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Topic: foo_dsp_amp (Read 1457 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Is there any DSP that...
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Hi @Case ,

Is it possible to add a feature request to foo_dsp_amp?

=> If replaygain "track peak" metadata value > (some fractional figure example 0.1-0.9) then amplify (user defined volume)
          Example: if (replaygain track peak) > 0.55 then amplify -3dB

=> If replaygain "track peak" metadata does not exist, then amplify using the original setting.

I'm not sure how feasible this is or not.

Re: foo_dsp_amp

Reply #1
You can do this with Flex DSP. I had a related idea, I have attached my code, IDK exactly how you can use the file, I guess you put it into fb2k's configuration\ folder and it will be used as a code default. Let me know if there's something wrong with it.
What it does is it amplifies individually depending on the album_peak level (stages of 0.05).


Re: foo_dsp_amp

Reply #2
You can do this with Flex DSP.

Thank you for the suggestion. I was about to go down the path of FlexDSP....
I found another way to achieve my use case -- that is by using foo_dsp_replaygain's "only prevent clipping(track)" function.