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Topic: AAC made with EAC/QAAC won't add to iTunes library (Read 4397 times) previous topic - next topic
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AAC made with EAC/QAAC won't add to iTunes library

Subject line sums it up: I'm ripping some old CDs with EAC, using QAAC as the encoder (with these command line options).

The files come out playable, but trying to add them to my iTunes library produces... absolutely nothing. No error message, no files in the library, just nothing. The tags also don't show up in Windows File Explorer, for what it's worth. I've also encoded plenty of FLACs from the command line with QAAC and those get tagged and will add to iTunes just fine, but something about the files coming out of EAC seems to be incompatible.

Any ideas why? I've googled for information to no avail.


Re: AAC made with EAC/QAAC won't add to iTunes library

Reply #1
I don't use iTunes but did you try newest QAAC v2.67? ; it just came out about 5-6 days ago.

I suggest you use Foobar2000 with the Encoders Pack (i.e. ) for general audio conversion as it converts FLAC to AAC/MP3/Opus etc nice and easily (takes roughly 30sec-1min to convert a album from FLAC) and since you already got iTunes installed it should have no trouble making Apple AAC files using Foobar2000 with that Encoder Pack installed. since I don't have iTunes (or the like) installed I just extracted the needed files out of the iTunes installer so Foobar2000 works with QAAC to make Apple AAC encoded AAC files through Foobar2000's interface and I don't have to install any of the iTunes junk. you can adjust your settings as I think to make a typical iTunes AAC with Foobar2000 you just switch to 'constrained VBR' (i.e. CVBR) and switch bit rate to I think 256kbps. but in general I suggest using 128kbps AAC (q64 TVBR (which is the 'variable bit rate' setting in Foobar2000 encoders options)) as it's a much more efficient use of storage space and still offers strong sound quality.

so basically... I think you can use EAC to make FLAC files and then convert those FLAC files with Foobar2000 to AAC at your preferred bit rate and see if that works. also, I am just going to assume EAC gives the FLAC files the proper tags as if they do, it should bring over the tag info to the AAC files you make with Foobar2000 and I would imagine this should make you good to go. but I do know you can get tag info to your FLAC files etc using Foobar2000 to.
For music I suggest (using Foobar2000)... MP3 (LAME) @ V5 (130kbps). NOTE: using on AGPTEK-U3 as of Mar 18th 2021. I use 'fatsort' (on Linux) so MP3's are listed in proper order on AGPTEK-U3.