 77F19320h (GDI32+9320h), symbol: "CreateFontIndirectExW" (+84h)
Address: 77F192FBh (GDI32+92FBh), symbol: "CreateFontIndirectExW" (+5Fh)
Address: 77F16BFAh (GDI32+6BFAh), symbol: "DeleteObject" (+0h)
Address: 77F193E4h (GDI32+93E4h), symbol: "CreateFontIndirectW" (+46h)
Address: 77F193ECh (GDI32+93ECh), symbol: "CreateFontIndirectW" (+4Eh)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 7E3688D1h (USER32+88D1h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Bh)
Address: 7E3688DAh (USER32+88DAh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+34h)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 77440B01h (COMCTL32+80B01h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+530Eh)
Address: 7C913293h (ntdll+13293h), symbol: "RtlUnlockHeap" (+20h)
Address: 7C9132AFh (ntdll+132AFh), symbol: "RtlUnlockHeap" (+3Ch)
Address: 7C913293h (ntdll+13293h), symbol: "RtlUnlockHeap" (+20h)
Address: 7C9132AFh (ntdll+132AFh), symbol: "RtlUnlockHeap" (+3Ch)
Address: 7C832F59h (kernel32+32F59h), symbol: "LocalUnlock" (+78h)
Address: 7C832F61h (kernel32+32F61h), symbol: "LocalUnlock" (+80h)
Address: 7E36945Dh (USER32+945Dh), symbol: "GetWindowLongA" (+0h)
Address: 763799B3h (IMM32+99B3h), symbol: "ImmGetIMCCSize" (+87h)
Address: 76379B35h (IMM32+9B35h), symbol: "ImmUnlockClientImc" (+13h)
Address: 76379F76h (IMM32+9F76h), symbol: "ImmUnlockIMC" (+31h)
Address: 751A7184h (msctfime+7184h)
Address: 00530919h (foobar2000+130919h)
Address: 751A4458h (msctfime+4458h)
Address: 00530919h (foobar2000+130919h)
Address: 751B4078h (msctfime+14078h), symbol: "CtfImeDispatchDefImeMessage" (+860h)
Address: 751A142Ch (msctfime+142Ch)
Address: 00530919h (foobar2000+130919h)
Address: 751A1438h (msctfime+1438h)
Address: 751B41E6h (msctfime+141E6h), symbol: "CtfImeDispatchDefImeMessage" (+9CEh)
Address: 751B912Ah (msctfime+1912Ah), symbol: "UIWndProc" (+0h)
Address: 751B912Ah (msctfime+1912Ah), symbol: "UIWndProc" (+0h)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 751B912Ah (msctfime+1912Ah), symbol: "UIWndProc" (+0h)
Address: 77F18122h (GDI32+8122h), symbol: "ExtTextOutW" (+9Ch)
Address: 755A08D2h (USP10+508D2h)
Address: 755A0B5Ch (USP10+50B5Ch)
Address: 755A0250h (USP10+50250h)
Address: 755A04D8h (USP10+504D8h)
Address: 7C9032BCh (ntdll+32BCh), symbol: "RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger" (+7Eh)
Address: 75584712h (USP10+34712h)
Address: 755A08D2h (USP10+508D2h)
Address: 755A0B5Ch (USP10+50B5Ch)
Address: 755631ADh (USP10+131ADh), symbol: "ScriptTextOut" (+178h)
Address: 755A04D8h (USP10+504D8h)
Address: 755A08D2h (USP10+508D2h)
Address: 755A0B5Ch (USP10+50B5Ch)
Address: 755A0D90h (USP10+50D90h)
Address: 755A0250h (USP10+50250h)
Address: 755A04D8h (USP10+504D8h)
Address: 755A04D8h (USP10+504D8h)
Address: 7556D28Dh (USP10+1D28Dh), symbol: "ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution" (+861Bh)
Address: 755A04D8h (USP10+504D8h)
Address: 755A08D2h (USP10+508D2h)
Address: 755A0B5Ch (USP10+50B5Ch)
Address: 755A0D90h (USP10+50D90h)
Address: 755A0250h (USP10+50250h)
Address: 755A0250h (USP10+50250h)
Address: 7556DDF5h (USP10+1DDF5h), symbol: "ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution" (+9183h)
Address: 755649E4h (USP10+149E4h), symbol: "ScriptIsComplex" (+36h)
Address: 75564A0Ah (USP10+14A0Ah), symbol: "ScriptIsComplex" (+5Ch)
Address: 7E379083h (USER32+19083h), symbol: "OffsetRect" (+72h)
Address: 7E3790A8h (USER32+190A8h), symbol: "GetClientRect" (+1Ah)
Address: 77400437h (COMCTL32+40437h), symbol: "Ordinal384" (+24587h)
Address: 7C910222h (ntdll+10222h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+15Eh)
Address: 7C90E920h (ntdll+E920h), symbol: "strchr" (+113h)
Address: 7C910228h (ntdll+10228h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+164h)
Address: 7C910222h (ntdll+10222h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+15Eh)
Address: 7C91019Bh (ntdll+1019Bh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+D7h)
Address: 7C9101DBh (ntdll+101DBh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+117h)
Address: 77403303h (COMCTL32+43303h), symbol: "Ordinal384" (+27453h)
Address: 62EF322Ch (LPK+322Ch), symbol: "LpkExtTextOut" (+29h)
Address: 7E368734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 7E3688D1h (USER32+88D1h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Bh)
Address: 7E3688DAh (USER32+88DAh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+34h)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 7E36882Ah (USER32+882Ah), symbol: "GetDC" (+163h)
Address: 7E39048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E3688E0h (USER32+88E0h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+3Ah)
Address: 7E3688DAh (USER32+88DAh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+34h)
Address: 77440384h (COMCTL32+80384h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B91h)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 774411DEh (COMCTL32+811DEh), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+59EBh)
Address: 7740A85Dh (COMCTL32+4A85Dh), symbol: "Ordinal384" (+2E9ADh)
Address: 7E39048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E368830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E36882Ah (USER32+882Ah), symbol: "GetDC" (+163h)
Address: 7E37927Bh (USER32+1927Bh), symbol: "GetParent" (+16Ch)
Address: 77403303h (COMCTL32+43303h), symbol: "Ordinal384" (+27453h)
Address: 7E3792E3h (USER32+192E3h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+49h)
Address: 7742B2BDh (COMCTL32+6B2BDh), symbol: "Ordinal384" (+4F40Dh)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 7E368BD9h (USER32+8BD9h), symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+159h)
Address: 7E36885Ah (USER32+885Ah), symbol: "GetDC" (+193h)
Address: 7C90E920h (ntdll+E920h), symbol: "strchr" (+113h)
Address: 7C9101E0h (ntdll+101E0h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+11Ch)
Address: 7C9101DBh (ntdll+101DBh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+117h)
Address: 00AA223Dh (guard32+223Dh)
Address: 7C809A7Fh (kernel32+9A7Fh), symbol: "LocalAlloc" (+52h)
Address: 7C809A90h (kernel32+9A90h), symbol: "LocalAlloc" (+63h)
Address: 77440350h (COMCTL32+80350h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 7C809AD6h (kernel32+9AD6h), symbol: "lstrlenW" (+2Dh)
Address: 773CD6A4h (COMCTL32+D6A4h), symbol: "CreateStatusWindowA" (+3F8h)

