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Topic: Looking for a FLAC web player (Read 78574 times) previous topic - next topic
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Looking for a FLAC web player

I'm looking for a web player (flash ?) I can embbed in my html pages in order to allow site visitors to play FLAC audio file.
(juste need a start/stop/pause button and a progression bar).

I've found several tool on the web. Either as Java or as Flash but only for mp3 files ..... nothing for FLAC files 

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #1
Why on earth would you have them play as flac rather than mp3? 

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #2
I'm not sure if they have the solution, but both Ampache and Sockso support FLAC. Perhaps they both just re-encode everything to MP3 and feed it to the included web player or they added support client-wise. Another direction to search would be jFLAC which probably allows to implement a player but only as a rather "big" java application.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #3
Thanks for the quick answer 

At a first sight :
-Sockso looks like an application for pc's/windows machine.
-jFlac seems to need several developpment to be implemented (unfortunatly I'm not a web developper).

Maybe a solution can be on the Ampache way ... altought it's look like a B52 used for kiling a bee. I'll investigate to extract only the player part of the software 

@pdq: because I produce my music in FLAC format ... not mp3.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #4
@pdq: because I produce my music in FLAC format ... not mp3.

He's questioning you because flac files are quite large compared to mp3.  Your ordinary visitor isn't going to care or notice that your streamed files are lossless.  The whole point of lossy encoding (mp3 et al.) is to deliver content that is (a) more or less perceptually transparent vs. the original and (b) a fraction of the size.

You're free to do whatever you want, but hosting/streaming flac files is a huge waste in storage and bandwidth.


Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #5
It's not really the point of my original question but ok :

- Im a musician but I produce music for limited audience wich consist mainly of other musicians/friends.
- By default I produce in flac format.
- Building "final files" using the daw is a time consuming operation, and I don't want to spend more time behind the pc than behind my instruments by having to perform multiple generation or conversions.
- Space/bandwitch is no more an issue neither from an hosting point of view (100GB space/1TB bw for less than 5€/month) nor from a user point of view.

It's why I'm looking for a small applet like but for FLAC files instead of mp3

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #6
Couldn't your server convert on-the-fly to a high bitrate lossy format?

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #7
- Building "final files" using the daw is a time consuming operation, and I don't want to spend more time behind the pc than behind my instruments by having to perform multiple generation or conversions.

Not at all.  I assume you already have the flacs created/mastered, say you have 10 or 20 tracks you want to stream.  Just load them into a converter application (foobar is recommended), pick the appropriate conversion settings for your lossy/mp3 files, and go.  1 click and it's done in less than 10 minutes.

- Space/bandwitch is no more an issue neither from an hosting point of view (100GB space/1TB bw for less than 5€/month) nor from a user point of view.

So everyone visiting the site will have the bandwidth to stream flac bitrates (~500kbps and higher)?

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #8
I record nearly a session a day .... so I don't want to get into such anoying conversion process at the end of every night ^^

If there is no solution for flac streaming I will investigate streaming wav files. But I'm very disapointed a such "simple" fonctionnality seems to doesn't exist for a such popular format 

(Don't want to unleash a troll here but, from my point of view, mp3 is not an acceptable option for music)

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #9
I hate to reiterate it, but maybe someone else besides Remedial Sound has to mention it:

streaming audio in a lossless format is completely pointless, since you can achieve transparency with modern codecs with a fraction of the bitrate of lossless encoding, resulting in:

1. reduced bandwidth usage on your end (money saving)
2. reduced bandwidth usage on the listeners end (money saving/prevents stuttering on bad connections)
3. saved space
4. available software for streaming

all of this for the same perceived audio quality. You can and should of course save the records in some lossless format, and maybe send the files to interested listeners on request.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #11
There is a flash player for WavPack based on haXe, so I would be surprised if there was not one for FLAC also.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #12
(Don't want to unleash a troll here but, from my point of view, mp3 is not an acceptable option for music)

From my point of view it appears that you're the one being a troll.

Did you conduct any proper double-blind tests before arriving at such a conclusion or are you just blowing smoke?

If you haven't conducted any proper double-blind tests then please refrain from making such inflammatory comments which violate the rules of this forum to which you agreed to follow upon registering.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #13
I'm sorry but the point is not mp3, bucketsound or whatever. The point is : looking for a streaming tool for flac file.

It's also the reason why I've had post under the flac section ... and not elsewhere !

But ok : bye !

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #14
I'm sorry but the point is not mp3, bucketsound or whatever. The point is : looking for a streaming tool for flac file.

It's also the reason why I've had post under the flac section ... and not elsewhere !

But ok : bye !

If you are creating FLAC files from raw PCM or whatever you record in, there is no reason you can't encode to MP3 at the same time. Streaming FLAC is retarded: why can't you understand this?

I have a relatively fast connection yet my FLAC library sometimes stutters even with an 8 second buffer when I'm on my client computer.

The time it takes to encode to MP3 is probably a fraction of the time it takes to upload FLAC to your host anyway. Actually, I give up, this is so incredibly stupid I don't think I'll be able to convince a nut.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #15
I'm looking for a web player (flash ?) I can embbed in my html pages in order to allow site visitors to play FLAC audio file.
(juste need a start/stop/pause button and a progression bar).

