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Topic: CUETools DB (Read 330792 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #200
I would hope that further development will go in the direction of calculating ARv2 hashes for alternate pressings using AR offset hashes when a match cannot be made against an ARv1 hash. This secondary step could be a user-configurable option.

New releases are likely only in the AR database with v2 hashes. AFAIK this means that pressings from new releases not yet in the AR database will only hit the CTDB if they are ripped with CUERipper or with EAC that is configured to use the CTDB plugin.

I'm not sure what kind of time Gregory has to spend on this, but I imagine it could be knocked-out in a couple of hours at most.  It's definitely more consistent with core thrust of his development than metadata.

I suggest ebz777 solicit spoon and someone to develop a third-party plugin for EAC, or Andre Wiethoff to incorporate it into his current project, assuming he isn't interested in doing so with EAC.  This would be more productive than necro-bumping this idea that was shot-down a year ago.

Anyone who wishes to discuss acoustic IDs further should create a new topic.  All future replies on the matter will be binned as off-topic.  If there is any confusion as to what is on-topic, please refer back to the post that started this discussion.


Reply #201
Hi, I got this error while verifying a rip to CTDB :
[CTDB TOCID: 2dFsnKg1uTph6lYwvtHK_pLgfkM-] database access error: Il existe une erreur dans le document XML (1, 1)..

While AR gave a normal response :
Code: [Select]
[AccurateRip ID: 00021a0a-000701e7-17039603] found.
Track   [  CRC   |   V2   ] Status
01     [b90d2469|b0d7967a] (11+06/17) Accurately ripped
02     [0135d72a|e733738e] (11+06/17) Accurately ripped
03     [f3e7fcf9|c8267af8] (13+06/19) Accurately ripped

Track Peak [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL]
--  100,0 [B2CFA3FF] [725B254F]          
01  100,0 [D0B0E04E] [13D6A5BA]          
02   97,8 [C18821AC] [48F1C053]          
03  100,0 [E53C98FB] [1A21F364]


Reply #202
Hi, I got this error while verifying a rip to CTDB :
[CTDB TOCID: 2dFsnKg1uTph6lYwvtHK_pLgfkM-] database access error: Il existe une erreur dans le document XML (1, 1)..

Yep, same, here.

"database access error: There is an error in XML document (1, 1).."


Reply #203
Thanks for letting me know, should be fixed now.
CUETools 2.1.6


Reply #205
I copied a CD with EAC (AR confidence 1, CTDB 1) secure mode -without C2- but the last track did not match AR or with CTDB. The results were automatically sent to CTDB (even though there was error correction by EAC, in this track)
Then I tried to rip that track in 'Secure Mode + C2' :  EAC showed several suspicious positions, who obviously failed to correct. The results were not sent to CTDB.
I tried ripping with CueRipper (Secure Mode) which showed error correction on that track... Also, the results were sent to CTDB.
Finally, I tried dBpoweramp, but 'ultrasecure ripping' warned suspicious positions (10 of 11 ; 9 of 11; etc) in various sectors.

The rips with the 3 programs show error correction, but get the same CRC (same unit, same chipset: no guarantees of 'perfection') however the results are sent to CTDB. Can be configured (CueRipper or CTDB plugin) to send only manually or in case of rips secure (without rereading due to errors) ?
Now there are 3 submissions (in CTDB), 2 mine... probably no secure (1 of EAC, 1 of CueRipper)
Can be eliminate at least one of those submissions?

P.S: I tried to fix with CTDB (confidence 1) but that rip does not match AR (confidence 1). So, any of all or none will be fine
Sorry for my english


Reply #206
It's ok. CTDB or AR entries with confidence 1 are never secure. You will only know which version is correct when a few other people will get the same result.

UPD: greynol pointed out that my statement is unclear, so let me explain what i mean by that.

Neither CTDB nor AR make any significant guarantees about the quality of a single submission. They cannot make those guarantees for a number of reasons: existence of undetectable ripping errors, drives that don't report errors with caches that aren't being defeated by the ripping program, CDr copies made with errors etc. We could introduce stricter submission rules, that would require people to use known-good CD drives, software that would protect against virtual CD drives, CD-R detection, etc, but that's not the path that was chosen.

Any single result in the database can be wrong. It's only useful to you when somebody elses result matches your own result. In that case, it doesn't really matter how those results were obtained and how many times the ripping software had to reread - the idea of AR/CTDB is that the fact of CRCs matching is assumed to be the best protection against ripping errors.
CUETools 2.1.6


Reply #207
Hi Grigory! I saw at your db page you offer a possibility to donate "to help cover hosting expenses"
I never saw you asking for help or money and want to ask here if this project is in danger!?

