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Topic: FLAC v1.4.x Performance Tests (Read 109693 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: FLAC v1.4.x Performance Tests

Reply #525
Suggestion, if you don't mind running another round for the sake of the sport: Measure speed and size on the same corpus, for each of these runs on the "inexact" build, and post it here? 
flac -8per7 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop"
flac -8er7 --lax -l15 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop"
flac -8pr7 --lax -l15 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop"
flac -8pr7 -A "subdivide_tukey(5);flattop"
I took "track 2" from each of my 38 and ran those 2x4 multiple times overnight, and -8pr7.
Sizes total to around 1 GB compressed. 
Table in size order first:
WAVE1950649336secondskiB saved over previous
Inexact, no "-p"/"-e"103251626768
Exact, no "-p"/"-e"1032260218141250
Inexact -p1031759702213489
Inexact -p "A5+"1031432685664319
Exact -p103140691760025
Inexact -pe "A4+"10312567363809147
Exact -p "A5+"10310021202023249
Exact -pe "A4+"103080333514817194
Inexact -el15 "A4+"103073984296162
Exact -el15 "A4+"10303449162391386
Inexact -pl15 "A4+"10301515831431189
Exact -pl15 "A4+"10297523222235390
Everything is run with -8r7 -j4 --no-padding in addition to the above, where "A4+" means -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop" and "A5+" bumps the 4 up to 5.
Times indicated are "Process time" (so clock times are about 1/4 of this) and a fishy matter on this throttling CPU, but I tried to run it hot first, and then they are median of four (because then it was morning and i got up).

Numbers indicate, starting out from the top:
* exact-rice appears to be "-p-alike" in cost/gains.
* exact-rice atop -p is much better than -pe, but we already knew that -pe is hopeless value for money, and I should likely have used less windowing functions on that one to keep numbers sane.
Anyway, you could argue then that an exact-rice option is better.
* For -l15, I am surprised over the -p vs -e timings, but it might be due to the order of runs and CPU throttling. Anyway it is not that far from consistent with what is going on with -l12 as found in standard -8.

Breaking it down on genres, classical music benefit much more. Like, twice as much as the rest. Two  files consistently benefit above 0.1 percent: Bruckner (that's vocal music) and Cage (percussion). Also Jordan Rudess (solo electric keyboard) benefit that much except for one run (-el15)

Re: FLAC v1.4.x Performance Tests

Reply #526
Or viewed with different glasses. Here I did not do any timing nor anything slower than -8pe.
But split into genre divisions:
total - classical - heavier - "other"

settingtotalclassicalheavierother|pct-pointswithbaseline:inexact -8
inex -753.0 %40.7 %70.7 %58.3 %|-.032 pts-.013 pts-.029 pts-.065 pts
ex -7.008 pts.012 pts.005 pts.007 pts|-.024 pts-.001 pts-.024 pts-.058 pts
inex -8.024 pts.001 pts.024 pts.058 pts|0 0 0 0
inex -8e.013 pts.018 pts.011 pts.011 pts|.013 pts.018 pts.011 pts.011 pts
ex -8.001 pts-.010 pts-.006 pts.024 pts|.015 pts.008 pts.005 pts.035 pts
ex -8e.017 pts.022 pts.014 pts.015 pts|.031 pts.030 pts.019 pts.049 pts
inex -8p.008 pts.003 pts.024 pts-.001 pts|.039 pts.033 pts.043 pts.048 pts
inex -8pe.016 pts.009 pts.006 pts.038 pts|.055 pts.042 pts.048 pts.086 pts
ex -8p.002 pts.013 pts.011 pts-.021 pts|.057 pts.055 pts.059 pts.065 pts
ex -8pe.019 pts.013 pts.008 pts.041 pts|.076 pts.067 pts.068 pts.106 pts
* Sorted by "total" size.
* Leftmost column: First compression ratio (lower is better) and then: how much, in percentage points, the setting gains on the one immediately over it. You see that exact -8 beats inexact -8e by 0.01 percentage points, but that is only due to the "other" (and I guess, Jordan Rudess ...) And that exact -8p narrowly beats inexact -8pe despite something going on in the other section.
* The rightmost panel are just cumulative percentage-points relative to inexact "-8", which is a natural "slowest reasonable" benchmark.

Seems that going "exact" is, ballpark:
* half as efficient as going "-7" to "-8".
* half as efficient as -p, when the baseline is -8 and not heavier.

Re: FLAC v1.4.x Performance Tests

Reply #527

flac -8per7 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop"
flac -8er7 --lax -l15 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop"
flac -8pr7 --lax -l15 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop"
flac -8pr7 -A "subdivide_tukey(5);flattop"

It took almost two days..
ParamsAVG sizeAVG ratioAVG speed
-8 -per7 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop" -j2826 168 05569,304%88,983x
-8 -er7 --lax -l15 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop" -j2826 153 38669,265%306,023x
-8 -pr7 --lax -l15 -A "subdivide_tukey(4);flattop" -j2826 140 68869,231%212,109x
-8 -pr7 -A "subdivide_tukey(5);flattop" -j2826 170 40269,310%453,227x

Also i have found same sizes for different parameters:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Re: FLAC v1.4.x Performance Tests

Reply #528
Yeah it takes time - and this is all with the inexact-rice, right? Using exact-rice would take even more - if you have the patience to do that for comparison? You could of course skip the one with "-pe".
(What you see now is that -p with the extra windowing function so nearly catches -pe.)

The observation that some files have identical sizes, is not so strange, but I am a bit surprised which ones.
Not surprising: 34276. One of these allow for prediction order up to 15 instead of merely 12, but it turns out it doesn't find that 13/14/15 improves compression.
More surprising: All those where -e gives the same as a -p with extra windowing. The latter allows more attempts, while the former brute-forces the fewer - so it will then be that the it picks the right one by a cruder method (so that brute-forcing doesn't help) and that the extra windows are not "the right one".

Note, the only ones that have - potentially - extra layers of complexity in the file (for decoding), are the -l15. The others don't work by "packing heavier with more complexity" - they work by
* making more attempts, each at similar complexity, and then cherrypicking the best,
* spending more time fine-calculating which one is actually the best.
The "exact-rice" build does even more of that.