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Topic: foo_dumb (Read 337840 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #500
Channel 2? Or 01 in the DUMB control. Check it, it's still panned.

FT2's panning isn't strictly linear:

Code: [Select]
    // generate FT2's pan table [round(65536*sqrt(n/256)) for n = 0...256]
    for (i = 0; i < 257; ++i)
        p->PanningTab[i] = sqrtf((float)(i) / 256.0f);

Where the panning range is 0 through 256, left volume is PanningTab[256 - pan] and right is PanningTab[pan].


Reply #501
Channel 2? Or 01 in the DUMB control. Check it, it's still panned.

FT2's panning isn't strictly linear:

Code: [Select]
    // generate FT2's pan table [round(65536*sqrt(n/256)) for n = 0...256]
    for (i = 0; i < 257; ++i)
        p->PanningTab[i] = sqrtf((float)(i) / 256.0f);

Where the panning range is 0 through 256, left volume is PanningTab[256 - pan] and right is PanningTab[pan].

No, Channels 3 and 4 (02 and 03 in DUMB control). Playing each of them alone sounds very centered to me.


Reply #502
Fixed by implementing non-FT2 E8x panning effect.


Reply #503
This songs volume levelling is extremely broken. It shoots up to an extreme gain at about 50 seconds.

This is what it is supposed to sound like:

Through foobar it sounds exceptionally worse.
Code: [Select]
Track gain : +7.16 dB
Track peak : 0.554683
Album gain : -1.66 dB
Album peak : 1.000000


Reply #504
Why is the album gain different from the track gain? Shouldn't they be the same? Also, the gain and peak level depend on which resampler mode you're using. Sinc, for instance, gets a track gain of +5.79 dB and a peak level of 0.703704. Set it to Linear if you want it to sound even more like Fast Tracker 2. Disable modplay if you don't want it to sound like Fast Tracker 2.


Reply #505 loops differently when playptmod is enabled (restarts at the beginning of the file) than when it is disabled.  Other players I tried behave the same as playptmod being disabled.

Sorry if this isn't a bug or has been brought up before, but I searched and didn't find anything about it.


Reply #506
Sometimes when going through some modules and skipping to next in the list rather quickly, you sometimes get the message that the module is unsupported, but if you try to play it again it plays just fine.

Some modules also makes foobar crash, like Agoraphobia.mod

tested with: foobar 1.3b7 with dumb 112


Reply #507
OctaMED files are unsupported at this time. Loading them with a .mod extension is likely to have the unintended side effect of loading them as 15 sample MOD files, which are a format that has no identifying signatures whatsoever. I'll report to eightbitbubsy that this MED file crashes playptmod.

EDIT: Fixed the Shadow of the Beast 2 module, at least. Which is technically incorrect, as Protracker never had a configurable restart position, and always wrote the same value to that field in the file.


Reply #508
EDIT: Fixed the Shadow of the Beast 2 module, at least. Which is technically incorrect, as Protracker never had a configurable restart position, and always wrote the same value to that field in the file.

Works great.  Thanks!


Reply #509
Hi kode54,

very much enjoyable plugin, indeed! Is ever be planned a support to David Whittaker files?

I know they have their own play routine, but it would be grat! They are so good!

Thank you very much


Reply #510
Those are probably best served with a port of UADE.


Reply #511
Hi kode54,

very much enjoyable plugin, indeed! Is ever be planned a support to David Whittaker files?

I know they have their own play routine, but it would be grat! They are so good!

Thank you very much

I might make an accurate C version if you can find me the assembly source code for the David Whittaker replayer. Not a disassembly, but the true source code. I strive for accuracy in my replayer rewrite projects! If you're desperate, try to find a C version that kode54 can put in foo_dumb.dll. Not sure if either the asm source code or a C port exist...


Reply #512

Snagged "Revenge of the Cats" off of here, and tried converting it with foo_dumb. It just keeps on going... Using the latest beta, and latest foo_dumb.

Edit: Rama Gardens v1.1 (the 3MB version) also encounters the loop bug. Other module formats don't trigger it. Seems .IT specific (.IT v2.00? Can't tell.)


Reply #513
Unchecking "Use playptmod or modplay" fixes this problem.


Reply #514


Reply #515
Is seeking performance something that can be improved with playptmod?


Reply #516
Seeking in .MOD files should be near instant with playptmod. S3M and XM nearly the same. IT not so much. Unless you like seeking within your subsongs to start playing the first subsong in the file instead of the correct one.


Reply #517
1.0.121 version reports about itself as 1.0.120.


Reply #518
That's because it was version 1.0.120, not 1.0.121.



Reply #519
Any reason foo_dumb 1.0.124 still includes an old BASS DLL?


Reply #520
Ugh, can't edit existing post, what's up with that?

Can someone explain what each setting of this plugin does? I find this be be a real drawback with most plugins, in that they are comprehensive and provide numerous options but unfortunately with no explanations whatsoever. Trial and error is all well and good, but a little explanation, perhaps a small readme or even a tooltip for each option just to get us newbies started would be highly appreciated.

Also, I don't mean to sound disrespectful but since experts hang out here I'll risk it and ask anyway - in your opinion which is really the most "balls-on accurate" module player for Windows - foo_dumb, XMPlay, OpenMPT or something else altogether? Certainly in terms of efficiency (loading speed etc.) I find the latter two to be way better than this plugin (again, sorry kode54), but I'm willing to trade that in for better rendition of the audio as close as possible to what the composer intended it to be like.


Reply #521
Any reason foo_dumb 1.0.124 still includes an old BASS DLL?

It's the same version which is bundled with foo_midi, version 2.4.9. I'll update it whenever the next version comes out, as nothing relevant to either component has changed.