App: foobar2000 v1.0
OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 x86
CPU: AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3700+, features: 3DNow!ex MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
Audio: kX Wave SB0162 10k2 [8000] 0/1; kX Wave SB0162 10k2 [8000] 4/5; kX Wave SB0162 10k2 [8000] 6/7; kX Wave SB0162 10k2 [8000] 8/9
UI: Default User Interface 0.9.5

Core (2010-01-09 12:47:00)
    foobar2000 core 1.0
foo_ac3.dll (2006-08-21 09:06:02)
    AC3 decoder 0.7
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-08-03 23:04:30)
    Album List 4.3
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2009-10-25 20:30:02)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.3
foo_bubble_coverflow.dll (2010-02-01 03:09:56)
    Cover Flow 0.30
foo_cdda.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:42)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2007-11-21 18:18:17)
    Channel Mixer
foo_converter.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:32)
    Converter 1.4
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:48)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_facets.dll (2008-02-26 20:11:40)
    Facets 2008-02-25
foo_fileops.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:32)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:34)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_grabber_python.dll (2009-02-06 13:40:15)
    Lyrics Grabber Dances With Python 0.1.12 Alpha
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 14:40:52)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:24)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2009-02-07 07:12:47)
    Lyrics Grabber Alpha
foo_masstag.dll (2007-10-13 15:17:26)
    Masstagger 1.6
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 19:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_popupplus.dll (2007-10-25 18:22:21)
    PopUp Plus 20071025
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:24)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_run.dll (2009-03-27 21:49:54)
    Run services 0.3.6
foo_skype.dll (2008-05-03 18:13:58)
    Skype playing notifications 0.1
foo_textdisplay.dll (2008-07-08 18:45:26)
    Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:52)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-01-21 23:20:42)
    Biography View
foo_unpack.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:20)
    RAR reader 1.3
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-09-28 11:32:16)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2010-01-17 00:11:28)
    Waveform seekbar 0.1.10

