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Topic: foo_upnp (Read 1715734 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #100
Thanks a bunch for native DUI support.
I have noticed an accessibility problem. Once UPNP browser is inserted as an UI element it is not possible to focus the treeview inside using keyboard only. Can anyone reproduce it or might this be just my setup?
Here is my theme if it may help to confirm and fix this issue. I don't know how this looks but apart of the focus problem with UPnP Browser it's perfectly usable for me.


Reply #101
Thanks a bunch for native DUI support.
I have noticed an accessibility problem. Once UPNP browser is inserted as an UI element it is not possible to focus the treeview inside using keyboard only. Can anyone reproduce it or might this be just my setup?
Here is my theme if it may help to confirm and fix this issue. I don't know how this looks but apart of the focus problem with UPnP Browser it's perfectly usable for me.

fixed, redownload 0.97 (didn't update the version number). Let me know if you find some other usability problems. For example hitting the ENTER key does nothing, is that a problem ?


Reply #103
I'm having a rather odd problem with foo_upnp. i have one album that will not show one song in the correct order on our PS3. I have checked all the tags and the song appears in the correct order in foobar
Thanks for the report, will be fixed in next version. This also fixes the track order problem reported by Jorgo on the PCH.
I can confirm that the problem is now fixed in v0.97, thanks.
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.


Reply #104
Thanks for the awesome plugin!

I use a popcorn hour, some thoughts

Mp3 works fine, FLAC will not play directly. Can set server to transcode to v0 on the fly and it will work, though meta data does not carry over to the popcorn hour

Any possibility of creating an HD skin that allows for album art on a popcorn hour? I love the concept of the upnp server for our renderers, but if I have to use the default ui skin of the PCH(aka crap) then I am sad.


Reply #105
Let me know if you find some other usability problems. For example hitting the ENTER key does nothing, is that a problem ?

Yes this might be a problem but it needs to be considered seriously.
The problem is you are allowing to set left and right click actions.
It is convenient that right click always activates context menu what should also be possible by hitting applications key or shift+F10 keyboard shortcut.
Double click should be the default action and this should be also possible to achieve by pressing the enter key.
I am unable to suggest a proper way on how to handle it properly.
Anyway I believe applications key should open context menu in any case.


Reply #106
Any possibility of creating an HD skin that allows for album art on a popcorn hour? I love the concept of the upnp server for our renderers, but if I have to use the default ui skin of the PCH(aka crap) then I am sad.

If you want to replace the default skin, you need to install another one directly in the PCH - I don't think there's any way around it.


Reply #107
@bubbleguuum: After some more fiddling with this fantastic plugin here are my questions and comments:
1) This is slightly off topic but... Does anybody know how to prevent Eset Smart Security 4.0 from blocking UPnP traffic? For now I have just disabled its filtering.
2) Do I need to have windows UPnP service or some other windows service running in order to make use of this component? What should I add into the built-in Windows XP firewall if I want to get this working. Is it Foobar 2000 or UPnP service or something else?
I am asking these because I cant get it running on one of my machines. 2 of three runs fine anyway.
3) It would really be nice if you can make the browser more keyboard accessible. Now I understand left click is the only way on how to expand a remote branch. When tallking about treeviews left arrow key usualy colapses and right arrow expands a node. I am not sure you can override it somehow. The things I was tallking about previously would be nice too because I have to emulate the mouse a lot and it's getting too inconvenient for me.
4) I am not sure but I think I have got a crash related to foo_upnp. I had a Foobar window opened with 1 remote Foobar listed in the UPnP browser and some errors in the console because second client was not displayed. Then I did a restart of Foobar and on startup I have got this crash.



Reply #108
1. thanks for making this
2. I seem to be encountering something like a bug streaming this:

It retrieves the playlist contents just fine, but as soon as I start playback, the playlist entry/tag-supplied information (and the properties page) disappears, and some sort of hash-like name replaces it. (the hash or whatever seems to be the same one for every file i start playing, although it sometimes changes when i switch between playlists)
3. Also, seek mode doesn't work, and the pc i'm streaming it to has no idea has no idea what the track lengths are once a file starts playing. (playlist info also lists the bitrate as 128k, even though i transcode to v0, although the variable display in the status bar reads the bitrate correctly)
4. minor bug: the playback indicator (the arrow thing in the playlist) doesn't stay on whatever file is being played (though this could be related to foobar's own behavior)
5. suggestion: add a 'refresh remote filelists' context menu item?


