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Topic: Waveform Minibar (mod) (Read 134758 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Waveform Minibar (mod)

Reply #475
I expect Peter to fix it for a future version.

I never expected an issue to be resolved this fast, thank you for (what I assume happened) forwarding my issue towards someone who could, and was able to fix it!


Re: Waveform Minibar (mod)

Reply #476
Hello developper.

I'd love to have a stereo view of this addon. For me, it's an absolute deal breaker because it helps me viualize my music and mono downsampling does not fulfill this need. This is the reason why I've stuck with the ressource intensive OG Waveform Seekbar.

Re: Waveform Minibar (mod)

Reply #477
Is there a chance for a Mac version of this plugin?