Recent events:
foo_bubble_coverflow: Swap interval = 1
Autoplaylists initialized in: 0:00.009745
"All Music" : 0:00.009710
Opening track for playback: "U:\mp3\Madder Mortem - Desiderata [2006]\06 - The Flood To Come.mp3"
Startup time : 0:08.503983
Skype playing notifications: Pending authorization.
Skype playing notifications: Connection successful.
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
Seekbar: taking GDI path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.

ive send crash report via foobar (as i understand they are somehow viewable for components developers afterward).

looking forward to you new component

ps: crash location is atioglxx so it may be a problem with drivers?


Reply #401
ps: crash location is atioglxx so it may be a problem with drivers?

Maybe. But if the application tries to do something wrong, it is also very likely to cause the drivers to crash.


Reply #402
Oh, and - not trying to advertise here - if you want plugin, that does this:
Thanks for the update, but I tried it and got a crash. It didn't work in CUI properly, it was in a separate window rather than part of the actual layout, and I've found that closing that window and opening preferences makes foobar crash. Maybe it won't matter if you're making one from scratch though. Oh and I'd like to second what Hitchhiker427 said about making it show the contents of the library rather than a playlist!

Why don't you use my coverflow component?
(It is marked as crashware since buggy drivers will cause it to crash, but it is way more stable than bubble_coverflow)


Reply #404
(It is marked as crashware since buggy drivers will cause it to crash, but it is way more stable than bubble_coverflow)

Not exactly true, unless ChronFlow is installed on more than 12 times as many PC as bubbleflow, for users that submit crashes.

@Michael87: nice work. Do you still have the .PDB generated with 0.3 ? There's a few recent reported crashes I'd like to fix.


Reply #405
Not exactly true, unless ChronFlow is installed on more than 12 times as many PC as bubbleflow, for users that submit crashes.

@Michael87: nice work. Do you still have the .PDB generated with 0.3 ? There's a few recent reported crashes I'd like to fix.

sadly, no, however here you have the source for the unreleased 0.31.

basically changes from 0.30 are:

- fixed DUI element implementation (desturctor did not get called -> memory leak)
- uses now DUI colors, if available (maybe needs some adjusting for shadows)

changes compared to T.P. Wang's version:

- fixes for SDK 1.0
- crash on using NULL as window name in coverflow_window.cpp

i have stopped development on this one, so you are back to business now and can decide about future version

greetings, Michael

attached compiled version (source code)


Reply #406
Does the Bubble Coverflow have animated movement like Chronial's? Any plans for adding a flip playlist functionality like on iPod's coverflow?


Reply #407
Does the Bubble Coverflow have animated movement like Chronial's? Any plans for adding a flip playlist functionality like on iPod's coverflow?

if you mean that it can be flipped by a (mouse or finger) gesture like in iPod´s coverflow I second this request strongly. Would be a much more natural feeling when using a touch screen PC.


Reply #408
Does the Bubble Coverflow have animated movement like Chronial's? Any plans for adding a flip playlist functionality like on iPod's coverflow?

if you mean that it can be flipped by a (mouse or finger) gesture like in iPod´s coverflow I second this request strongly. Would be a much more natural feeling when using a touch screen PC.

No, i mean that when you click one time on the cover, it turns 180 degrees and shows the back which is an active playlist with the tracks of the album...this happens on the ipod as well and its very practical and pretty...


Reply #409
foo_bubble_coverflow_0.31 crashes.

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: AA67913Ch, flags: 00000001h, address: 76BAB727h
Bug check

Call path:

Code bytes (76BAB727h):
76BAB6E7h:  C0 89 45 B8 C7 45 BC CF B6 BA 76 39 45 14 74 23
76BAB6F7h:  8B 45 10 83 F8 0F 76 03 6A 0F 58 89 45 C0 C1 E0
76BAB707h:  02 50 FF 75 14 8D 45 C4 50 E8 0D A9 02 00 83 C4
76BAB717h:  0C EB 03 89 45 C0 8D 45 B0 50 FF 15 6C 11 BA 76
76BAB727h:  C9 C2 10 00 CC CC CC CC CC 8B FF 55 8B EC 56 8B
76BAB737h:  75 08 83 FE F4 72 18 83 FE F6 77 13 8D 45 08 50
76BAB747h:  6A 00 56 E8 DD 02 00 00 85 C0 74 03 8B 75 08 56
76BAB757h:  FF 15 3C 10 BA 76 5E 85 C0 7C 05 33 C0 40 EB 08

