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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466247 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1675
fixed ty


Reply #1677
But I I have authorized again and it now work. ty.


Reply #1678
I'd like to rework the tag mappings dialog completely. I'd like to replace hard-coded tag mappings with titleformatting-like strings so that users can change and add their own arbitrary tag mappings. This will be difficult so don't hold your breath for it.

That sounds very good.

Usually, the master release version is set as the earliest version.

Isn't it also based on the key release if it is set?

Anyway, I have a few more suggestions/remarks;

'Find release' dialog

  • The 'releases' heading is not aligned to the release listbox.
  • grey out the 'Next>>' button if no release is selected and if the release id box is empty.
  • Swap the positions of the 'Next>>' and 'Cancel' buttons with the release id input box. this way the buttons will be in the bottom, just like they are in the release dialog. ( see mockup )
  • remove the 'Auto' tickbox; changing it doesn't have an immediate effect ( and thus may confuse new users ), and it is also something you configure once and forget about afterwards, so it would be better to move this setting to the 'Configuration' dialog...
  • collumn view of releases much like the tracklist in the 'release' dialog.
  • rename this dialog to 'Select release', or possibly to '1. Select Release' to signify that this dialog is step one of a multi-step process.

'Release' dialog
  • move 'rating/votes/owned/wanted' under compilation tichbox. ( does anybody find this info useful anyway? )
  • move option tickboxes and 'edit tag mappings' button in place of the 'rating/votes/owned/wanted' fields. This clears a lot of horizontal space for the tracklist listboxes.
  • move 'write tags' & 'cancel buttons' to the right for more consistency with find release dialog.
  • allow the moving/removal of tracks in the listboxes via context menu or dragging.
  • Rename this dialog to 'Edit Release', or possibly '2. Edit Release'.


Reply #1679
Was thinking about alot of those suggestions too, but never dared to ask for them as its already great to have a development that keeps track of the constantly api changes...


Reply #1680
Yeah, at first I was reluctant to post more suggestions for the same reason. I figured I should let zoomorph decide for himself though, if he finds any of these suggestions worth his time.


Reply #1681
Good feedback, thanks.



Reply #1683
it doesn't look very likely. that panel in the discogs screenshot appears to group by metadata rather than displaying folder contents.


Reply #1684
Hey everyone!
I got some very basic problems. With Defalut mappings everything is working fine. But it seems that i can't select or unselect ANY mapping. After (un-)selecting either "Write tag" or "Refresh tag on update" and hitting OK or Apply it's getting changed back every time. The only thing i can change in any way is the value in the "Map to:" field.
I got the latest plugin version (1.54) and latest foobar version (1.3.7). Anyone else have this problem?


Reply #1686
I got some very basic problems. With Defalut mappings everything is working fine. But it seems that i can't select or unselect ANY mapping.

Thanks for reporting. This should now be fixed (v1.55).


Reply #1688
Would it be possible to embed (perfect would be overwritte ) the artwork rather than to save it? Would spare me the use of "Batch attach picture" and manually delete the Artwork file. Thanks again for doing a great job


Reply #1689
Hello dear developer! (hurray, there IS a developer!!)

I just installed v1.55.

With this release, there is something special with the Album Artist, I guess:

After tagging my files, the Album Artist is "Koto; Koto" instead of "Koto" (or Blank field), which I was expecting.

Is this because the Artist is known as "Koto" *and* "Koto (2)" in DiscoGS-Database?

I never had that before, so I wonder what the issue caused.

Obviously (only for me, myself & I) I'd like to have just a *single* Album Artist. And *IF* there is a need for more than one Album Artist, then I propose, it would be ok to compare those Album Artists and if they're equal, they can be downsized to just one.

Please tell me/us, what u think about this.



Reply #1690
Would it be possible to embed (perfect would be overwritte ) the artwork rather than to save it? Would spare me the use of "Batch attach picture" and manually delete the Artwork file. Thanks again for doing a great job

That would be insane! but instead of overwriting it directly, I'd like to check the size/quality of the image (I use only front-cover) with doubleclicking on the preview-image which would open my external image viewer so I can check wether the quality/size is good enough for my files or not. (some covers on DS are verys tiny/bad, and I prefer not to include such a "crap" in my files, but thats just me)

@Der Internet:
For the sake of saving time, I configured a button, which opens the "Batch attach pictures" dialogue, which gives me the possiblility to "fastly" embed a front cover. (I use it mostly in "a batch", for more albums at once, but its ok for embed an image for just a single album).

Actually, I don't know, what component enriches me to configure buttons (maybe its f2k default?), and how you start with that, but when u right-click on an existing button, u can chose to add a new button with menu-entry "button options" :-) (sorry, u need to search the forum here for help with buttons)

My button looks like this:

This method is far away from being userfriendly and easy, but its the best I have figured out until now, because I don't want to use third party tools for embedding images to my files. I know there are a lot, but I only want to use foobar2000 for my music!

