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Topic: How can I completely remove ITUNESADVISORY tag? (Read 8662 times) previous topic - next topic
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How can I completely remove ITUNESADVISORY tag?

I'm not a big fan of Itunes, but I do have some music in AAC format. How can I strip my M4A files of the ITUNESADVISORY tag? I don't really care whether my music is explicit or not.

Re: How can I completely remove ITUNESADVISORY tag?

Reply #1
It's quite easy to do.

In foobar2000:
1. Right click on the range of songs you want to remove the tag from and click on properties.
2. Scroll down to the desired tag and right click on the name of the field and choose remove.
3. Click apply.

In MP3tag
1. Right click on range of files you wish to remove this tag from and choose "Extended Tags..."
2. Find the desired tag and highlight it.
3. Click the red X to the left of the album art.
4. Click OK.

Values to play with if you want to troll your friends:
0 = Off (no warning) (same as the tag not existing)
1 = Explicit Warning
2 = Clean Version


Re: How can I completely remove ITUNESADVISORY tag?

Reply #2
foobar2000 users can also use the Tag Sanitizer to mass-remove lots of junk, including invisible atoms designed to invade your privacy:,113911.0.html

Now on a less serious note, on a tag I did not even notice ...
Values to play with if you want to troll your friends:
0 = Off (no warning) (same as the tag not existing)
1 = Explicit Warning
2 = Clean Version
Haha, time to go back in history to when Zappa's "Jazz from Hell" got an "Explicit Lyrics" sticker. (It is instrumental.)  Or Savatage's "Fight For The Rock" (deliberately in order to improve their image).

But ... How does it work with a multi-value field? Giving it both 1 and 2? Or "1" and "Android-friendly music" or some other arbitrary free-text ... ;)