Stack (004CF440h):
004CF420h:  00000000 FFFFFD34 000002E4 FFFFFD34
004CF430h:  000002CC 00000019 00000000 004CF440
004CF440h:  AA67913C 00000001 00000000 76BAB727
004CF450h:  00000000 00000000 058354E0 004CF49C
004CF460h:  040A74D9 03D30000 00000000 040A74F8
004CF470h:  164B7FD9 00000000 004CF4E4 00000009
004CF480h:  00000009 004CF470 00000009 004CF4F4
004CF490h:  004CF4CC 100026B0 AA67913C 00000001
004CF4A0h:  00000000 00000000 0437332C FFFFFFFF
004CF4B0h:  03D3BBE8 004CF4A8 004CF014 004CF534
004CF4C0h:  10018AC4 1001E048 00000000 004CF4F4
004CF4D0h:  000EF2BF 00000008 04373304 034A7A28
004CF4E0h:  0437332C FFFFFFFF 00000001 03D3BBE8
004CF4F0h:  00000007 00000009 034AB221 0000003C
004CF500h:  000E5A7B 03D3BBE8 00000009 00000009
004CF510h:  00000009 004CF570 00000009 00000013
004CF520h:  0007AB1E 034D2BE8 00000000 001CD162
004CF530h:  001CE200 004CF564 0017B961 00000001
004CF540h:  000EFC64 00000009 00000000 058355EC
004CF550h:  00000009 042C0E20 00000000 001CD163

EAX: 004CF440, EBX: 03D3BBE8, ECX: 001C9ED4, EDX: 001A3058
ESI: FFFFFFFF, EDI: 0437332C, EBP: 004CF490, ESP: 004CF440

Crash location:
Offset: B727h
Symbol: "RaiseException" (+58h)

