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Topic: Slow performance by large amount of items (Read 643 times) previous topic - next topic
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Slow performance by large amount of items

Hi, a clear example is on the keyboard shortcuts section, typing on a field where it has the all available commands, the filtering is painfully slow.

another one is on "foo run services" where it has the option to appears a little dialog to type the direct command, and again, this is getting slower and slower upon the more the user add configurations, like for example on convert, there's a large list of options now, and searching is getting slower.

Been using Foobar2000 since the end of 2010 and still using because there's no other option at the level of customization like this program, I so freaking love it.

Edit: gif upload


Re: Slow performance by large amount of items

Reply #1
That's definitely not normal and unfortunately I'm not sure of the best way to debug what causes that. I wonder if the filter gets stuck parsing some dynamic item names in a buggy component.
You could try temporarily disabling all third party components to verify if that makes filtering instant again. If it does, you can restore them all and start disabling one at a time to find the one that causes it. Then we'll at least be a step closer to a solution.

You can temporarily disable components by moving their dlls or the entire component subdirectories out of the "user-components" directory under profile folder.