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Topic: Where to get tags in national languages? (Read 2522 times) previous topic - next topic
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Where to get tags in national languages?


I am mostly using freedb but try discogs amd musicbrainz as well.

But most of the databases have national pieces names translated to English. How could I get the pieces in original language.

Not really practical to type.

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #1
Do you have an example? I have many CDs in the Dutch language, a few Hungarian and a few Finnish ones, but I've never come across one of which the titles were translated in MusicBrainz?
Music: sounds arranged such that they construct feelings.

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #2
Sure, I have hundreds of examples.
For example:
It is not Cyrilics, just transiliterated in Latin.
Or, more typical here
Translated to English although the songs are sung in Russian.

Most of my library is like that...

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #3
For example:
It is not Cyrilics, just transiliterated in English alphabet.
Or, more typical here
Aha, the problem is that the releases themselves have transliterated text on the booklets. I see now what you mean, I have lots of these too, for example this one: However, for this specific disc, MusicBrainz does have the original untransliterated text, see the Recording of tag. I'm not sure how to use these tags in an automated way though.
Music: sounds arranged such that they construct feelings.

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #4
Ok, I found that one might be lucky... The way it works sometimes is if you search on discogs database in original language, and you may find the release in original. Then you use that release ID and find it in a tagger programme (mp3tag for example)...

It is a bit laborous, but still easier than to type all titles.

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #5
Discogs is populated by user data (... and with some capitalizing conventions that are outright wrong outside the US).
Try MusicBrainz Picard - sometimes MusicBrainz has better data.

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #6
Discogs is populated by user data (... and with some capitalizing conventions that are outright wrong outside the US).
Try MusicBrainz Picard - sometimes MusicBrainz has better data.
I tried MusizBrainz many times but it never finds anything, unfortunately.

Re: Where to get tags in national languages?

Reply #7
However, for this specific disc, MusicBrainz does have the original untransliterated text, see the Recording of tag. I'm not sure how to use these tags in an automated way though.

Those are musicbrainz "works" associated with the recordings on the release.

I've never used it myself but you may be able to get Picard to write details with the Classical Extras or Work & Movement plugins.