Loaded modules:
foobar2000   loaded at 00050000h - 00209000h
ntdll loaded at 77440000h - 775C0000h
kernel32 loaded at 76090000h - 76190000h
KERNELBASE   loaded at 76BA0000h - 76BE6000h
COMCTL32 loaded at 73320000h - 734BE000h
msvcrt   loaded at 76800000h - 768AC000h
GDI32 loaded at 76000000h - 76090000h
USER32   loaded at 75E60000h - 75F60000h
ADVAPI32 loaded at 76500000h - 765A0000h
sechost   loaded at 75CA0000h - 75CB9000h
RPCRT4   loaded at 76670000h - 76760000h
SspiCli   loaded at 74FB0000h - 75010000h
CRYPTBASE loaded at 74FA0000h - 74FAC000h
LPK   loaded at 75FF0000h - 75FFA000h
USP10 loaded at 75CC0000h - 75D5D000h
SHLWAPI   loaded at 76BF0000h - 76C47000h
DSOUND   loaded at 742A0000h - 74312000h
ole32 loaded at 76C50000h - 76DAC000h
WINMM loaded at 73040000h - 73072000h
POWRPROF loaded at 74270000h - 74295000h
SETUPAPI loaded at 76360000h - 764FD000h
CFGMGR32 loaded at 76330000h - 76357000h
OLEAUT32 loaded at 76DB0000h - 76E3F000h
DEVOBJ   loaded at 76650000h - 76662000h
UxTheme   loaded at 732A0000h - 73320000h
SHELL32   loaded at 75050000h - 75C99000h
shared   loaded at 10000000h - 1002B000h
imagehlp loaded at 768B0000h - 768DA000h
dbghelp   loaded at 6CC90000h - 6CD7B000h
COMDLG32 loaded at 765A0000h - 7661B000h
IMM32 loaded at 761F0000h - 76250000h
MSCTF loaded at 76260000h - 7632C000h
xfire_toucan_41060   loaded at 02680000h - 028E4000h
WSOCK32   loaded at 74CA0000h - 74CA7000h
WS2_32   loaded at 75010000h - 75045000h
NSI   loaded at 76760000h - 76766000h
MSIMG32   loaded at 74E40000h - 74E45000h
MSVCR71   loaded at 7C340000h - 7C396000h
CLBCatQ   loaded at 75F60000h - 75FE3000h
MMDevApi loaded at 6F8D0000h - 6F909000h
PROPSYS   loaded at 731A0000h - 73295000h
dwmapi   loaded at 72C60000h - 72C73000h
foo_input_ds loaded at 00850000h - 0087D000h
foo_out_wasapi   loaded at 021A0000h - 021C5000h
foo_upnp loaded at 03730000h - 038AA000h
iphlpapi loaded at 74970000h - 7498C000h
WINNSI   loaded at 74960000h - 74967000h
foo_dsp_soundtouch   loaded at 02270000h - 02297000h
foo_input_avs loaded at 022C0000h - 022E0000h
foo_verifier loaded at 02510000h - 02545000h
foo_input_dsdiff loaded at 02550000h - 0257D000h
foo_imgburner loaded at 028F0000h - 02922000h
foo_wave_seekbar loaded at 68EB0000h - 69028000h
foo_albumlist loaded at 02D10000h - 02D6C000h
foo_dsp_std   loaded at 029B0000h - 029F9000h
foo_ac3   loaded at 02D70000h - 02D9F000h
foo_unpack   loaded at 02E20000h - 02E4F000h
foo_freedb2   loaded at 031A0000h - 031E2000h
foo_bubble_coverflow loaded at 034A0000h - 034F1000h
OPENGL32 loaded at 692D0000h - 69398000h
GLU32 loaded at 692A0000h - 692C2000h
DDRAW loaded at 744D0000h - 745B7000h
DCIMAN32 loaded at 744C0000h - 744C6000h
gdiplus   loaded at 74CB0000h - 74E40000h
foo_ui_std   loaded at 04000000h - 0410E000h
foo_audioscrobbler   loaded at 039D0000h - 03A01000h
foo_uie_biography loaded at 69240000h - 69291000h
foo_textdisplay   loaded at 691C0000h - 691FF000h
foo_fileops   loaded at 03A10000h - 03A58000h
foo_playcount loaded at 03B90000h - 03BBB000h
foo_w7shell   loaded at 03BF0000h - 03C2D000h
foo_vorbisstream loaded at 68AD0000h - 68CA0000h
WINSPOOL loaded at 73100000h - 73151000h
foo_jesus loaded at 691A0000h - 691BC000h
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod loaded at 690F0000h - 6919A000h
foo_cdda loaded at 03F70000h - 03FBD000h
foo_input_dts loaded at 04110000h - 0417A000h
foo_rgscan   loaded at 041C0000h - 0420F000h
foo_facets   loaded at 04480000h - 04501000h
foo_input_std loaded at 04BD0000h - 04D1D000h
foo_vis_shpeck   loaded at 690A0000h - 690E1000h
foo_channel_mixer loaded at 04230000h - 0426A000h
foo_abx   loaded at 04320000h - 04352000h
foo_lastfm_radio loaded at 04510000h - 04558000h
foo_midi loaded at 04E20000h - 04ECF000h
foo_converter loaded at 04680000h - 046F0000h
USERENV   loaded at 72CD0000h - 72CE7000h
profapi   loaded at 73190000h - 7319B000h
ntmarta   loaded at 738F0000h - 73911000h
WLDAP32   loaded at 768F0000h - 76935000h
LINKINFO loaded at 6F8C0000h - 6F8C9000h
apphelp   loaded at 730A0000h - 730EB000h
gameux   loaded at 6A1E0000h - 6A458000h
XmlLite   loaded at 6B580000h - 6B5AF000h
CRYPT32   loaded at 76A80000h - 76B9C000h
MSASN1   loaded at 768E0000h - 768EC000h
wer   loaded at 6A180000h - 6A1E0000h
ntshrui   loaded at 702C0000h - 7032F000h
srvcli   loaded at 73860000h - 73879000h
cscapi   loaded at 70500000h - 7050B000h
slc   loaded at 704F0000h - 704FA000h
CRYPTSP   loaded at 73510000h - 73526000h
rsaenh   loaded at 734D0000h - 7350B000h
SXS   loaded at 71700000h - 7175F000h
jscript   loaded at 6EE50000h - 6EF02000h
VERSION   loaded at 73980000h - 73989000h
RpcRtRemote   loaded at 734C0000h - 734CE000h
WindowsCodecs loaded at 70530000h - 7062B000h
scrrun   loaded at 68E40000h - 68E6A000h
wshom loaded at 68E10000h - 68E31000h
MPR   loaded at 74430000h - 74442000h
msxml3   loaded at 70180000h - 702B2000h
mshtml   loaded at 71980000h - 71F33000h
PSAPI loaded at 76250000h - 76255000h
urlmon   loaded at 76940000h - 76A75000h
iertutil loaded at 76E40000h - 77039000h
msls31   loaded at 71950000h - 7197A000h
IEFRAME   loaded at 721E0000h - 72C5C000h
OLEACC   loaded at 72C80000h - 72CBC000h
nvoglv32 loaded at 08070000h - 08EC9000h
explorerframe loaded at 6E5A0000h - 6E70F000h
DUser loaded at 73780000h - 737AF000h
DUI70 loaded at 6D590000h - 6D642000h
sud   loaded at 68D50000h - 68E0B000h
ADVPACK   loaded at 68D20000h - 68D4E000h
mswsock   loaded at 738B0000h - 738EC000h
wshtcpip loaded at 73970000h - 73975000h
dhcpcsvc loaded at 714B0000h - 714C2000h
d3d9 loaded at 6F090000h - 6F253000h
d3d8thk   loaded at 703F0000h - 703F6000h
nvd3dum   loaded at 693A0000h - 69CA3000h
d3dx9_42 loaded at 684D0000h - 686B5000h
d3dx10_42 loaded at 68CB0000h - 68D20000h
wship6   loaded at 749A0000h - 749A6000h
DNSAPI   loaded at 749F0000h - 74A34000h
rasadhlp loaded at 740A0000h - 740A6000h
fwpuclnt loaded at 740B0000h - 740E8000h
avrt loaded at 73600000h - 73607000h
AUDIOSES loaded at 73530000h - 73566000h
mlang loaded at 71F50000h - 71F7E000h
msdmo loaded at 70400000h - 7040B000h
WMADMOD   loaded at 687D0000h - 688B0000h
