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Topic: foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue (Read 185414 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #25
Kerpondile, there a lot of users who use your plugin or used before foo_pqview and are satisfied with queue in a playlist. I can say for myself that i dont want any panel or additional window (!?), nor any bashing against "winamp users".
Queue in playlist, as a concept,  works really good. (only lacks saving of queue, but this seems a Foobar Way problem, which simply idea of saving it, in playlist or not, treats like a Greater Evil).
Thank you for your component, in present state.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #26
Kerpondile, I hope you have not abandoned this component. I disagree that it's entire functionality can be replaced by other components.

I however, think that maybe a separate window, like the one used for Playlist Search/Media Library Search to display and allow editing of queue would be more in place.

Personally I don't think it should have a panel, but that's just me  I like using the space for something more useful, as i'm just rarely using the queue.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #27
I like the idea. No messing with playlists, just plain window with queue contents. It could have option of auto-focus/show on Add-to-queue action. And I believe that when Default UI Elements API becomes public, it will not be to difficult to make panel version.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #28
I've been waiting for something like this for a long time, many thanks for this plugin Kerpondile!

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #29
Kerpondile, I hope you have not abandoned this component. I disagree that it's entire functionality can be replaced by other components.

I however, think that maybe a separate window, like the one used for Playlist Search/Media Library Search to display and allow editing of queue would be more in place.

Personally I don't think it should have a panel, but that's just me  I like using the space for something more useful, as i'm just rarely using the queue.

I like the idea. No messing with playlists, just plain window with queue contents. It could have option of auto-focus/show on Add-to-queue action. And I believe that when Default UI Elements API becomes public, it will not be to difficult to make panel version.

Hi, I haven't abandoded the project but I think I will not develop a version with a separate window. Separate window requires some GUI coding which, I think, is quite nasty in c++. I have quite limited spare time on this project and would be just too much work.

I will update this component for newer SDK as they are released. If some day the panel support is added for standard ui I will look at the situation again.

And when it comes to new features, I will not create features that fight against the original function of the queue (saving queue between foobar sessions etc.). However, I might add features that are more subtle but still as useful. Someone suggested creating a separate component for "party playlists" and that was quite interesting. I might still create something like that some day if I find the time.

Thank you for all the comments and replies, I really appreciate them! Keep me posted if you find this component useful or if you have some other comments.


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #30
hey this is awesome. i just wanted to start a search thread with the funtions of this plugin. exactly what i wanted  thank you very much


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #31
[...] I can say for myself that i dont want any panel or additional window (!?), nor any bashing against "winamp users". [...]

with columns ui and panel stack splitter one doesn't need foo_queuecontents to work as a panel. for example i just added a new ng playlist in PPS wich only shows the new queue playlist, this component creates. right now i'm trying to implement it a simple wsh panel, but i'm not sure if that's possible.

the only thing i'd wish is the ability to save queues over restarts of foobar. everything else the posters above me mentioned would be nice to have but for my part not really nescessary.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #32
And when it comes to new features, I will not create features that fight against the original function of the queue (saving queue between foobar sessions etc.).

the only thing i'd wish is the ability to save queues over restarts of foobar. everything else the posters above me mentioned would be nice to have but for my part not really nescessary.

Didn't you read the components authors posting? 

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #33
i did! but his statement
Someone suggested creating a separate component for "party playlists" and that was quite interesting. I might still create something like that some day if I find the time.
was a bit suggestive to interpret ...

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #34
Yep, but then it wouldn't be the queue! 
Stonefred, please try to see that foobars playlist is not the same like the queue - so don't confuse the terms.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #35
A quick idea for a socalled party playlist:

1. It is a locked playlist
2. You can send tracks to it by context menu (means: hotkey or button is also possible)
3. Every played track is removed after being played
4. You can limit the maximum size of it (let's say: 40 Tracks)
5. You can set minimum size of it (let's say: 4 Tracks)
6. If minimum size is reached because no tracks was manually added then tracks are added automatically
7. These automatically added tracks are based on a query.
8. You can specify how many tracks should be added automatically (see point 4 and 5: no more than 40-4=36 tracks)
9. No more options

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #36
That sounds very much like the behavior of AlbumPlayer.

