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Topic: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file (Read 7382 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

How do I bypass the confirm window when deleting a file

Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #1
File / Preferences / Advanced / File Operations / Uncheck Prompt before recycling files
Somewhere, there's someone dying in a foreign land
Meanwhile, the world is crying stupidity of man
Tell me why, tell me why


Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #2
Thankyou but that didn't do it

Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #3
I'm a newbie to FB2K but a long-time Windows user, so sorry if this is irrelevant but it's a thought: are you sending the file to the recycling bin, or deleting it directly?
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #6
Seems like prompt window can only be disabled if option "Send files at recycle bin if possible" is checked at "Deletion type" and prompt option unchecked.

If option "Delete immediately" is checked, prompt confirm window will always be shown.
Somewhere, there's someone dying in a foreign land
Meanwhile, the world is crying stupidity of man
Tell me why, tell me why

Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #7
Seems like prompt window can only be disabled if option "Send files at recycle bin if possible" is checked at "Deletion type" and prompt option unchecked.

If option "Delete immediately" is checked, prompt confirm window will always be shown.
...which does not seem unreasonable.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #8
Seems like prompt window can only be disabled if option "Send files at recycle bin if possible" is checked at "Deletion type" and prompt option unchecked.
It is ok in 2.1.4 version but the problem persists in 2.2 beta version.

Re: Bypass (Confirm File Removal) when deleting a file

Reply #9
It is ok in 2.1.4 version but the problem persists in 2.2 beta version.
Fixed for the next build, thanks for reporting.
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