mfplat   loaded at 68A30000h - 68A89000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 76BAB727h (KERNELBASE+B727h), symbol: "RaiseException" (+58h)
Address: 040A74D9h (foo_ui_std+A74D9h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+9D49h)
Address: 040A74F8h (foo_ui_std+A74F8h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+9D68h)
Address: 100026B0h (shared+26B0h), symbol: "uBugCheck" (+20h)
Address: 10018AC4h (shared+18AC4h), symbol: "uFormatSystemErrorMessage" (+F43Eh)
Address: 1001E048h (shared+1E048h), symbol: "uFormatSystemErrorMessage" (+149C2h)
Address: 000EF2BFh (foobar2000+9F2BFh)
Address: 034A7A28h (foo_bubble_coverflow+7A28h)
Address: 034AB221h (foo_bubble_coverflow+B221h)
Address: 000E5A7Bh (foobar2000+95A7Bh)
Address: 0007AB1Eh (foobar2000+2AB1Eh)
Address: 034D2BE8h (foo_bubble_coverflow+32BE8h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+17748h)
Address: 001CD162h (foobar2000+17D162h)
Address: 001CE200h (foobar2000+17E200h)
Address: 0017B961h (foobar2000+12B961h)
Address: 000EFC64h (foobar2000+9FC64h)
Address: 001CD163h (foobar2000+17D163h)
Address: 0017BFB8h (foobar2000+12BFB8h)
Address: 75E7CD35h (USER32+1CD35h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 04037211h (foo_ui_std+37211h)
Address: 040BE258h (foo_ui_std+BE258h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+20AC8h)
Address: 04036641h (foo_ui_std+36641h)
Address: 040363FAh (foo_ui_std+363FAh)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 04036959h (foo_ui_std+36959h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 0403A6AAh (foo_ui_std+3A6AAh)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 040B5768h (foo_ui_std+B5768h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+17FD8h)
Address: 040E4FC8h (foo_ui_std+E4FC8h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+47838h)
Address: 0403A720h (foo_ui_std+3A720h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 0403A5BFh (foo_ui_std+3A5BFh)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 04022705h (foo_ui_std+22705h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 75E76238h (USER32+16238h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+270h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 75E768EAh (USER32+168EAh), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+922h)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 75E76899h (USER32+16899h), symbol: "gapfnScSendMessage" (+8D1h)
Address: 75E9F102h (USER32+3F102h), symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+FCh)
Address: 75E90155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 75E77D31h (USER32+17D31h), symbol: "LoadStringW" (+11Fh)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 75E90155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 75E90155h (USER32+30155h), symbol: "DdeQueryStringW" (+6D7h)
Address: 75E77DFAh (USER32+17DFAh), symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+Fh)
Address: 75E92292h (USER32+32292h), symbol: "IsDialogMessageW" (+11Eh)
Address: 0409AEA4h (foo_ui_std+9AEA4h)
Address: 001F0CCAh (foobar2000+1A0CCAh)
Address: 000B3F8Dh (foobar2000+63F8Dh)
Address: 75E77E92h (USER32+17E92h), symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 760A1199h (kernel32+11199h), symbol: "SetLastError" (+0h)
Address: 75E80112h (USER32+20112h), symbol: "PeekMessageW" (+0h)
Address: 0017C098h (foobar2000+12C098h)
Address: 000B40DEh (foobar2000+640DEh)
Address: 000A00E4h (foobar2000+500E4h)
Address: 000B4EE4h (foobar2000+64EE4h)
Address: 00197AF8h (foobar2000+147AF8h)
Address: 00197AF8h (foobar2000+147AF8h)
Address: 001AA240h (foobar2000+15A240h)
Address: 00050000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 774B0400h (ntdll+70400h), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+14h)
Address: 7746DF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 7746DEC6h (ntdll+2DEC6h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 001AA224h (foobar2000+15A224h)
Address: 7746E20Ch (ntdll+2E20Ch), symbol: "RtlInitUnicodeString" (+164h)
Address: 7746DF72h (ntdll+2DF72h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+ACh)
Address: 7746DEC6h (ntdll+2DEC6h), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0h)
Address: 001CF068h (foobar2000+17F068h)
Address: 00166BB5h (foobar2000+116BB5h)
Address: 0016E4CCh (foobar2000+11E4CCh)
Address: 0008001Fh (foobar2000+3001Fh)
Address: 0016A0C0h (foobar2000+11A0C0h)
Address: 0016E4CCh (foobar2000+11E4CCh)
Address: 0016C61Ch (foobar2000+11C61Ch)
Address: 7748027Fh (ntdll+4027Fh), symbol: "RtlCreateHeap" (+1A4h)
Address: 00167402h (foobar2000+117402h)
Address: 10002778h (shared+2778h), symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_OnEvent" (+B0h)
Address: 00187087h (foobar2000+137087h)
Address: 100027BBh (shared+27BBh), symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+2Fh)
Address: 0019F340h (foobar2000+14F340h)
Address: 000B5127h (foobar2000+65127h)
Address: 00050000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 00167100h (foobar2000+117100h)
Address: 001920B4h (foobar2000+1420B4h)
Address: 001CF068h (foobar2000+17F068h)
Address: 0018F040h (foobar2000+13F040h)
Address: 00065836h (foobar2000+15836h)
Address: 0016A0C0h (foobar2000+11A0C0h)
Address: 00167100h (foobar2000+117100h)
Address: 00167114h (foobar2000+117114h)
Address: 0018F040h (foobar2000+13F040h)
Address: 0018746Dh (foobar2000+13746Dh)
Address: 00167F26h (foobar2000+117F26h)
Address: 00050000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 0016FB87h (foobar2000+11FB87h)
Address: 0016A0C0h (foobar2000+11A0C0h)
Address: 760A3677h (kernel32+13677h), symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+12h)
Address: 77479D72h (ntdll+39D72h), symbol: "RtlInitializeExceptionChain" (+63h)
Address: 754524FEh (SHELL32+4024FEh), symbol: "StrStrW" (+533C5h)
Address: 774B041Dh (ntdll+7041Dh), symbol: "WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD" (+31h)
Address: 77479D45h (ntdll+39D45h), symbol: "RtlInitializeExceptionChain" (+36h)
Address: 00167F91h (foobar2000+117F91h)
Address: 00167F91h (foobar2000+117F91h)
Address: 00100000h (foobar2000+B0000h)
Address: 00100000h (foobar2000+B0000h)
Address: 000FE000h (foobar2000+AE000h)