Reply #109

2. No you don't need this service, it might even get in the way. In some tversity or twonky FAQ they even talk about disabling it for whatever reason I forgot.
For server auto-discovery to work you need to be able to receive multicast packets. Some firewalls disable this by default, that's the case of Kerio Personal Firewall for example.

3. Will look into it

4. I'm tracking this one. If you can reproduce it, I'd like to know the exact steps. In your description what do you mean by "and some errors in the console because second client was not displayed" ?


2. I have an idea why it could do this but cannot reproduce it.  In what format are the original files ? is the server on the LAN ? Does it do this only when transcoding to mp3 ?

3. There's no seek support when transcoding to mp3. Seeking is supported when streaming files in their original format or as PCM

5. It's somewhat in the todo list but not in the immediate future.


Reply #110
2. I have an idea why it could do this but cannot reproduce it.  In what format are the original files ? is the server on the LAN ? Does it do this only when transcoding to mp3 ?

Happens both while streaming mp3s and .ape files. (transcoding only enabled for lossless files) Server not on a LAN (but fast connection nonetheless).
Also happened before i enabled transcoding (since you can't stream Ape files)
hash thing is the same as the "file name" info shown in the 'tag' info that is loaded when adding something to the playlist, (although the tag info disappears as soon as i hit play)

also, when transcoding & streaming a 5.1 FLAC file the resulting mp3 is pretty much cbr 320, in stead of variable (v0), and the music is very much slowed down/distorted (it seems to be stretching the file, though i don't really know what goes wrong exactly, but the frequencies all seem to be shifted down as well)
furthermore, transcoding from .tak and streaming mpc doesn't work


Reply #111
Happens both while streaming mp3s and .ape files. (transcoding only enabled for lossless files) Server not on a LAN (but fast connection nonetheless).
Also happened before i enabled transcoding (since you can't stream Ape files)

also, when transcoding & streaming a 5.1 FLAC file the resulting mp3 is pretty much cbr 320, in stead of variable (v0), and the music is very much slowed down/distorted (it seems to be stretching the file, though i don't really know what goes wrong exactly, but the frequencies all seem to be shifted down as well)
furthermore, transcoding from .tak and streaming mpc doesn't work

Streaming APE and TAK in their original format ("Stream files in their native format if possible" setting) works as long as you have the decoder plugin for those formats on your client foobar. They also works streamed transcoded to mp3
but you need the decoder plugins on the server in that case.

MPC is a special case and cannot be streamed in its native format. It must be streamed as PCM of transcoded to mp3. When streaming over the Internet with transcode enabled, it should always be transcoded even if the setting is "Lossless only".
Will fix that in the next version

About 5.1 formats you're right, a downmix to stereo was missing before encoding to mp3. Fixed in the next version.


Reply #112

4. I'm tracking this one. If you can reproduce it, I'd like to know the exact steps. In your description what do you mean by "and some errors in the console because second client was not displayed" ?

Well I have 3 computers here. 2 of them can run server and I can see each other in the browser. 3rd one cant I need to figure out what is blocking it. Anyway when server is started on 3rd computer then these 2 computers I have reported as working are getting some connection reset warnings and time outs in the console. I will capture it exactly when I'll get a chance next time all three gets freed for testing.
So back to the crash. I had started server using the default ports on all three computers. Then I went to one of the PCs reported as working fine. I have seen such messages as I've just tried to explain in the console, then I closed foobar and on next Foobar start I got that crash. It happened only once to me.


Reply #113
I report success on the PCH! I can now stream all formats. The URL is butt-ugly, there's no album art or metadata displayed but I didn't really expect that to work on the Popcorn Hour before a dedicated firmware upgrade takes care of that.

Right now I'm a happy camper  Thank you again for all your work and especially for listening.


Reply #114
@bubleguuum: back to my crash. These are the messages I've seen in the console before restarting foobar.


Reply #115
Thanks for developing such a great piece of software. Really missed the ability to listen to my collection all over the web.

Actually the only thing I miss is not having the exposed tracks in foo_facets.
Are there any plans for developing something like facets with customized columns?
Or something like simple media library search. With something like that the component will be completely perfect :)

The following thought might look fantastic but may be it's possible some way to make uPnP share be added as usual media library folder.
Sure it's not possible, just a thought for developers of the foobar2000 core.


