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Topic: HDCD Decoder (Read 346865 times) previous topic - next topic
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HDCD Decoder

Reply #100
HDCD decoder 1.5 with my Foobar2K 

Thank you so much

Hey, your config is fabulous  Would you mind sharing it ?

Best regards,



But right now

  [a href="" target="_blank"]    Downloading you foobar setup has increased my knowledge a hundredfold.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #101
If I want to use Foobar to rip HDCD's I must either remove the component or manually name to foo_hdcd.dll.OFF....Is there not a way to use a switch that then can be made into a button or am I asking to much...

The converter bundled with foobar2000 1.1 beta 3 and newer includes a switch for these processors. You can toggle that in your ripping preset.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #102
If I want to use Foobar to rip HDCD's I must either remove the component or manually name to foo_hdcd.dll.OFF....Is there not a way to use a switch that then can be made into a button or am I asking to much...

The converter bundled with foobar2000 1.1 beta 3 and newer includes a switch for these processors. You can toggle that in your ripping preset.

Thanks so much for the tip...I was surprised at how fast you got back to me thanks again!!!!! 

HDCD Decoder

Reply #103

Is hybrid WavPack supported? I can't see "Scan for HDCD tracks" for those files, though.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #104

Is hybrid WavPack supported? I can't see "Scan for HDCD tracks" for those files, though.

Probably reports an encoding type of "lossy" even when the correction data is present.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #105
Probably reports an encoding type of "lossy" even when the correction data is present.

Don't know if it's related, but %__encoding% reports "hybrid".

HDCD Decoder

Reply #106
Yes, this processor, like the DTS processor, only works for encoding of "lossless." I will change it to also support "hybrid" but of course it won't work if the correction data is missing.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #107
nice plugin

HDCD Decoder

Reply #109
I will change it to also support "hybrid" but of course it won't work if the correction data is missing.

Doesn't this produce unwanted side effect like different replaygain values? Restricting to only lossless seems like good sense to me.

edit: sorry my first reaction was about DTS
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #110
Yes, it will have a different volume level if the recovery file is removed, since the HDCD information will no longer be present.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #111
Yes, this processor, like the DTS processor, only works for encoding of "lossless." I will change it to also support "hybrid" but of course it won't work if the correction data is missing.

Having it support "hybrid" should work fine in most cases. I can imagine a scenario with a high lossy bitrate where the HDCD would be triggered during quiet passages causing the HDCD decoding to flip on and off (if the decoder works the same way that hardware ones do). I actually considered a mode for HDCD that would preserve the LSB even in the lossy mode (or warn people when they lossy encoded an HDCD track), but decided that was silly.

One solution would be if foobar reported the hybrid mode as either "hybrid lossy" or "hybrid lossless" (then the plugin could just search for "lossless" in the encoding), but that might not fit well for formatting in other areas.

BTW, thanks for making this's very cool! 


HDCD Decoder

Reply #112
I don't expect the lossy data to actually trigger it. It uses a fairly secure LFSR, where the least significant bit is shifted into one register, then three bits from that register are XOR'd together and shifted into a second register. Then the 24 least significant bits in that register are compared against a sequence of 01111100000111111000000. And even then, the 16 or 24 bits that follow that sequence must indicate a valid command sequence. Likelihood is probably quite low that a semi-random sequence of bits could trigger it.

(The source is on my site if anyone is interested.)

HDCD Decoder

Reply #113
Oh, that's not what I meant. I agree, lossy audio is exactly as likely to falsely trigger it as regular non-HDCD audio CDs, which is essentially never.

What I meant was HDCD audio using high bitrate lossy encoding (like 384+ kbps). During very quiet passages that can be perfectly lossless for many seconds at a stretch.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #114
Oh. My mistake then.

Well, my decoder also gives up if it fails to find a HDCD packet during the first 5 seconds of each track. That may help as well.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #115
Yes, that should be fine then.

I have experimented with a hardware decoder and it would flip on and off (with the corresponding level change) in this situation, which would obviously be unacceptable.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #116
Forgive my ignorance in advance. I have installed foo_hdcd (version 1.5) and am using foobar2000 v1.1 stable. The HDCD scanner utility has picked out an album that is HDCD encoded -- The Pet Sounds Sessions -- but when I play it, there is no indication that has decoded the HDCD information, either in the console or in the status bar where I placed the little notification. My output is set to 'DS: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' with a buffer length of 1,300 ms. The output format cannot be altered from within foobar and is ostensibly controlled elsewhere as it is greyed out. Am I missing something crucial or what? (For the record, HDCD decoding also did not work when my sound device was WASAPI rather than DS.) Sorry for this probably rehashed-a-million-times question!

HDCD Decoder

Reply #117
What format are the tracks stored as? Did you have PCM processing turned on when you used the foobar2000 CD ripper? If so, the HDCD information was already decoded before the files were encoded to the target format.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #118
They're in FLAC format. They were ripped not with foobar but with EAC. Would the HDCD information have been decoded already before encoding to FLAC there as well? (That is how all my CDs are ripped, HDCD or otherwise.)

HDCD Decoder

Reply #119
Ah, no. Those FLACs should still contain HDCD information, and the %__hdcd% info tag should be showing as much in the status bar. (Or in the playlist, if you have a playlist view that updates with dynamic metadata.)

HDCD Decoder

Reply #120
It also doesn't seem to matter whether I leave the ReplayGain info tagged or not (although I understand, if I'm not mistaken, that it works only sans RG info). I also don't use DSPs or anything else that might alter the processing chain as far as I know...

HDCD Decoder

Reply #121
With 1.5, DSPs and ReplayGain do not matter.

Does a WAV decoded from that FLAC set show any useful results with hdcd.exe?

HDCD Decoder

Reply #122
I used hdcd.exe (version 0.2; command line: 'hdcd.exe -i file.wav') to check whether four tracks were in fact HDCD encoded. The results were all negative in hdcd.exe despite the fact that foobar's internal HDCD scanner suggested otherwise. The tracks were:

"Meet Me In My Dreams Tonight" from Brian Wilson {2000 Rhino remaster};
"Wouldn't It Be Nice" [stereo backing track] from Pet Sounds Sessions;
"Conversation" by Joni Mitchell; and,
"Big Mama's Door" by Alvin Youngblood Hart.

I'm not sure what's up with that?

HDCD Decoder

Reply #123
I can't get the decoder installed.  It appears correctly under Components but is not listed in the DSP Manager.  This is with 1.1 stable.

HDCD Decoder

Reply #124
Version 1.5 is no longer a DSP, so it won't appear in the DSP manager.