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Topic: Playing Remote Music? (Read 2628 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playing Remote Music?

Hi everyone,

Lately I have been upgrading couple of my favorite albums into higher Bit-rate. However, that cause space issues on my phone device. I'm not the type of person who only store couple of Albums on the player, I enjoy the flexibility - and this is somehow a problem with big audio files. I was thinking perhaps taking a different approach and have no audio-files on my Android phone (I'm using Neutron as my Player), and instead - keep them on the PC at home, and play them remotely from my phone.

I will be hearing music both at home (and that's I'm assuming won't be a problem because it's a local network), and on the move (4G Cellular network). It's important for me not to lose quality, and not forced to use random streaming (I want to be able to choose which tracks to play).

My Player (Neutron) have couple of options to do so: SMB/CIFS, UPnP/DLNA, FTP, WebDAV, etc. I don't mind spending time on setting up a server, I do however would like to hear from what would be the best interface for my scenario and the needs above.

Thanks! :)

Re: Playing Remote Music?

Reply #1

Then you can listen the music on your distant PC with any devices. Desktop, smartphone, Amazon Fire (VLC), etc.. Anything. You can invite friends to browse and listen your music collection too.