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Topic: Columns UI: Changing default playlists names (Read 2496 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI: Changing default playlists names

Is it possible to change default playlists names? Filter result (Playback) and Filter result are so loooong names... I need some space for additional information (tracks lenght etc.).

Maybe in ColumnsUI it is possible using script - change "Filter result (Playback)" string to "Playback" in Columns UI/Playlist switcher/Use tittleformatting...", but I haven't any scripting experiences.

Or is there any better way?


Columns UI: Changing default playlists names

Reply #1
Is it possible to change default playlists names? Filter result (Playback) and Filter result are so loooong names... I need some space for additional information (tracks lenght etc.).

Agree. Things like this (also simply own definition of a target playlist for the filter results) have been asked for several times - IIRC MusicMusic said it is not that easy to change  BTW the component author prefers to have ColumnsUI questions in the CUI thread.