It would be nice with such feature in foobar2000 (but doesn't this belong to it's own thread?)

However an obvious problem with this is that anyone can still just go frenzy on it  A way to avoid this could be to time trigger when a new track may be queued, or make any queued track overwrite the last one until the last queue-entry is xx seconds/minutes old.

Also how would you prevent anyone from hooking it and just create another playlist?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #37
(I am not sure what you mean exactly - please, don't write too much slang): "hooking", "frenzy"

However an obvious problem with this is that anyone can still just go frenzy on it  A way to avoid this could be to time trigger when a new track may be queued, or make any queued track overwrite the last one until the last queue-entry is xx seconds/minutes old.

As the party playlist would be a locked one you could force a playing track to be finished before the next one is starting. On the other side i would like to see a component without a ton of options. Edit: I think a limitation by number of tracks is really enough.

Also how would you prevent anyone from hooking it and just create another playlist?

Well, the best would be not to serve alcoholic drinks to the guests and to place a big text display uielement that warns in big letters the guest from doing so. One senseful option, that could be added to my list above could be: "Force playback of party playlist". Means: When a track from another playlist is finished then continue playback in party playlist. That would replicate a little bit queues functionality as the party playlist would automatically start after being filled. Furthermore the guests are allowed to start another track in another playlist and after this track the playback comes back to party playlist. I think there is nothing more you can do aside from being the dj the whole time at your own party.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #38
foo_queuecontents is an foobar2000 extension component mainly developed by me. It started as a modification of foo_locktest by foosion.

Just informing everyone here that I'm still alive!

As the new SDK is now out, with full UI-element support, I am thinking of reimplementing the component as a UI component. This will solve some of the issues some people were having and it allows more flexible use of the component.


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #39

Please keep component as a playlist too.
It's quite handy in it's current form as well.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #40
Good to hear! Looking forward to new developments... I'd love to see it as a UI component.

(but the best thing, IMO, would be to combine it with foo_history, so that you could see the last x items played as well)

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #42
I would like to try your component. But somehow I cannot connect to its homepage or download page. I am not sure if this site is blocked in China.
Is it possible for you to put the dll somewhere I can download? Perhaps post a ed2000 link or bit torrent? Thanks.


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #43
I wonder if this works for you:


Please keep component as a playlist too.
It's quite handy in it's current form as well.


It's simple and easy to handle this way.

OK, I will keep the playlist functionality also .

I will have lots to research conserning the UI elements since such low level UI programming is new to me. But I guess the task is doable since the component is quite small.


foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #44
an UI component would be awesome! keep up the good work!

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #46
Thx for working on the plugin

But in my opinion, some more work is still needed to make it functional...
Unless I'm doing something wrong, this "Queue playlist" is not really the playback queue. It only contains songs, that I add by choosing from context menu "Add to playback queue". But when I double-click e.g. the second song of particular album, playback is started and foobar plays this song and next the 3rd song of this album and then 4th, etc. During this playback, Queue playlist provided by your plugin remains blank.

The essence of queue is that it is a list of songs that will be played next, it is not a playlist, that I create using context menu option.

And - as it was mentioned in the thread - Columns UI panel functionality would be awesome.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #47
You can use ELPlaylist as a panel: Bind it to your queue playlist and deactivate "follow active playlist"
You can also follow NowPlaying playlist, and the only drawback seems that it isn't easy customizable, but as a queue panel it can be great

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #48
But when I double-click e.g. the second song of particular album, playback is started and foobar plays this song and next the 3rd song of this album and then 4th, etc. During this playback, Queue playlist provided by your plugin remains blank.
Assuming you doube-click on a track of a playlist, the behaviour is absolutely correct. By double-clicking on a playlist the queue is flushed. You can see in that playlist, what will be played next.

foo_queuecontents - View and edit queue

Reply #49
You can use ELPlaylist as a panel: Bind it to your queue playlist and deactivate "follow active playlist"
You can also follow NowPlaying playlist, and the only drawback seems that it isn't easy customizable, but as a queue panel it can be great

Seems really cool, but it's still missing something: when I choose "add to playback queue" from the context menu, ElPlaylist remains the same. It cannot be modified by drag&drop too... It only shows e.g. contents of album that I chose to be played.