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Topic: Low Bit Rate Conversion from WAV vs. Conversion from AAC (Read 1865 times) previous topic - next topic
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Low Bit Rate Conversion from WAV vs. Conversion from AAC

Posting here as it may get technical.

Is there a way to quantify/assess the reduction of quality in a 128 AAC VBR that was converted from 320 AAC VBR, as compared to a higher quality file, same specs, if converted from an original WAV?


Re: Low Bit Rate Conversion from WAV vs. Conversion from AAC

Reply #1
For each MB of file compressed in mono at 256kbps (more that 320kbps in stereo) you will find about 3kB of difference (0.3%) from the wave file depending on the content.

You will hardly be able to hear the difference but in any case you are not testing the AAC format but a specific encoder and many do not work at 320kbps, with mono input.