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Topic: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer (Read 71482 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #50

Firstly I have to say thank you for this component, I enjoy it a lot, it is pleasure to look at.

I'm here to ask for help with window frame style.
I have problem to find window frame style settings for foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer.
I created two screens, with window frame style enabled and disabled for Album List Panel.
Selected style name is Sunken, and from what I see foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer uses this style.
Please help me to find a way to disable window style.

Thank you.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #51
Feedback to developer "Crossover":    Good work.  Have been using it for a few weeks, customized it per your supplied options panel and love it.  Thanks for providing this component.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #52

No such option exists for Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #54
Yes I know, I hope it will be added in the future, so I can have perfect player.
Thank you.
Ah, your post gave the impression you weren't aware of this and were looking for a way to achieve this.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #55

I used that component a lot. Really nice. Any chance to get a x64 version for foobar 2?

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #56
Any chance to get a x64 version for foobar 2?
Yeah, I'd love to see it too. That and there's a change I'd like to see added: more input values for frequencies below 1000Hz. My FFT size is maxed out at 32768 yet I can still count every single peak under 1000Hz. Maybe it's more complex than just allowing more values through, but I'd really like to see a more consistent visualizer.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #57
I just came across this plugin as the new Foobar v2  x64 doesn't support the old musical spectrum plugin I've used for the last 10 years. Really like this plugin, but I'll add my feature requests below. I know some have been requested, but it's just so you can see that more people will want it ;)
1. Border removal.
2. Grid removal. Probably the only bad thing about this plugin tbh.
3. Bouncing balls removal. Just to clarify on this one... I think that an option to show the values, without the balls would be better, or smaller balls. Better still have the values aligned left or right of the window with smaller balls showing where the peaks are.

Thanks for a great plugin!
foobar2000  x64

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #58
I just came across this plugin as the new Foobar v2  x64 doesn't support the old musical spectrum plugin I've used for the last 10 years. Really like this plugin, but I'll add my feature requests below. I know some have been requested, but it's just so you can see that more people will want it ;)
1. Border removal.
2. Grid removal. Probably the only bad thing about this plugin tbh.
3. Bouncing balls removal. Just to clarify on this one... I think that an option to show the values, without the balls would be better, or smaller balls. Better still have the values aligned left or right of the window with smaller balls showing where the peaks are.

Thanks for a great plugin!
I am currently working on it. All the features you asked for will be available. Since it is a complete redesign, the look and feel will change. But I hope that others will also find the new version better.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #59
I just came across this plugin as the new Foobar v2  x64 doesn't support the old musical spectrum plugin I've used for the last 10 years. Really like this plugin, but I'll add my feature requests below. I know some have been requested, but it's just so you can see that more people will want it ;)
1. Border removal.
2. Grid removal. Probably the only bad thing about this plugin tbh.
3. Bouncing balls removal. Just to clarify on this one... I think that an option to show the values, without the balls would be better, or smaller balls. Better still have the values aligned left or right of the window with smaller balls showing where the peaks are.

Thanks for a great plugin!
I just came across this plugin as the new Foobar v2  x64 doesn't support the old musical spectrum plugin I've used for the last 10 years. Really like this plugin, but I'll add my feature requests below. I know some have been requested, but it's just so you can see that more people will want it ;)
1. Border removal.
2. Grid removal. Probably the only bad thing about this plugin tbh.
3. Bouncing balls removal. Just to clarify on this one... I think that an option to show the values, without the balls would be better, or smaller balls. Better still have the values aligned left or right of the window with smaller balls showing where the peaks are.

Thanks for a great plugin!

Does this mean that there is 64bit version yet? Where can I download it from?

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #60
Does this mean that there is 64bit version yet? Where can I download it from?
Yes, the component will support Default UI and Columns UI and will be available for 32 and 64 bit. I'll probably upload the component tomorrow.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #61
2. Grid removal. Probably the only bad thing about this plugin tbh.
3. Bouncing balls removal.
You can already do this--right-click in the window and choose options, to remove the grid uncheck "grid" in the "Background" section, to remove the balls uncheck "RMS" and Peak" in the "Measuring Points" section.

