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Topic: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0) (Read 48520 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #150
Your points about ClamAV are very valid, but I hope you aren't suggesting that foo_midi has malware?

Some of those virus scanners featured in VirusTotal are just absolutely useless. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them marked every executable that isn't digitally signed or white listed as a virus.
Just to demonstrate, I compiled a simple hello world program with Visual Studio 2017 XP toolkit and static linking:
Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
puts("Hello world.\n");
Here's virustotal link:
These results are mind boggling. I wouldn't go anywhere near anti malware products like these 9 that consider this malicious.

If you doubt someone's components because of results like these, send the file to be analyzed by your preferred antivirus company as a false positive. Once christmas holidays are over I'm sure they will tell you quite quickly that the false detection has been fixed.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #152
I'm afraid I'll have to sit this one out until MS fixes their sh*t. Delete the vsthost__.exe files and loose VSTi support if you're worried.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #158
So this threat has nothing to do with foo_midi?
I don't see how. Especially since Defender mentions 2 different trojans. Even 'A.I.' isn't consistent anymore...

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #159
I'd recommend keeping the vsthost binaries intact when there are no code changes. That way all these AV companies have a better chance to whitelist them. Should help with your sanity too as so many people seem to truly believe they are malicious.

I submitted the old version of the component as a false positive for Microsoft almost two weeks ago. The entire company seems to be on christmas holiday as they still haven't analyzed it.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #160
pqyt: If that hello world is getting flagged, scan your build process.

Case: I don't have that option, since my other affected install is on my work machine and their AV is hyper-aggressive (to the point that the above Hello World gets false positive'd when I build it myself).

Which modes are VSTHost used for, anyway?  I know they don't impact the libADL and libOPN modes since that's fully synthesized on the fly...

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #161
pqyt: If that hello world is getting flagged, scan your build process.
It gets flagged as a trojan because of the CreateProcess and CreatePipe calls. A trojan does not infect another binary like a virus does. My build process is clean.
Which modes are VSTHost used for, anyway?  I know they don't impact the libADL and libOPN modes since that's fully synthesized on the fly...
VSTHosts are used to load the VSTi plugins if you have any. A host is used to allow a 64-bit foobar2000 to talk to 32-bit VSTi's, which most of them are, and vice-versa.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #162
Hello, I'm a MIDI lover.

I have a request, but I would like you to implement WRD, which was created a long time ago as a lyrics display system for the PC-9800 series. (Although it was also used for other purposes)
Is it possible to implement MIDI OUT at the same time?
I want to use the nostalgic SC-88Pro.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #163
Hello, I'm a MIDI lover.

I have a request, but I would like you to implement WRD, which was created a long time ago as a lyrics display system for the PC-9800 series. (Although it was also used for other purposes)
Is it possible to implement MIDI OUT at the same time?
I want to use the nostalgic SC-88Pro.
Is there some documentation about WRD?

MIDI OUT has been requested on GitHub. I am intrigued by the idea but when I started prototyping I ran into a design problem: the Windows API to talk to the MIDI interface requires a different way of receiving the messages. It will require a lot of rework and I don't have the time for that right now.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #164
Hello, I'm a MIDI lover.

I have a request, but I would like you to implement WRD, which was created a long time ago as a lyrics display system for the PC-9800 series. (Although it was also used for other purposes)
Is it possible to implement MIDI OUT at the same time?
I want to use the nostalgic SC-88Pro.
Is there some documentation about WRD?

MIDI OUT has been requested on GitHub. I am intrigued by the idea but when I started prototyping I ran into a design problem: the Windows API to talk to the MIDI interface requires a different way of receiving the messages. It will require a lot of rework and I don't have the time for that right now.

It was originally a unique lyrics display system for NEC-DOS software called MIMPI, but due to its excellence, it has been implemented in other freeware.
(There are also other extended WRDs such as SherryWRD (extended for Windows) and "演出くんメカ" (extended for MS-DOS))

Since the WRD file itself is a text file, it is probably possible to implement it if it follows the text file specifications.
WRD also requires decompression of reversible image compression used in Japan called MAG.



I think it may be difficult, but it is part of the history of MIDI, so I would appreciate it if you could implement it.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #165
v1.9.1.3 says it's incompatible with fb2k v1.6.17.
v1.9.2.0 causes crash on fb2k v1.6.17. Win81 x64.
It's okay that the new versions don't work on 1.6 but it should be mentioned on the download page.
Magically yours

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #166

Long time fb2k user, first time poster.  Before I start, I just want to thank you for all the work you and kode54 have put into foo_midi.  I truly believe this is the best MIDI player available, with it's ability to easily change between engines/soundfonts/VSTi plugins, dead-accurate timing (something even the acclaimed falcosoft player cannot seem to do properly), all integrated seamlessly into the comfortable and easy-to-use fb2k... absolutely awesome.

