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Topic: Nero (Read 20290 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
Oh man sorry about that! Somehow i totally forgot about it ...
Sheesh, information overload, many frontends too  (Speeks multi frontend's a solution)
edit: I intended to convert many AAC files myself, but never got to it for some reason.. [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](hmm maybe wanting to reencode to another format )[/span]


Reply #51
Hey guys, do you know how to get Nero to mux the mp4 audio file with the mp4 video file???


Reply #52
I really don't think this feature exists..or does it??

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']I know this is definately not what you want, but anyway, if you want though, you can use an ogm file. You need to extract the aac from the mp4 container, and use OggMux ([/span]


Reply #53
There's mp4creator60...allowes you to create an mp4. i never tried muxing audio with video with it though, have no idea how to properly do it either..
buuut anyway  get it from RareWares.
edit: included in "Set of MPEG4 tools"


Reply #54
Hey guys, do you know how to get Nero to mux the mp4 audio file with the mp4 video file???

Add the wav file, choose existing mp4 video file as target, 'mix audio' option in settings enabled, yes on warnig message (overwrite).
It did the trick for me.
BTW at last I got the file playable in QT6, which I've never managed to do with MPEG4IP tools.


Reply #55
Seems that I just found a new bug in the decoder or in the wav-writer:
I decoded the file posted somewhere here (sugababes_stronger_nero.mp4) one time with my one compile of faad2 just checked out from cvs and with nero too see if the files are identical:
the faad2-wav seems to have a invalid haeder, wmp says it´s 0 seconds, but it plays fine, but it´s also not seekable.
I opened both files without any problems in cooledit pro 2. The nero-file has exactly 1024 samples more. There are 1024 samples added at the beginning, a part of that is music, a part is silence. I cutted these 1024 samples that both files have a identicall length.
Now I pasted the faad2-wav in the nero-wav (mix inverted): data is indenticall, except the last 1024 frames, where faad2 has music and nero silence.
It seems that the faad2 decode is correct and the nero-decode is damaged at the end and the beginning.


Reply #56
I did further testing with this problem with quicktime. The quicktime-file has the same length than the nero-file, but the first 1024 and the last 1024 samples are different.
The FAAD2-file is indenticall to the quicktime-file, just the first 1024 frames are missing.
So in seems that both, FAAD2 and Nero, have to be fixed.


Reply #57
Alright maybe someone can solve my problem here as I really can't figure out. Does Nero have problems accepting a 5.1 wav file? It seems to me that everytime I add a 5.1 wav file into Nero to encode, it say it can't read it. After downmixing the 5.1 wav file to a 2.1 surround 2, Nero accepts it with no problem.


Reply #58
I did further testing with this problem with quicktime. The quicktime-file has the same length than the nero-file, but the first 1024 and the last 1024 samples are different.
The FAAD2-file is indenticall to the quicktime-file, just the first 1024 frames are missing.
So in seems that both, FAAD2 and Nero, have to be fixed.

I think only Nero has to be fixed. only the difference in the end matters. The difference in the beginning of a file is determined by the delay of an encoder. Quicktime decoder is obviously tuned to be used with a different encoder than FAAD2/Nero (duh  ). FAAD2 gives the exact same delay as the psytel encoder. Quicktime can probably handle a file with 1024 samples less delay, although I'm not sure they could exist.



Reply #59
I think only Nero has to be fixed. only the difference in the end matters. The difference in the beginning of a file is determined by the delay of an encoder. Quicktime decoder is obviously tuned to be used with a different encoder than FAAD2/Nero (duh  ). FAAD2 gives the exact same delay as the psytel encoder. Quicktime can probably handle a file with 1024 samples less delay, although I'm not sure they could exist.
Quichtime seems to be the most tuned decoder for the file. By the nero-decode not only the last 1024 samples at the end is a problem, at the beginning there is 1024 samples music that shouldn´t be there!
The FAAD2 is 1024 samples smaller than qt/nero, this frames are missing at the beginning, if FAAD2 corrects the delay, why doesn´t nero?
Also the FAAD2 created waves have no vaild hedaer, because the file length is set to 0 in the audio.c, function "open_audio_file":
aufile->total_samples = 0;
Alright maybe someone can solve my problem here as I really can't figure out. Does Nero have problems accepting a 5.1 wav file? It seems to me that everytime I add a 5.1 wav file into Nero to encode, it say it can't read it. After downmixing the 5.1 wav file to a 2.1 surround 2, Nero accepts it with no problem.
Yes, PsyTEL was also able for multichannel-encoding, but nero doesn´t have this function included anymore. If I open a multichannel mp4 nero directly crashes without any error-message. It should bring up a message like "This mp4-file contains 6 channels. Nero will downmix them." But that only work correctly if the channel-mapping is fixed or stored in the file.


Reply #60
Can someone upload 5.1 wav files and 5.1 mp4 files for me?

I will try to determine what is the reason that causes failure in multichannel coding.


Reply #61
6ch.rar (4,45MB)
The mp4 file is encoded with PsyTEL 2.15 (aacenc -normal -lfe) and muxed with mp4creator. FAAD2 can decode it correctly, nero-wave-editor will crash by opening it. The 6ch wav cannot be load in nero-wave-editor: "Wärend des Lesens der Datei F:\6ch.wav ist ein Fehler aufgetreten", translated: "While reading the file F:\6ch.wav an error occured."
The file is 6ch with the mapping FL-C-FR-SL-SR-LFE.
It is music, 10 seconds on FL, then 10 seconds on C, then on FR... to test the correct channel-mapping/downmix.


Reply #62
Hmm.. ok, it seems that plug-in manager won't read 6-channels file... oh well, this will have to be updated


Reply #63
Well.. I think I can decode files (file encoding dialog box - source MP4, destination , and open MP4 in the wave editor (and it displays 6 channels!) - but I can't encode them or play them, because natively plug-in manager won't support 6-channel PCM files as input.

Ok, the problem is localized and it will be fixed


Reply #64
New faad and mp4 plugins available here.

Edit: These are Winamp 2.x, of course!!


Reply #65
thanks john33

have a happy holiday


Reply #66
Well.. I think I can decode files (file encoding dialog box - source MP4, destination , and open MP4 in the wave editor (and it displays 6 channels!) - but I can't encode them or play them, because natively plug-in manager won't support 6-channel PCM files as input.

Ok, the problem is localized and it will be fixed

When can we expect a new release or a patch to fix this issue????


Reply #67
Are we ever going to see a update to the Nero AAC plugin????Its been like how many weeks since the last reply in this thread? The 5.1 audio issue is still present and its really annoying me!!!



Reply #68
I think people responsible for the plug-in manager are working on that, but I am not sure how much time it will take them to integrate 5.1 support. Not too long, I think.