App: foobar2000 v1.0
OS: Windows 6.1.7600 x64
CPU: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E6750  @ 2.66GHz, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
Audio: Speakers (C-Media PCI Audio Device)
UI: Default User Interface 0.9.5

Core (2010-01-09 12:47:00)
foobar2000 core 1.0
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 13:25:26)
ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_ac3.dll (2008-06-02 11:24:26)
AC3 decoder 0.9.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:46)
Album List 4.4
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2009-10-25 20:30:02)
Audioscrobbler 1.4.3
foo_bubble_coverflow.dll (2010-02-03 00:13:36)
Cover Flow 0.31
foo_cdda.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:42)
CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2008-03-12 10:37:47)
Channel Mixer
foo_converter.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:32)
Converter 1.4
foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll (2009-01-05 20:43:40)
SoundTouch DSP 0.1 (SSE)
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:48)
Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_facets.dll (2008-10-15 22:58:39)
Facets 2008-02-25
foo_fileops.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:32)
File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:34)
freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_imgburner.dll (2008-10-30 17:18:15)
ImgBurner 0.3.1
foo_input_avs.dll (2009-07-30 18:04:24)
AVS input 0.2
foo_input_ds.dll (2008-08-28 06:28:50)
DirectShow input 0.1
foo_input_dsdiff.dll (2009-11-11 13:01:14)
DSDIFF Decoder 1.1
foo_input_dts.dll (2009-12-13 04:20:58)
DTS decoder 0.2.6
foo_input_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:24)
Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2009-03-21 23:41:11)
Autosave 0.0.3
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2010-01-20 11:38:20) Radio 0.5.7c
foo_midi.dll (2009-08-21 16:09:40)
MIDI synthesizer host 1.91
foo_out_wasapi.dll (2009-05-18 11:09:22)
WASAPI output support 2.0
foo_playcount.dll (2009-03-08 22:27:16)
Playback Statistics 2.1.8
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:24)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_textdisplay.dll (2008-07-08 18:45:26)
Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:52)
Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-01-21 23:20:42)
Biography View
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2010-01-28 06:51:56)
WSH Panel Mod 1.3.1
foo_unpack.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:20)
RAR reader 1.3
ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_upnp.dll (2010-01-25 03:57:54)
An UPnP/DLNA Media Renderer, Media Server and Control Point 0.99.20
foo_verifier.dll (2008-07-09 22:00:12)
File Integrity Verifier 1.0.3
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-09-28 10:32:16)
Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
foo_vorbisstream.dll (2009-11-07 13:57:12)
Vorbis Streamer 1.1
foo_w7shell.dll (2010-01-17 04:09:20)
Windows 7 integration
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2010-01-17 00:11:28)
Waveform seekbar 0.1.10