Anyway, I am having an intermittent issue with Secret Sauce, seemingly related to how the trigger for whether or not its visibility in the player selection drop-down box is validated.

I like to switch between different players, but I'd say around 80% of the time, when I open preferences to switch the player, Secret Sauce has disappeared from the list.  At that point, in order to get it to reappear, I have to go back to the paths section, edit or browse for the path to Secret Sauce (to get it to "think" that I've pointed it at something new), then close and re-open preferences.  Even after doing this, it seems my chances of it reappearing in the players list is like 50/50.

Anyone else have this issue?  I know the recipe for the sauce is closely guarded and all, and I'm not suggesting deobfuscation or anything, but is it possible to just have this hard-coded after activating it once?  Or maybe I'm just doing something wrong?  I tried removing the path to VSTi Plugins so those don't get scanned when the preferences dialog is opened, but that didn't help.

Running x86 build v2.1.2, but this behavior has been present since Secret Sauce was implemented (for me, at least).

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #167
Update:  I thought I was running the most recent release of foo_midi because the component update checker in fb2k didn't show one available (for some reason?).  I just updated from to manually, and despite not seeing any note indicating a fix for this in the version history, it seems my earlier described issue has been completely resolved.  My apologies for wasting everyone's time!

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #168
Sorry for the triple-post (I have a lot of downtime while I'm working, haha...)

Is there any way to set output gain on BASSMIDI?  It seems super loud and some of my files clip on playback.  I know I could bring them up in a sequencer and adjust channel volumes from there, but that's a pretty inelegant and tedious solution.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #169
Update:  I thought I was running the most recent release of foo_midi because the component update checker in fb2k didn't show one available (for some reason?).  I just updated from to manually, and despite not seeing any note indicating a fix for this in the version history, it seems my earlier described issue has been completely resolved.  My apologies for wasting everyone's time!
No problem. Thx. for letting me know. The auto-update does not work because Kode54 is still owner of the original entry in the repository. The only solution I see is that @Peter transfers ownership to me or that I start using a new identifier which may confuse casual users. Unless there is another solution I don't know about.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #170
Sorry for the triple-post (I have a lot of downtime while I'm working, haha...)

Is there any way to set output gain on BASSMIDI?  It seems super loud and some of my files clip on playback.  I know I could bring them up in a sequencer and adjust channel volumes from there, but that's a pretty inelegant and tedious solution.
Don't know. I'll look at the BASS API later. I've noticed it too.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #171
No problem. Thx. for letting me know. The auto-update does not work because Kode54 is still owner of the original entry in the repository.
Oh, that makes sense.  Well, I'll make a mental note to update manually for now.   ;D

Don't know. I'll look at the BASS API later. I've noticed it too.
Okay, awesome.  Thank you very much!

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #172
Bug report. I noticed that many files with Shift JIS text are no longer displaying properly.  Here are a few examples from my collection. These files first broke with foo_midi, likely caused by the copyright sign fix.

Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #173
There's a problem in Secret Sauce. When i play some midis, they cuts in the beginning, and just sounds pianos, with weak pitch bends, and the map resets to SC-8820 (even if i have the flavor in GS SC-55), most of them sounds fine if i set the flavor in GM, GM2 and XG, but the problem is in GS and Default, however, some of them, aren't fix with any flavor. I leave you one of the midis that Secret Sauce plays wrongly, try it.

And i have a question, there will be Nuked SC-55 support in the future, like Super Munt?


Re: foo_midi (foobar2000 v2.0)

Reply #174
There's a problem in Secret Sauce. When i play some midis, they cuts in the beginning, and just sounds pianos, with weak pitch bends, and the map resets to SC-8820 (even if i have the flavor in GS SC-55), most of them sounds fine if i set the flavor in GM, GM2 and XG, but the problem is in GS and Default, however, some of them, aren't fix with any flavor. I leave you one of the midis that Secret Sauce plays wrongly, try it.
Is this a general problem or do you think it was introduced in a particular version?

And i have a question, there will be Nuked SC-55 support in the future, like Super Munt?
I did not know of this emulator. I'll have a look it can be easily integrated.