You'll be happy to know that all of the formats that matter, MOD, S3M, XM, are supported by replayers in foo_dumb which behave according to disassembly of their respective trackers. IT currently defaults to playing with BASS, which I only do because it supports OpenMPT / DirectX effects. The default DUMB library is accurate enough, and is way more flexible than any of the other libraries.

Loading time is irrelevant, unless you either have some really ancient machine, or are stupid enough to add hundreds of thousands of files to your playlist in one go. The latter will always be a problem with current foobar2000, because it always must pre-load information from all tracks before returning control to the user. If you don't like that, find another player for your module collection.

If you like XMPlay so much, go ahead and use it. It doesn't support half of the formats I support with DUMB, but I'm sure you can convince Ian Luck to add those some day, assuming you care about any of them. Last time I asked him to add formats, he told me to just convert them to IT/XM/S3M, as if any of the formats in question were 100% compatible. He also suggested keeping full format parsers around for little things like song title and sample info reading, and for probing for subsongs.

OpenMPT, on the other hand, is exactly compatible with one thing: OpenMPT. Anything else is merely approaching or simply throwing compatibility out the window. Expect songs made in OpenMPT to sound a hell of a lot louder in any reasonable facsimile of Impulse Tracker. And don't get me started on those DirectX effects. (If you want them in Wine, you have to locate a copy of dsdmo.dll and install/register it in your Wine prefix before they'll work. The versions of BASS for all other non-Windows platforms have their own built-in imitation of the effects.)


Reply #522
Any reason foo_dumb 1.0.124 still includes an old BASS DLL?

It's the same version which is bundled with foo_midi, version 2.4.9. I'll update it whenever the next version comes out, as nothing relevant to either component has changed.

Hmm, I have foo_midi 1.230 installed and its directory seems to contain v2.4.10 of the BASS DLL. Maybe something else updated it?

Loading time is irrelevant, unless you either have some really ancient machine, or are stupid enough to add hundreds of thousands of files to your playlist in one go. The latter will always be a problem with current foobar2000, because it always must pre-load information from all tracks before returning control to the user. If you don't like that, find another player for your module collection.

Nope, as I already stated loading time doesn't matter to me at all compared to playback accuracy. Thanks though for telling me the reason behind it (foobar's pre-loading).

If you like XMPlay so much, go ahead and use it. It doesn't support half of the formats I support with DUMB, but I'm sure you can convince Ian Luck to add those some day, assuming you care about any of them. Last time I asked him to add formats, he told me to just convert them to IT/XM/S3M, as if any of the formats in question were 100% compatible. He also suggested keeping full format parsers around for little things like song title and sample info reading, and for probing for subsongs.

Ah, looks like I did succeed in ticking you off, which was not my intention in the least. Look, I'm coming to this purely as a novice. Came across some interesting module music and also became interested in playing back some old game music without converting and possibly losing information in the process. So I just wanted to know which player is really more accurate, that's all. I have no vested interest in XMPlay or OpenMPT or anything else. All I wanted was an expert opinion about the quality of each of these, and while I don't think there was anything wrong in that I apologize if the question or how I worded it offended you as the foo_dumb developer in any way.

OpenMPT, on the other hand, is exactly compatible with one thing: OpenMPT. Anything else is merely approaching or simply throwing compatibility out the window. Expect songs made in OpenMPT to sound a hell of a lot louder in any reasonable facsimile of Impulse Tracker. And don't get me started on those DirectX effects. (If you want them in Wine, you have to locate a copy of dsdmo.dll and install/register it in your Wine prefix before they'll work. The versions of BASS for all other non-Windows platforms have their own built-in imitation of the effects.)

No, I don't want DirectX effects in Wine (not a Linux user), nor do I even know what these effects are. But it's clear I touched a nerve. Rest assured I'll stay away from OpenMPT from now on unless absolutely required.


Reply #523
Nah, it's okay, but you're right, I do have a bit of a problem with mixing speed. It still has to step through the entire playback process, sans mixing samples, to calculate song lengths and gauge if any orders go unplayed and may potentially be sub songs.

The load time becomes especially excruciating if you try to do something like, say, loading the entire Modarchive collection in its double zip files. Something that does work, however. Well, to a point. There are a few songs/archives with same names if compared using case insensitive matching. So you'll get the songs loaded into the playlist and displaying the correct info on first load, but if you try to play them, it will pick the first instance in the outer archive to match, due to case insensitive matching inside foo_archive ZIP support. Maybe something to get fixed by the next release of that component.


Reply #524
Nah, it's okay, but you're right, I do have a bit of a problem with mixing speed. It still has to step through the entire playback process, sans mixing samples, to calculate song lengths and gauge if any orders go unplayed and may potentially be sub songs.

I'm guessing you have a fair idea how those other guys make it go faster then, especially since their players do display song lengths and handle sub-songs too? Or is this an area where you don't have much scope for improvement, being limited by foobar's architecture (which I'm sure won't be changing anytime soon)?

The load time becomes especially excruciating if you try to do something like, say, loading the entire Modarchive collection in its double zip files. Something that does work, however. Well, to a point. There are a few songs/archives with same names if compared using case insensitive matching. So you'll get the songs loaded into the playlist and displaying the correct info on first load, but if you try to play them, it will pick the first instance in the outer archive to match, due to case insensitive matching inside foo_archive ZIP support. Maybe something to get fixed by the next release of that component.

While I didn't make the mistake of trying to load the entire Modarchive collection, I did drag and drop a fairly large number of modules and was surprised to see how long foobar took before the Processing Files dialog went away. The dialog does show up for other files too, but in this case since the file format requires (as you said) stepping through the entire playback process it makes the dialog that much more visible. Any possible speed improvements here that you could implement would no doubt be welcomed by all, but not at the cost of accuracy.