Recent events:
foo_upnp: succesfully loaded file C:\Users\saivert\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\foo_upnp.xml
Startup time : 0:01.669034
w7shell: taskbar button create notification got
Seekbar: taking Direct3D9 path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.
Opening track for playback: "E:\music\Machinae Supremacy - Overworld [2008]\07. Dark City.mp3"
Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
Opening track for playback: "E:\music\Machinae Supremacy - Overworld [2008]\07. Dark City.mp3"
Multiple ID3v2 tags encountered


Reply #410

and the deal breaker?

Disable main window transparency


Reply #411
well im not still out of tunel  some covers are loaded distorted and reflections doesnt have blur effects on them but at least it works somhow

still got foobar crash when check mipmaps in properties


Reply #412
Not exactly true, unless ChronFlow is installed on more than 12 times as many PC as bubbleflow, for users that submit crashes.

@Michael87: nice work. Do you still have the .PDB generated with 0.3 ? There's a few recent reported crashes I'd like to fix.

sadly, no, however here you have the source for the unreleased 0.31.

basically changes from 0.30 are:

- fixed DUI element implementation (desturctor did not get called -> memory leak)
- uses now DUI colors, if available (maybe needs some adjusting for shadows)

changes compared to T.P. Wang's version:

- fixes for SDK 1.0
- crash on using NULL as window name in coverflow_window.cpp

i have stopped development on this one, so you are back to business now and can decide about future version

greetings, Michael

attached compiled version (source code)

These links appear to be dead, I keep getting a 404 error when click the URL's


Reply #413
Links are dead for me too. Any chance of someone posting v0.31?


Reply #415
i can`t load the covers... is cover.jpg, folder.jpg? wich is?


Reply #417
i would really appreciate to recieve a link for this to download!!


Reply #419

I was trying hard to google it up. but didnt find anything.

How to make CoverFlow read album covers from zip/rar, curently im listening music from .rar .zip files (I like it that way)
Is there any way to make coverflow read covers from archive file?
I know that author of coverflow dont dev it any more, but i see theres few updated version, any of it support the function that i need?


Reply #420
The plugin is working great, but problems arise whenever there are albums that share the same name. I know I should change the cover source to something else, but I'm really not sure how.

Thanks in advance!


Reply #421
Any links for 0.31 source? The Japanese wiki seems quite obtuse to follow. Would be nicer to port it to D3D since then threading works properly, unlike the mess OpenGL mandates for thread safety. Plus, then there is all the nice extras Direct3D and the new SDK offers (eg. embedded art extraction for free).....