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Topic: Configure the order that songs get queued/playlisted from ReFacets (Read 1179 times) previous topic - next topic
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Configure the order that songs get queued/playlisted from ReFacets

Hello, new here, forgive me if this is posted in the wrong place.

Just a small issue: when queuing or making a playlist from ReFacets, the tracks are sorted in a way that I'd like to configure, say by disc number and track number first rather than the album artist first. A reddit thread showed that setting up the shell integration's "sort incoming files by" option does do the trick, but it doesn't apply to doing this from ReFacets. Is there any way to have that kind of functionality from ReFacets?

Thanks for your time!

Re: Configure the order that songs get queued/playlisted from ReFacets

Reply #1
By default ReFacets seems to sort tracks by path and doesn't use the shell integration sort order. ReFacets lets you use filters and those allow you to customize the sort order. Open the filter preferences and create a new filter with sort parameters you want. Once the filter is created, remember to activate it for use in the ReFacets UI. For example the following filter would sort tracks by discnumber and tracknumber, but I can warn you that this will make a huge mess if you send files from multiple albums:
Code: [Select]
ALL SORT BY %discnumber%.%tracknumber%
For sanity's sake I'd recommend in the very least sorting first by album artist and album, only then by disc and track:
Code: [Select]
ALL SORT BY %album artist%|%album%|%discnumber%.%tracknumber%


Re: Configure the order that songs get queued/playlisted from ReFacets

Reply #2
That's it, solved! Thank you very much.