I've found several tool on the web. Either as Java or as Flash but only for mp3 files ..... nothing for FLAC files 

Hey guys - new poster here. I'm also a musician looking for a way to set up FLAC files online for others to review/audition.

From the little bit I've seen, I think a browser/web-based player might be too much to ask right now. I think the best option - particularly the small/limited audience is to "encourage" them to put a media player on their machine and listen that way. I've found (so far) two free/open-source/cross-platform players that handle FLAC "out of the box" - VLC Media Player and Songbird. There may be others, so don't flame me if I've missed something along the way.

One additional wrinkle - I've found that VLC handles multi-channel (i.e. surround) FLAC files pretty well, but Songbird doesn't seem to map to the audio card endpoints correctly (although it seems to recognize the multi-channel file just fine). I don't think that's a knock, per se, since I get a feeling the overt surround support from them is further down their development roadmap.

My experiments this week will be with pushing FLAC files to my web server and then trying to play back the URL directly through VLC media player - both by directly calling the .flac files and through a playlist. My web server doesn't "officially" support streaming but the progressive download is sufficient to stream some pretty hefty H.264 encoded video files so I feel like it's worth a shot. I don't know if there's a way to set a streaming bit on a FLAC file so that the player will *know* how much it should cache before trying to play the file - but then again, that's what the experiment is for.

Anyway, I hope this helps to steer the discussion in a productive direction.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #17
Glad I've found this thread, because I've meant to write a tutorial for my Lossless Audio Web, the inspiration and core code for which I give full credit to  revolunet, and of course muchos kudos to Josh Coalson for FLAC.  While this post is not the tutorial I have in mind, what I would suggest is visiting the Lossless Audio Web page using Firefox, so you can look at the source code.  Better yet, visit with Google Chrome and study how the thing works in detail.

In my son's Shadows of Evil album page on the Internet Archive you will see the player in action, as well as all of its necessary components, all of which you can download and use to build your own: External Library Loader, Simple Slider, VLC controls and VLC object JavaScript files, Thumbs.db file, image files (idle2.gif, increase_bg.gif, increase_knob.gif, info.png, moins.gif, options.png, player_next.png, player_pause.png, player_play.png, player_prev.png, player_stop.png, plus.gif, slider_bg.gif, sound.png, sound_mute.png, uri.png), and the advanced.html file.  Obviously, you'll need to modify the advanced.html file to your liking, but if the default FLAC song "They Come at Night" is your cup o' joe, cool!

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #18
Lastly, if you want to use the HTML iframe as I have done on the Shadows of Evil download page, once you modify the advanced.html file to your liking (presuming you give credit to revolunet as required), simply modify and place the following code on your Web page:

Code: [Select]

<iframe src ="" width="100%" height="300">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>


To get an idea just how portable this little app is (and whether you can stomach the iframe, for the Style Gods haved deemed it evil), visit W3 Schools' "Tryit Editor", substitute  for /default.asp and hit the "Edit and Click Me" button, adjust the scroll bars in the "Your Result" frame and hit "launch VLC with all these options," and enjoy some badass Metal, baby!

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #19
@pdq: because I produce my music in FLAC format ... not mp3.

You're free to do whatever you want, but hosting/streaming flac files is a huge waste in storage and bandwidth.

Since when was retaining fidelity a huge waste?

That's right... I did it.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #21
Roseval, did you look at the dates?

OP left years ago.

Streaming FLAC doesn't make much sense anyway.
But your links are interesting since they are doing it.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #22
@pdq: because I produce my music in FLAC format ... not mp3.

You're free to do whatever you want, but hosting/streaming flac files is a huge waste in storage and bandwidth.

Since when was retaining fidelity a huge waste?

That's right... I did it.

My sentiments exactly, _Slipstream -- btw, isn't it baffling how my previous post precisely outlined how to make a FLAC web player, but was completely lost on everyone?  Things that make you say, "Hmmmmmmmm."

Ok, admittedly, it would help if I were to provide working links: should (at least it worked earlier today).

For those of you exasperatedly crying, "For God's sake, Samizdat, just spit it out," here's a most-boiled-down how-to (though not necessarily a tutorial -- that I've yet to (re)write, because there are trade-offs between the increased security of this newer version and the capability of the older).

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #23
Found this thread looking for a web based Flac player. I was hoping for something HTML5 or Flash based.

I gotta say I'm in shock at the huge amount of icky snottyness found here from these kids. Wow. I registered at the site just to get this out of my system -- oh, and to say thanks to the guys who actually did responded with useful content.

Looking for a FLAC web player

Reply #24
mp3hd might be a good alternative. It is a lossless encoding format back compatible to mp3 decoding, i.e. all mp3 players will play it. And it can be bit-identically converted back to FLAC. You may automate conversion of FLAC->mp3HD. There are free tools for encoding this format: Right now all4mp3 website is down for some reason, so attaching the latest tools (downloaded yesterday):