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Topic: foo_unpack [feature support *.rar, *.zip archives protected password] (Read 894 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_unpack [feature support *.rar, *.zip archives protected password]

Hello. May, please, make extremely significant support *.rar, *.zip archives protected password?  ::)

Re: foo_unpack [feature support *.rar, *.zip archives protected password]

Reply #1
With feature on correct (report post) korth me explained what the verb "may" is the same singular and plural (i.e. mays).
Humbly and holy (piously) wait support *.rar, *.zip archives protecteds passwords.

Re: foo_unpack [feature support *.rar, *.zip archives protected password]

Reply #2
I somewhat doubt a mod contacted you about the meaning of the word "May". It's forbidden to spam the forum or bump topics.

I would assume the interest to add password protected archive support is very low. The archive reader is a convenience feature so small easily compressible files can be kept in archive and still be easily playable. Some formats have even standardized being used that way. It doesn't try to replace a full blown file archiver.

If you have acquired password protected archives with audio data in them, do yourself a favor and extract them with a tool of your choice and play the extracted versions.

If it is you trying to hide or protect secret audio behind a password protected archive there have to be better ways for that. Encrypt your harddrive and password protect your user account. Create a VHDX virtual drive and password protect it with BitLocker. Universal solutions that work with all software without any code added.