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Topic: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search (Read 6708 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

This has occurred several times in 2.12 x 64bit. When a playlist is highlighted, a Search is conducted for an artist or song. The results appear with the results however the playlist that was highlighted with several thousand tracks now shows 0 tracks.
Fortunately each time I add 1 track or more I save the playlist as an .FPL file and can easily restore.  However this should not be the case.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #1
Are you claiming just using search overwrites playlists? Are you certain you don't hit enter after typing, that would send the results to selected playlist.
Note that if you overwrite a playlist by accident, you can hit Ctrl+Z to undo the damage. One doesn't need to manually save FPL files because of fear of misclicks.
The ellipsis (...) button at the end of input field allows you to send the files to a new playlist or to a new autoplaylist. If you have a habit of hitting enter accidentally, you can try if enabling 'Library viewer selection' playlist at Preferences -> Media Library makes the search work in a way you like.


Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #2
Are you claiming just using search overwrites playlists? Are you certain you don't hit enter after typing, that would send the results to selected playlist.
Note that if you overwrite a playlist by accident, you can hit Ctrl+Z to undo the damage. One doesn't need to manually save FPL files because of fear of misclicks.
The ellipsis (...) button at the end of input field allows you to send the files to a new playlist or to a new autoplaylist. If you have a habit of hitting enter accidentally, you can try if enabling 'Library viewer selection' playlist at Preferences -> Media Library makes the search work in a way you like.

Great to know! Have been using fb2k for a decade, albeit at a skill level amounting to nothing more than basic playback and tinkering with a component here and there (hell, I even forgot until just now, that I created this account back in 2020 when I tried register an account with my same address, lol). Gotta say I love how well foobar accommodates Ctrl-Z reliant doofuses like myself (lookin' at you, MS Excel...).

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #3
Are you claiming just using search overwrites playlists? Are you certain you don't hit enter after typing, that would send the results to selected playlist.
Note that if you overwrite a playlist by accident, you can hit Ctrl+Z to undo the damage. One doesn't need to manually save FPL files because of fear of misclicks.
The ellipsis (...) button at the end of input field allows you to send the files to a new playlist or to a new autoplaylist. If you have a habit of hitting enter accidentally, you can try if enabling 'Library viewer selection' playlist at Preferences -> Media Library makes the search work in a way you like.
Thanks for your response. Here are the answers to your post:  Yes, I am pressing Enter on the keyboard after typing in the Search criteria. This Zero's out the entire Playlist (which was / is currently selected).  CTRL + Z does not undo this action of which I have had success with but under different circumstances.  The Playlists are being Saved as I am unable to recover any playlist after the Enter is pressed to invoke such an Action. Had I not done this, it would be hundreds of hours wasted in creating specific playlists.
Thanks for the Tip on Preferences | Media Library - I am not seeing any such option in this section of version 2.14. I would surely give this a try. Can you kindly be more specific as to where this checkbox (?) is located or other insight to enable such a feature?  Thanks

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #4
Are you claiming just using search overwrites playlists? Are you certain you don't hit enter after typing, that would send the results to selected playlist.
Note that if you overwrite a playlist by accident, you can hit Ctrl+Z to undo the damage. One doesn't need to manually save FPL files because of fear of misclicks.
The ellipsis (...) button at the end of input field allows you to send the files to a new playlist or to a new autoplaylist. If you have a habit of hitting enter accidentally, you can try if enabling 'Library viewer selection' playlist at Preferences -> Media Library makes the search work in a way you like.

Great to know! Have been using fb2k for a decade, albeit at a skill level amounting to nothing more than basic playback and tinkering with a component here and there (hell, I even forgot until just now, that I created this account back in 2020 when I tried register an account with my same address, lol). Gotta say I love how well foobar accommodates Ctrl-Z reliant doofuses like myself (lookin' at you, MS Excel...).
thanks for the post.  Try this..Save your Playlist as a backup. Then do a search, press Enter (as most would to invoke) and the entire Playlist has zero contents. I am hoping the suggestion by Case will override to involuntary habit of pushing "Enter"

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #5
The Library Viewer option has been there at the bottom of the Media Library page practically forever. It's the 'Enabled' button under the big 'Library viewer selection playlist' headline:

Does the library search not work like it should for you? It's supposed to show the results of your query in realtime as you type. If the preview dialog is empty it means there are no entries matching your query. Of course it also says how many tracks the query returns in the title bar.
I can't replicate Ctrl+Z not working. I can do multiple searches and hit enter to replace my playlist with the results. Just hit Ctrl+Z as many times as playlist results got replaced and you are back with the contents you started with.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #6
thanks for the post.  Try this..Save your Playlist as a backup. Then do a search, press Enter (as most would to invoke) and the entire Playlist has zero contents. I am hoping the suggestion by Case will override to involuntary habit of pushing "Enter"
I agree that the natural response after entering a term in any "Search" dialog is to press "Enter," and that it would be best if Foobar could accomodate that especially when it appears the current situation can lead to a catastrophic result.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #7
I'm in compliance with your statement, pressing Enter has catastrophic results where All files in a Playlist area zero'd out and there is no form of recovery.  The "enter" key should yield "no Input" when pressed after a Search string is entered. That would solve this issue.
Anyone with doubts should try sequence (Windows not sure on a MAC):
Search the Library while any playlist is highlighted, perform a search of any key word, press enter. The Playlist now shows 0 results.  This will aid in observing the the current natural occurrence.
My sympathy goes out to anyone that has many many hours procuring their Playlist(s) to lose all of their entries when this sequence of of events occurs.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #8
The Library Viewer option has been there at the bottom of the Media Library page practically forever. It's the 'Enabled' button under the big 'Library viewer selection playlist' headline:

Does the library search not work like it should for you? It's supposed to show the results of your query in realtime as you type. If the preview dialog is empty it means there are no entries matching your query. Of course it also says how many tracks the query returns in the title bar.
I can't replicate Ctrl+Z not working. I can do multiple searches and hit enter to replace my playlist with the results. Just hit Ctrl+Z as many times as playlist results got replaced and you are back with the contents you started with.
Thanks for the rephrasing the suggestion, 'Enabled' was in fact checked.  I shall be more specific on how the Zero'ing out the Playlist occurs. I've now two different results when pressing Enter after the Search criteria string is typed.  To test on your end,
Scenario 1: create a Playlist with 5 different tracks from different Artists. Note any 'unique' keyword in any of the 5 tracks.  With that Playlist engaged (focused aka double clicked), type in your selection of a word string within those 5 tracks for Library Search and press 'enter'. The playlist now Populates with any matching criteria from the 'entire' library and wipes out the playlist as it was just prior.
Scenario 2: repeat the above with one exception, choose a word that is not within the entire Library such as 'non-sense' press Enter, the entire playlist is wiped out to Zero.
I can confirm CTRL+Z works after pressing "Enter" however the end user must refocus their mouse by clicking anywhere on screen where the Playlist results appear (even if none are shown) and Then perform a CTRL+Z. This exact sequence of events returned the Playlist to the previous list as expected. Perhaps it would be helpful to have a Right Click option on  the Playlist to perform an Undo.
Lastly, the comment you'd mentioned about the results after conducting a Search do appear in real time but for many of us, we still hit the Enter key. Hope that helps - thanks

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #9
Sorry, I should have tested with a new portable install. In my main foobar2000 install I have configured Ctrl+Z as a keyboard shortcut for the main Undo function so I get foobar's undo no matter what dialog I have open. Default behavior seems to be that hitting Ctrl+Z in the Library Search input field brings back previous query.

Enter wiping the previously active playlist with Library Viewer Selection enabled is definitely a bug.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #10
Excellent - thanks for confirming the bug and the CTRL+Z info as a keyboard shortcut - will give that a try.  Might you know the turn around for bug requests?  I'm most interested in being alerted when the upcoming release corrects this bug. Cheers.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #11
Thanks for reporting.
Issue should be fixed in today's preview build: behavior of enter key has been altered for the scenario where library viewer selection playlist is in use.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Playlists Get Zero'd Out After a Library Search

Reply #12
Hi Peter - thanks - saw the changelog for 2.2 Preview today 4-26-24 - "Prevented Media Library search from clearing other playlists with enter key if library selection playlist feature is active."