Hope, this gives some ideas/impressions.



Reply #1691
Hello again,

another thing I experienced and couldn't get to work with fiddeling around in the settings from the component. (I.E. Tagging->Tracklist->Format ... )

this release on the website:

gives me this:

When u look at my files, they match the name and number of tracks, but I cannot tag them correctly because a track is missing on the left side.

Anybody knows, why and what must be set up in the settings?
I guess, I remember there was a switch for numbering the tracks? but I cannot find it anymore 8-/


Reply #1692
With this release, there is something special with the Album Artist, I guess:

After tagging my files, the Album Artist is "Koto; Koto" instead of "Koto" (or Blank field), which I was expecting.

The release has 2 artists by the same name, apparently, so this seems like expected behavior. Only question in my mind is why semicolon was used to join them rather than "/". Are you using "Album Artist multi" tag? That would write 2 album artists with no join keyword which might be shown with a semicolon.

another thing I experienced and couldn't get to work with fiddeling around in the settings from the component. (I.E. Tagging->Tracklist->Format ... )

this release on the website:

It looks like track 4b ("No Big Deal") is a hidden track inside track 4. You have an extra file. You must have split track 4 into 2 parts when it was originally only 1 part.

Currently, there aren't any options to get around this, for instance, to treat hidden tracks as full tracks. So all I can suggest is:
A) keep it as 1 track rather than splitting it.
B) manually copy the tags to the extra track and change the track number and title.


Reply #1693
Hi and thanks for the suggestions. I'm aware of the manual tagging, but always looking for a way to automate this as much as possible :-)
The release has 2 artists by the same name, apparently, so this seems like expected behavior.

So, when "Discard numeric suffixes" is activated, comparing those two Album Artists by string isn't an option? Just to make a single "Koto" instead of two "Kotos"? ;-)

I can't see a usercase for having two Album Artists with the same identical name. What could be a usercase for this? I'm trying to understand...
When there are different Album Artists, I can see that those should be seperated by a ";" but when their names are identical, I can't imagine why that could be expected.
Please let me know.

Only question in my mind is why semicolon was used to join them rather than "/". Are you using "Album Artist multi" tag? That would write 2 album artists with no join keyword which might be shown with a semicolon.
Well, I've looked around in the foobar preferences, but where can I check what I have set up "Album Artist multi" ?
Only found something under Advanced -> Display -> Properties Dialog -> Multivalue fields: ARTIST;ALBUM ARTIST;PRODUCER;COMPOSER;PERFORMER;GENRE;STYLE
Thats it?


Reply #1694
I can't see a usercase for having two Album Artists with the same identical name. What could be a usercase for this? I'm trying to understand...

I guess the same usercase for having 2 artists with the same name on the release in the Discogs database. It's definite an odd case that I've never seen before. I gather there are actually 2 different artists named "Koto", so it's not useless information to know that both of them collaborated on a release rather than a single one. It's possible this is entered incorrectly on Discogs and both artists should really be merged into a single one. You could ask on the Discogs help forum.

Only question in my mind is why semicolon was used to join them rather than "/". Are you using "Album Artist multi" tag? That would write 2 album artists with no join keyword which might be shown with a semicolon.
Well, I've looked around in the foobar preferences, but where can I check what I have set up "Album Artist multi" ?
Only found something under Advanced -> Display -> Properties Dialog -> Multivalue fields: ARTIST;ALBUM ARTIST;PRODUCER;COMPOSER;PERFORMER;GENRE;STYLE
Thats it?

In "Edit Tag Mappings", there is one called "Album Artist multi" which would write multiple values ("Koto" and "Koto") to its tag. Then there's the "Album Artist" tag which would write a single value ("Koto / Koto") to its tag. Minor point, really. I've verified that this works as expected, so if you're seeing "Koto; Koto" instead of "Koto / Koto" you're either using the multi version of the tag or doing some other processing to it.


