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Topic: Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB (Read 5685 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB

Hi everyone,

I searched the forum but didn't find the right answer for my problem (maybe due to to my bad English...). So I hope, someone of you could help me:

Some time ago I back upped my classical music library to Ape-format, invluding cuesheets for burning. As I didn't have an internet connection during that time I saved the files in a folder which was named like the cd, so I could always find the right cd. So I dont have tag-information in the cue files except the starting points of the tracks, pregap etc.: the tracks are called Track05 and so on...

But now I want to use all the ripped files in my new Squeezebox setup and want to convert alle the ape to flac (as squeezebox with my qnap-nas doesnt like ape-files). Therefor I want to use cuetools 2.1.2a, which works pretty well for the conversion itself.
The problem is: It would be great, if cuetools could contact freedb, grab the tagging information and put it into the new cue-sheet for the new flac-file.

I don't know, if cuetools can do this. At least I couldn't figure out how. I checked the box freeDB (as well as MusicBrainz), but cuetools doesnt seem to get information from freeDB.
I searched freeDB for some of my CDs and they were all there and have exactly the same timing information as my cue files. So I could manually copy the tagging information from the freeDB homepage and paste it into the cue files.
But it would be great, if cuetools could do this automatically.

Is this possible with cuetools or another programm?

Thank you very much in advance


Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB

Reply #1
CUETools doesn't contact freedb in batch mode, i.e. when processing a folder, because there are usually several freedb entries, some of them wrong, for each CD, and it would have to stop and ask you to choose one entry before converting each CD. Imagine sitting all day and helping it to choose correct entry every few minutes.

I could in theory make it silently choose random entry, but a large percent of your CDs would be mislabeled.
CUETools 2.1.6

Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB

Reply #2
Thank you very much!
Well, then I think I have to process file by file...

Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB

Reply #3
CUETools doesn't contact freedb in batch mode, i.e. when processing a folder, because there are usually several freedb entries, some of them wrong, for each CD, and it would have to stop and ask you to choose one entry before converting each CD. Imagine sitting all day and helping it to choose correct entry every few minutes.

I could in theory make it silently choose random entry, but a large percent of your CDs would be mislabeled.

Have you considered coding something similar to dbpoweramp perfectmeta? You could check and compare multiple sources (freedb, musicbrainz, discogs, amazon) to aggregate the data and come up with results better then any of them alone.

Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB

Reply #4
I am working on that. During the last couple of months i added support for freedb and discogs.
Take a look at any popular CD (e.g. and you will see that CTDB has lots of metadata for it.
Now i'm thinking how to present all this information in CUETools and how to save it in tags.
CUETools 2.1.6


Cuetools doesn't seem to contact freeDB

Reply #5
I am working on that. During the last couple of months i added support for freedb and discogs.
Take a look at any popular CD (e.g. and you will see that CTDB has lots of metadata for it.
Now i'm thinking how to present all this information in CUETools and how to save it in tags.

Have you played with Perfetmeta (dbpoweramp) and the way it displays metadata from multiple providers at once and compares the data?

I originally proposed and outlined the idea behind perfectmeta as well as the layout. I published the idea here, over at EAC, and at dbpoweramp.

Spoon is the only one that ran with it.