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Topic: Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000 (Read 184208 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #1
First version of foobar that I used was some 0.2x version and even then it was love at first sight (I instantly made it my default player, bye bye Winamp). I just loved the simplicity and the fact that it was already by then really customizable and - the perhaps the biggest reason - it actually looks like it belongs on my desktop as it uses the standard Windows GUI, which was the thing I had been searching for ages.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #2
The interface is great, it lets me scan everything with ReplayGain, and it has a really, really nice SDK.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #3
It is highly customizable, supports many many formats out of the box, it's not overloaded with crap, it plays music... 

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #4
because it sounds great.
I am just a normal person trying to live a normal life.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #5
I use foobar as my primary player since 0.3x version. When I saw foobar for the first time, I was disappointed by it's ascetic interface (I love nice skins ), but this simplicity is the power of foobar! Few weeks later I found some very useful plugins, I learned string formatting techniques, and today I would not change foobar to any other player!
I love foobar!!! 

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #6
I use it because of the large playlist window!
I use Columns UI to make it look exactly like I want!

In players like WA if you wanted all the info I have in my playlist! you would have to make a large playlist window and you could not make it look as good!

Formatting String is a cool feature!

Other things:
The DSP system
Memory use
Format Support
TABS as playlists
All the nice settings


Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #7
The three most important reasons are:
-Formatting strings (the default UI is still my favourite)
-The ability to customize everything.

I also appreciate what I experience as a the focus on quality, in the sense that everything is well thought through. Even things that seems to work just fine are improved further (e.g. speed of Replaygain scanning) and hackish solutions is avoided (as far as possible I guess). Nifty features like playlist tabs are great, and there are quite a few useful plugins too. It's all those little things in addition to the three main reasons that makes me enjoy it so much. It has had a great impact on the way I listen to music and I would say that it has enhanced my listening experience. I have also had alot of fun making formatting strings and now looks for foo_looks. So it goes without saying that I don't agree with this statement:
foo_looks is a crap
IMHO it's a great plugin for it's use, and my case that is as a now playing/"remote control" feature.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #8
foobar is great because:

* Small memory footprint
* Formatting strings
* Gapless playback
* Tabbed playlists
* Replaygain support/scanning

There are a lot of reasons to like foobar, these are just the reasons that make me love it the most though.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #9

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #10
I use it because I like
* the interface
* global hotkeys
* the amount of options
Always defragment your MP3s to avoid subtle lack in harmonics.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #11

Honestly though, Foobar2K is the only program where I'm extremely eager to see updates - not because of a buggy nature - but because it seems that with each update (core/component,) Foobar just keeps getting better and better.

My system specs can handle any bloated multimedia managers thrown at it, but Foobar stands out because of it's intuitive configuration, album management, small footprint, and above all else, interface-configurability (upNorth and Neksus are the ones to thank here.)

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #12
... plays music.

(Serious answer. Other players do that but they also p*ss me off in various ways. Foobar2000 only rarely p*sses me off, so it's my favourite player).

There, the author can use my line aswell:
"Foobar. Plays Music. Won't p*ss you off [as much as other players]"

I can't think of anything right now, but nothings perfect. Umm. i'll get back to you

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #13
Beacuse my girlfriend won't let me use anything else.....

1) Best Sound
2) Best GUI when used with Foo_tunes
3) ReplayGain
4) Best Sound
And the most important, Best Sound

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #14
"Foobar. my girlfriend won't let me use anything else"

yeah that's an even better tagline.

Seriously girls seem to like foobar, from my (limited) experience. Not sure if that's praise or criticism  (flame suit on )

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #15
Girls dig cats, and guys dig llamas.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #16
Girls dig cats, and guys dig llamas.

that's a good one 

i switched cause i really never liked winamp. i always had it minimized and didn't care for vis or skins. Plus, having the playlist right there with play buttons and global hotkeys  is nothing to pass up on. FORMATTING STRINGS!

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #17
Yup, I like foobar2000. It's the best player ever. It has no skin support (foo_looks is a crap), so what? Some ppl don't like it just because of this.
Anyway, it rules.
Say your words, ppl.

1) Great SDK so I can make crap I enjoy making
2) Great plugin architecture so I can choose which crap to use
3) Active forum which I don't use to pan the crap I don't use

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #18
i love...
* custom shortcuts/hotkeys
* string formatting
* eye-saving interface

i dislike...
* low documented sdk
* not open source

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #19
Because for some reason concert traders have standardized on NOT tagging files and NOT putting the song title in the file name but rather putting the setlist and other info in a text file.  Foobar can (with an extension)  tag and name the tracks based on the text file.


Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #20
no bloat
no ugly overly graphical skin
kernel streaming
and just about everything else

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #21
being the opensource/beta junkie i am, i tried fb2k back when i heard about it (around 0.5) and instantly deleted winamp.

all i ever used in winamp was the playlist view, with a few choice plugins to enhance audio quality and remove gaps.

this was all in fb2k and more - it's the perfect player for people who just want *MUSiC* and not some ugly bloaty skin.

i'm getting more and more of my friends into it lately. it seems to be the player of choice for people who are really into music

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #22
I think the thing I like most about it is the minimalistic interface combined with the incredible flexibility of use.

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #23
It's just a (highly customizable) window with some nice DSPs. What more do you need?

Tell us why have you chosen foobar2000

Reply #24
I still use Winamp, because I'm addicted to the Adapt-X  plugin, which allows me to run DirectX plugins. I'll have to take a look at this foo_colvolver thingy I've heard about, to see if I can make a fingerprint of my current DirectX plugin settings and apply them to Foobar.

Edit: yay, foo_convolver works, this thread finally converted me to Foobar! Bye, Winamp, it's been fun...