Reply #1695
What could be a usercase for this? I'm trying to understand...
I guess the same usercase for having 2 artists with the same name on the release in the Discogs database
Ok, from a Database-View, this makes sense. I was looking from a view, where I save my Files in folders per Artists, and so the files will end up in the same folder anyways. (I decide from the Album Artists Tag where to save).
Its not a big deal, I think, because I can always delete/change the (IMHO) "wrong" tag to whatever I like by hand, but was looking for an automated way. (but I guess, it will be an endless story to try to "fix" issues from the DiscoGS-Api within a third party component like this fine one :-)

In "Edit Tag Mappings", there is one called "Album Artist multi" which would write multiple values ("Koto" and "Koto") to its tag. Then there's the "Album Artist" tag which would write a single value ("Koto / Koto") to its tag. Minor point, really. I've verified that this works as expected, so if you're seeing "Koto; Koto" instead of "Koto / Koto" you're either using the multi version of the tag or doing some other processing to it.
darn, I was looking there, but because I assumed, the entries are in alphabetical order, I didnt looked close enough...

hmm.. not sure, if I understand correctly and how you've tested it, but my settings are:
Album Artist is set to ALBUM ARTIST
Album Artist multi is set to DISCOGS_ALBUM_ARTIST_MULTI

I would have guessed, from reading your posts and this settings as a noob, that "Koto / Koto" should be written to Album Artist
and "Koto; Koto" to Album Artist multi. But thats in contrary to what's your result is, so I' a little confused now 8-)


Reply #1696
Ok, from a Database-View, this makes sense. I was looking from a view, where I save my Files in folders per Artists, and so the files will end up in the same folder anyways. (I decide from the Album Artists Tag where to save).
Its not a big deal, I think, because I can always delete/change the (IMHO) "wrong" tag to whatever I like by hand, but was looking for an automated way. (but I guess, it will be an endless story to try to "fix" issues from the DiscoGS-Api within a third party component like this fine one :-)

It's a tricky case when the database is downright wrong or when there are corner cases like this. I don't think you can hope to automate such cases, only the majority of cases that follow normal behavior. :-)

IF foo_discogs had a more complex scripting that allowed you to format the tags individually, then you could filter for artists of the same name, or something like that. I'd like to do this, but have to figure out if and how it's feasible.


Reply #1697
Here's a prototype of what I'm working on for tag mappings:

The principle is to expose data via variables and allow users to define arbitrary tags based on those variables. Most information comes from either the Release (RELEASE_*), Track (TRACK_*), or Artist (ARTIST_*), where the artist is either the track artist if available, or the release artist. Many of the variables can have multiple values (ie. artist names, formats, styles, etc). In this case, multi-value tags will be written unless the $join function is used to join them into a single value.

High level feedback is welcome.


Reply #1698
Here's a prototype of what I'm working on for tag mappings:

This seems very interesting and flexible to me, I simply can't imagine all the things that would be possible then!

I guess, this is something I really wished for years but then just cancelled the wish, because I had to face the fact, that I had to write too many scripts and bind them to too many keys (or browsing around in an endless menu of my scripts, which is a pain in f2k since the beginning of time.)

So I *really* appreceate this WIP screenshot, but cannot tell anything productive right now :-)

What I can say right now is this:

I accidently realised, that you fulfilled my wish to make the components window resizable!
and this is, by all means, the most valuable thing which happened to the component the last years! (of course, all the fixes for the discoGS api were important too...)
Now its sooooo easy to read all the informations at once and therefore the working/usabillity is so much easy and fast!
I'll walk imediately over to your project-page and donate some bucks. not only because the summer has started here and developers need some spare time in the sun too!
thanks mate, this is really a good day for me 8-)
EDIT: came back here, because I didn't find a "donate" button or something else. If there is a way I can hand over some bucks, please let me know, or point me to the link.

btw: Is it possible to make the component somehow not "freeze" f2k when updating the tags?
when I use the freedb component and tags are being updated, I can work (click on everything) within f2k,
but when updating the tags with this component, f2k is "not reachable" during the update-progress, so I need to wait for the tags to be updated, which takes ages sometimes, becaus of the discoGS api seems very slow.

To have the ability to keep up working while the component is updating the tags would be an immense boost of speed too.


Reply #1699
why shows v1.55 this release [+1 HIDDEN] Tracks?

IMHO those Tracks (1a, 1b) are just one single Track, and there is no hidden Track intended, like on modern CDs, where a hidden Track is really hidden in the last song, separated with a pause/silence)

There are other releases which show a  [+1 HIDDEN]  Track, where the track is actually a medley or just more songs put in a single song.
Ambient Music releases have this  [+1 HIDDEN]  (or [+2 HIDDEN]) too, where is actually no hidden song in the track, but only a selection of songs (sort of)

Might it be (optional, activated via settings?) possible to merge those titles to a single one?

Like in the above release, the tracks
1a "Tanne"
1b "Prayer"

would be merged and written to (a no multi tag)
1 "Tanne / Prayer"

That way, manual fiddeling/copy&paste by the user are not needed anymore, which would save a lot of time/hassle.
Until now, the component just "swallows" the trackname, which it thinks is a hidden track, and the user (me) has to copy the "hidden" Track by hand in the tagged track.

Or is there maybe a setting I just ignored/overseen?

With the new tag mappings (WIP) I personally would "build" a Trackname like:
1 "Yamadashi: Tanne / Prayer"