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Topic: Track peak not saved on ogg opus (Read 953 times) previous topic - next topic
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Track peak not saved on ogg opus

My issue:
Whenever i calculate replaygain on an ogg opus file, i am unable to embed Track peak and Album peak so they show up in the properties.


Ive noticed this behavior on ogg opus files and alac files. Since i waited for the first reason to convert my alacs to flac this is not that much of an issue, but since the oggs are lossy, i dont want to do a conversion.

Why am i doing this:
I am currently calculating PLR peak-to-loudness ratio inside of a custom collumn but since that script doesnt work without the peak i dont see the PLR value.

Help would be much appreciated.
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: Track peak not saved on ogg opus

Reply #1
Opus doesn't play nicely with ReplayGain in general, it's kinda by design. I think it's a shame and that its metadata specs/recommendations could be better. You can find some older discussions about it here on HA...

Regarding Opus peak data in Foobar, I made a thread this a few months ago. But in short, I don't think there's a solution until either Foobar changes its behavior or maybe someone makes a component that takes care of this.

Re: Track peak not saved on ogg opus

Reply #2
Opus doesn't play nicely with ReplayGain in general, it's kinda by design. I think it's a shame and that its metadata specs/recommendations could be better. You can find some older discussions about it here on HA...

Regarding Opus peak data in Foobar, I made a thread this a few months ago. But in short, I don't think there's a solution until either Foobar changes its behavior or maybe someone makes a component that takes care of this.
Ah thank you. I was afraid that this was the case. I still could try to remux my opus to .webm since it works on that one. But since most recognise this as a videofile thats not quite optimal.
Edit: .mka works with my smartphone player. :)
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: Track peak not saved on ogg opus

Reply #3
Looking for a workaround with saving track peak in Opus details, I've come across the fact that when converting some file with properly set Replygain tags to OGG, track peak for some reason is also not transferred. But unlike Opus, if you type it then, it is saved. Maybe this is a bug of Foobar2000 2.1?
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Re: Track peak not saved on ogg opus

Reply #4
Your comment is not related to Opus' rules. Converter doesn't transfer peaks to any lossy format because the peaks don't stay the same with lossy formats. If you want correct ReplayGain information for you converted Vorbis files, configure the Converter to ReplayGain scan the files after conversion.


Re: Track peak not saved on ogg opus

Reply #5
There is no standard field for peak information in Opus format.
The official specification only says that classic ReplayGain fields "SHOULD NOT" be used.
Please correct me if I'm missing something obvious here.
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