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Topic: Foobar 2000 Android version - objects not found (Read 1227 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar 2000 Android version - objects not found

I'm trying to use the ReplayGain scanner on some tracks, it appears to scan, but when I try to save to tags, the notes on the console state that the Object is not found when it tries to write to the mp3 file.

The player can play the files, but for some reason it does not seem to allow the editing / generation of the tags.

it appears to have access to read / write to the appropriate folder.

Am i missing something, has this been an issue before?

If you need any more information, let me know and i'll assist.

Thanks in advance

Re: Foobar 2000 Android version - objects not found

Reply #1
I have the same issue (Object is not found) when trying to save Replaygain to tag with opus files.

Debug log

Code: [Select]
03-24 18:58:33.839  2240  2240 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/Apps/Music/Sleep Theory - Fallout.opus
03-24 18:58:33.852  1506  1589 E TrafficController: Failed to set the counterSet: Bad file descriptor, fd: -1
03-24 18:58:33.861  1506  1589 E TrafficController: Failed to delete the counterSet: Bad file descriptor
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils: android.os.ParcelableException: Missing file for primary:Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp at /storage/emulated/0/Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at android.content.ContentProvider$
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils: Caused by: Missing file for primary:Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp at /storage/emulated/0/Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at android.provider.DocumentsProvider.callUnchecked(
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         at
03-24 18:58:33.904  3137  6671 E DatabaseUtils:         ... 4 more
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract: Failed to rename document
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract: android.os.ParcelableException: Missing file for primary:Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp at /storage/emulated/0/Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.os.Parcel.readParcelable(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.os.Parcel.createException(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.provider.DocumentsContract.renameDocument(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.provider.DocumentsContract.renameDocument(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.Utility$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(Unknown Source:0)
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.FileSystem.moveToImpl(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.FileSystem.moveTo(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.foobar2000instance.jniCallWrapperN(Native Method)
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.foobar2000instance.jniCallWrapper(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.Utility.threadEntryProc(Native Method)
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at com.foobar2000.foobar2000.Utility$
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract: Caused by: Missing file for primary:Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp at /storage/emulated/0/Apps/Music/temp-3F5C46DFED216713A719A500BD6DAB02.tmp
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     at android.os.ParcelableException.readFromParcel(
03-24 18:58:33.907  6445  6571 W DocumentsContract:     ... 19 more
03-24 18:58:33.915  6445  6571 I Debug   : Could not update tags on file: [android] primary:Apps/Music/Sleep Theory - Fallout.opus, reason: Object not found