I still can't believe how well the magic works with repairing a broken cd rip! If you told me that 10 years ago...
I really want to miss it never more.
How much is it to get the "Don't write comment from CUE to tag" option?
One problem may be this bitcoin thing. I have no clue how to use it.
Keep up the great work!
Is troll-adiposity coming from feederism?
With 24bit music you can listen to silence much louder!


Reply #208
Surprisingly, Amazon's prices go down faster than the database grows, which is what i was hoping for when i chose AWS as a hosting platform. I used to pay about 70$ a month, now it's just barely above 30$.
I already forgot about this button. To be honest, i was just playing with bitcoin widget at the time  Don't worry about it.
I'm waiting till somebody (probably not me, because i'm out of ideas) will find a better solution to the comment tag problem. Because adding 999 options is not a sustainable way to develop a software product. EAC comments can be annoying too. "TOOL" tag would be better place for some of the stuff, but again ripping programs, encoders and cuetools would fight for the right to fill it. Tags are always such a mess i sometimes regret i support tags at all
CUETools 2.1.6


Reply #209
Thanks for answering and fine to hear it is here to stay  These Tag thing is indeed a reason for some to make a hobby out of it and it must be a pita for developers i understand. I think i only asked because it worked up to version 2.1.2 the way i liked it.
Is troll-adiposity coming from feederism?
With 24bit music you can listen to silence much louder!


Reply #210
Thanks for your reply!


Reply #211
Is there anything in CTDB that stops someone with enough malicious intent from writing a submitter that purposely populates CTDB with manipulated entries, boosting their confidence?
Or is it purely reliant on the good will of the users? I'm guessing the latter.


Reply #212
Hi folks, I recently formatted and reinstalled my OSes.
Installed EAC with CTDB support, then after configuring AccurateRip, I copied the 2.1.4 new DLL's into EAC folder.
However, CTDB is not writing the log, nor showing up any where anymore.
Anyone know a trick no how to activate it?

Thank you a lot!


Reply #214
I'm pretty sure EAC would have taken care of prerequisites. It must be something else. Make sure you copied all 6 dlls from CUETools/interop/EAC folder to the right place, over the old ones, and didn't copy any extra ones.
CUETools 2.1.6


Reply #215
Turns out that Windows 8.1 does not enable .NET framework out of the box, whereas Windows 7 does.
Solved the issue enabling it via Control Panel and Windows Features.

Thanks for your kind help.


Reply #216
The wiki has a link to the database web page. I didn't plan to add documentation of this type to the wiki but I can. I'm so far behind updating pages already though.
Search by 'tocid' using
Search by 'artist' (most recent first) using
Search by 'artist' (most popular first) using
of course you need to fill in missing data after the '=' such as

Thanks for this information! Very much appreciated


Reply #217
I'm pretty sure EAC would have taken care of prerequisites. It must be something else. Make sure you copied all 6 dlls from CUETools/interop/EAC folder to the right place, over the old ones, and didn't copy any extra ones.

I've received a confirmation from Andre that the EAC V1.0 beta 3 installer does not play well with the detection of the .NET framework in Windows 8 & 8.1 and if not already enabled, .NET framework 3.5 has to be enabled in the Control Panel by the user. The CUETools wiki has been updated to note this. Andre says the installer in the next version (hopeful to be released in about a month or so) is fixed. I've reminded him that the CTDB plugin needs to updated in the next version as well.

edit: the -> that


Reply #218
Thank you!
CUETools 2.1.6


Reply #219
I'm looking for some info about CTDB Metadata Lookup.

When I go to download CD info I see two listings... for the same CD. One has a music note icon and the other is a record icon. What do each of these icons stand for? Both have the same track listings, album # etc...

Below is an example showing both the Music note icon and the record icon in the CTDB Metadata Lookup:



Reply #221
First is from Musicbrainz (, second is from Discogs (

Ah, makes sense...

I love my music and have restrained myself to going digital but find it necessary. Although recently I have gone "over the hill" in age and my hearing too... I still find original recordings and records sound better. Now that storage cost is down significantly, I think converting all my CD's to digital is in order. I have gone with a dedicated 1TB HD to start using EAC going to uncompressed, FLAC, and MP3 (cringe).

Now it's Musicbrainz VS Discogs. 

It seems every part of going digital is one choice after another, sacrificing this or that, preference of one or another. I guess a virtual live performance area in the house is coming soon to see all these bands live...


Reply #222
Here is a neat one, that the CUETools database just corrected for me.  A short track, the 4 seconds beginning of the Matthäuspassion, 168756 samples.
Was quite unlistenable.

Corrected: 20136 samples :-)


Reply #223
I have a problem with it in EAC, I get the following error:
[CTDB TOCID: PEK2pEiNTbua5GnzdIT1nuatmwc-] database access error: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Nordic\Ustawienia lokalne\Temp\gkl27mzw.dll' because it is being used by another process.

The name of dll file is random, the fileitself is not visible in Temp.

This happens for some CDs and some not. Help?