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #62
Yes, the component will support Default UI and Columns UI and will be available for 32 and 64 bit. I'll probably upload the component tomorrow.
I've seen some reworked component announcements buried at the tail end of their dedicated v1 threads, and others in a new v2 thread. IMO, the latter option makes the component a more known quantity.
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #63
Thanks, much appreciated
foobar2000  x64

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #64
2. Grid removal. Probably the only bad thing about this plugin tbh.
3. Bouncing balls removal.
You can already do this--right-click in the window and choose options, to remove the grid uncheck "grid" in the "Background" section, to remove the balls uncheck "RMS" and Peak" in the "Measuring Points" section.
I can't remove the grid as there's no option for it, already looked before requesting the option.
When I say remove the balls, I meant remove ONLY the balls, not the values attached to them. ;)
foobar2000  x64

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #65
Ah, the reason it wasn't in the settings is that I was using the v0.9!
I found the link to the latest v0.9.4.2, this site is a bit all over the place. Most sites tend to update the first post with newer versions of software to download. Never mind, found it in the end :)
foobar2000  x64

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #67
Ah, the reason it wasn't in the settings is that I was using the v0.9!
I found the link to the latest v0.9.4.2, this site is a bit all over the place. Most sites tend to update the first post with newer versions of software to download. Never mind, found it in the end :)
Sorry for the download topic jungle. It's now 5 years ago, so I don't remember the reason . 

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #68
Where can we download the latest version? Link in the OP just recurses back to itself...

I released a the new version for 32 and 64 bit. The component still supports Columns UI and Default UI.

You can download the new version in the download forum,116014.msg1026710.html#msg1026710
or directly via this link:;topic=116014.0;attach=25588

- REMOVED: Experimental crest calculation.
- NEW: Improved detection of maximum values (10 values).
- NEW: Calibration line (experimental).
- NEW: Possibility to deactivate the border line (window frame)
- NEW: Possibility to use 6 colours in horizontal or vertical mode
- NEW: Tilt parameter to adapt the spectrum to human hearing

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #70
Haha no worries, thanks for the update just gonna try it. Looks amazing btw!
foobar2000  x64

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #71
Where can we download the latest version? Link in the OP just recurses back to itself...

I released a the new version for 32 and 64 bit. The component still supports Columns UI and Default UI.

You can download the new version in the download forum,116014.msg1026710.html#msg1026710
or directly via this link:;topic=116014.0;attach=25588

- REMOVED: Experimental crest calculation.
- NEW: Improved detection of maximum values (10 values).
- NEW: Calibration line (experimental).
- NEW: Possibility to deactivate the border line (window frame)
- NEW: Possibility to use 6 colours in horizontal or vertical mode
- NEW: Tilt parameter to adapt the spectrum to human hearing

Thanks, great component.
But how to set the colors like on your picture (different colors through the X axis - for different Hz)? The same question to your other component (peak meter).

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #72
Feckin' awesome! :D
One suggestion though, please add the ability to export/import settings. I've had to set this up many times in the last few days, due to install, uninstall, updates, etc. Been a lot of setting up involved! :(
foobar2000  x64

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #73
Thanks, great component.
But how to set the colors like on your picture (different colors through the X axis - for different Hz)? The same question to your other component (peak meter).
Do you mean this one X? You can achieve this by choosing "vertical" for the RMS and/or Peak and by setting the color count to a value greater 2 or more.  What strikes me, however, is the wrong naming. I should name it "horizontal" ("vertikal" is also wrong english). :-)
The peakmeter has only colors for the different db level (low peak to high peak).

Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #74
Feckin' awesome! :D
One suggestion though, please add the ability to export/import settings. I've had to set this up many times in the last few days, due to install, uninstall, updates, etc. Been a lot of setting up involved! :(
OK, it's on the list. But it's something I won't be adding in the near future because it's time-consuming and needs careful implementation. But this would be useful for me too  :D