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Topic: dBpoweramp MP3 High Quality  (Read 1816 times) previous topic - next topic
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dBpoweramp MP3 High Quality

Hello i am using dBpoweramp to convert my song to MP3 320 (CBR) now i have alot of questiones about the Advanced Tab part

1 Qaulity there are -q 0 to -q 9 whats the differences

2 perserve All Frequencies

3 i heard that No.2 Reduces Qaulity of the MP3 becuase it goes up to 22khz and the norm is 20.5khz or 20khz which the human ear can hear

4 which quality -q is defualt for mp3 at 320 or 192 if anyone knows

5 i did a abx test with foobar2k with perserve on and off
and i noticed that with on the vocals sound better and the bass is there
where when its off it sounds clearer but the bass isnt there as much like if it got reduced

6 -q 0 has a cut off at 16khz i used spek to see it and -q 2 has almost the same cut off
and -q 1 and -q 3 have almost the same cut off
at 20 or 20.5khz

7 why dont i use VBR well i wanna runs test on CBR Before getting to the better Mode of Qaulity then do test there

8 why dont you keep lossless its sounds better well i wanna try lossy. i always use lossless most of the time but i noticed that on my phone i keep the volume at 40% or 20% or 60% depending on the place im at. i never pass 60% im kind like i dont need to use 200+GB on my SDcard for music

9 what i used is Foobar2k 32bit with the ABX componet ans WASAPI Componet and Apple Earpods with 3.5mm jack as listening Equipment
dBpoweramp As converter for the MP3

10 I used chatgpt and perplexiy Ai to help me with my questiones but they both say almost the same thing but differently