Reply #116
This software is getting more awesome by the day
I got only one (hopefully very easy adressable) feature request. Is it possible to allow input of domain names instead of IPs in the "Add remote foobar2000 server" and "Internet access" dialogues, i.e. instead of the real IP w.x.y.z? Since I have a dynamic IP via my ISP I then won't have to ping my home machine to find out my current IP, and I won't have to change the foobar preferences everytime I get a new IP.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.


Reply #117
This software is getting more awesome by the day
I got only one (hopefully very easy adressable) feature request. Is it possible to allow input of domain names instead of IPs in the "Add remote foobar2000 server" and "Internet access" dialogues, i.e. instead of the real IP w.x.y.z? Since I have a dynamic IP via my ISP I then won't have to ping my home machine to find out my current IP, and I won't have to change the foobar preferences everytime I get a new IP.

This will be in the next release of the plugin.


Reply #118
Thanks for developing such a great piece of software. Really missed the ability to listen to my collection all over the web.

Actually the only thing I miss is not having the exposed tracks in foo_facets.
Are there any plans for developing something like facets with customized columns?
Or something like simple media library search. With something like that the component will be completely perfect

The following thought might look fantastic but may be it's possible some way to make uPnP share be added as usual media library folder.
Sure it's not possible, just a thought for developers of the foobar2000 core.

Integrating into the ML is not doable without being a hack involving managing a virtual filesystem which I have zero intention to do.
Also keep in mind that UPnP  servers are meant to be browsed one node at a time (that's what the UPnP AV spec recommends), which is in contradiction with a full blown library were you know all the items from the start. AFAIK, there's only WMP that do the stupid thing to request the content of the whole remote library. If you have 20000 items it will ask all 20000 items at once and build its own representation of that (ML) regardless of the remote server generated tree. No need to say it's very slow the first time even if it can have some benefits afterwards.

Search on the remote server is doable but is not trivial to do. Might give it a go one day if I'm bored.


Reply #120
Thanks for this great plugin, bubbleguuum!

Do you think it would be possible to add support for external UPNP Media Renderers to your plugin? Think abaout the following scenario:

I got a PC with fobar in my sanctum. My Hi-Fi, my Pocorn Hour, my old xBox are in the living room. This is the place where I would like to listen to music. With over 120 Gigs of music, selectin music is a hard thing. None of the media players I know are as comfortable as foobar (or some other pc based players). Scrolling a list of a few hundred artists with a remote is horrible. If I could use my notebook to connect to my pc via RDP and then use foobar to use my Popcron Hour as a Media Renderer I could select my music by foobar without the diadvantages of shoucast streaming. Perhaps you can think about adding support for media rendererd. By the way I tried Cidero but it works with none of the renderers I have.


Reply #121
New version. This version will reset your configuration

v 0.98

+ fix: server: 5.1 files not correctly transcoded to mp3 due to missing downmix to stereo
+ fix: server: always transcode Musepack to mp3 for "Lossless only" transcode modes  (as otherwise Musepack would be streamed as PCM)
+ fix: crash if playing an upnp item if the UI element of CUI panel was not initialized
+ new: server/browser: ability to enter a hostname instead of an IP to configure or connect to an Internet server. Useful for servers on dynamic IP that have a fixed hostname.
+ new: server: artist nodes in "By artist" tree contains all items of that artist
+ new: browser: option so that a node's content can be the aggregated content of all its loaded subnodes ("Show all loaded content under a node" option).

@gulp68: already though about making this plugin also act as a control point, like cidero. Not sure if/when I'll implement it though


Reply #122
found a bug with file path handling
fails playing files having '+' sign in the path
take a look at the screen

on the left is upnp server, on the right - upnp client

track with title flood1 plays as it should
track with title flood gives playback error that can be seen on the right

the only difference between these files is track title and the path having extra '+ ' in one case


Reply #123
This software is getting more awesome by the day
I got only one (hopefully very easy adressable) feature request. Is it possible to allow input of domain names instead of IPs in the "Add remote foobar2000 server" and "Internet access" dialogues, i.e. instead of the real IP w.x.y.z? Since I have a dynamic IP via my ISP I then won't have to ping my home machine to find out my current IP, and I won't have to change the foobar preferences everytime I get a new IP.

This will be in the next release of the plugin.

glad to hear, keep on rockin' 
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.



Reply #124
Internet Access Password:
I've only tried with a second instance as Browser on the same computer as Server instance, but if i type wrong password in "add remote server" dialog, it also gives access. 
Any ideias?

btw, awesome component.