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Topic: WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP (Read 557596 times) previous topic - next topic
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WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #375
Thank you very much for uploading the process dump files, they've been really helpful  I now see what the problem is and have finally been able to reproduce it on my test system.

I hope to come up with a fix for this by Sunday evening. I'll definitely keep you posted.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #376
Thank you very much for uploading the process dump files, they've been really helpful  I now see what the problem is and have finally been able to reproduce it on my test system.

I hope to come up with a fix for this by Sunday evening. I'll definitely keep you posted.

No problem good luck finding a solution 

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #377
A second beta of WMP Tag Plus 2.0 is now available for download here. This release was necessary because the first beta could cause WMP 12 to hang when files of the newly supported formats were being added to the library. This issue should now be fixed. If you have already installed the first beta then you are highly encouraged to update, especially if you're running Windows 7.

Apart from the fix, the second beta also adds Musepack (.mpc) tagging support. No other changes have been introduced, so that means that Windows 8 is not supported yet.

See my previous post for highlights of what's new in WMP Tag Plus 2.0:

  •     Album art support: no more error messages when pasting art in WMP's library and no need to manually delete album art files. For MPEG-4, FLAC and Vorbis, embedded album art is supported as well.
  •     Monkey's Audio (.ape) tagging support.
  •     Fix for WMP 12 always adding Apple Lossless (ALAC) files to Other media (this was already present in the 1.3 beta).
  •     Refresh song tags: WMP Tag Plus can scan the library for untagged songs of the newly supported formats and re-add these songs to the library, so that you don't need to do this manually. This can be initiated from settings, but will also run once after a clean WMP Tag Plus installation.
  •     WMP Tag Plus will now show a warning at WMP startup if the plug-in is disabled, to prevent untagged songs in the library and tag changes not getting written to file (this warning can be turned off).

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #378
Hi good news its working fine for me now, no hanging or anything it just loads all the flac files as it should, nice one mate well done and a big thanks.

i have a few albums in wav format, i can play them but there is no tag support, do you know of a fix for this or should i just convert them to flac??

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #379
its ok i have used cdex to convert the wav files to flac files, it hought this would be easiest.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #380
Good to hear that the beta is working fine now

Indeed, I would also have recommended to convert the WAV files to FLAC. The WAV format itself has very poor tagging support, especially compared to FLAC.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #381
Hi Tim,

I'm also using Windows 8 CP (an upgrade install from Windows 7). I had WMP Tag Plus 1.2 installed during the upgrade which, as you know, does not function in Windows 8.

Having read the above posts, I've since downloaded and installed 2.0 Beta 2. The package installed fine, however I receive the following error upon loading WMP:

"One of the core components of WMP Tag Plus is missing or failed to load properly. Please try reinstalling WMP Tag Plus or contact the author if the problem persists."

Have you experienced this? Is there some sort of log I can provide to try and diagnose it?


WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #383
I must report that this new beta (2.0 beta 2) is not working with ALAC files correctly - they appear again in Other Media section. Refresh in the Tools tab does not help (it always again and again finds my ALAC files as "new" in each scan).

Thing is that that 1.3 beta2 worked fine and those songs were in music section in two setups:
- W7 Ultimate 32-bit by using iTunes/QT installation as filters
- W7 SP1 Ultimate 64-bit (using 32-bit WMP and LAV Audio filters).

After upgrading last setup to 2.0 beta2 ALAC files jumped to Other Media. Even worse - if I go back to 1.3, they stay at Other Media 
I've deleted \\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Media Player and built Library many times. Switched LAV filters to Bass ones... Tried clean install your plugin... nothing.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #384
Are you sure that the option to add ALAC files to the Music section is checked, on the Apple Lossless tab of WMP Tag Plus settings?

Would it be possible for you to upload one of the affected ALAC files, so I can try it myself? You can upload it to a file sharing website like Skydrive or Rapidshare and send me the download link in a private message on this forum. Thanks!

Edit: suur13 and I troubleshooted further through PM and we eventually found the cause of the problem: TaglibHandler replaces Windows 7's built-in MPEG-4 property handler with its own handler. This prevents WMP Tag Plus from recognizing ALAC files and from forcing them into the Music section. Uninstalling TaglibHandler didn't help because that didn't re-register the Windows 7 property handler. The solution was to re-register the Windows 7 property handler manually in the registry.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #385
Hi Tim!

Thanks for continuing to work on this!. I've just tried beta 2 (upgrading from v1.2). It seems to work great on Win 7 x64.

However, one niggle: the rescan of previously incompatible files does not update the tags for FLAC files. Previously the album art was not imported and upgrading does not update the WMP library to reflect the new features. When new files are added, they do contain the album art as they should.

Hope this is useful!

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #386
Indeed, that's a current limitation of Refresh song tags: it doesn't detect songs that are only missing album art. For now, you will still need to manually re-add those songs to the library to get their album art.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #387
So, I love this tool and actually prefer WMP on my HTPC.
My problem is that WMP 12 refuses to leave my files alone.
At a minimum, it will change the album art and add its own.
I've tried several things to try and prevent this from happening.
For a while, it seems to work, then I notice the _small and _large are back.

Anyone have success with preventing WMP 12 from changing the tags and the album art in your library?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #388
Sorry: I had another probleb, but I've fixed it.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #389
Anyone have success with preventing WMP 12 from changing the tags and the album art in your library?

Did you turn off Retrieve additional information from the Internet in WMP's Options?

To prevent WMP from creating/overwriting album art JPG files, you could try the registry tweak suggested in this thread.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #390
Anyone have success with preventing WMP 12 from changing the tags and the album art in your library?

Did you turn off Retrieve additional information from the Internet in WMP's Options?

To prevent WMP from creating/overwriting album art JPG files, you could try the registry tweak suggested in this thread.

Yes, that setting used to work, however it seems that WMP 12 only honors this setting when it wants to...

I'll give the registry tweak a try. Thanks.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #391

Not sure this is WMP Tag Plus related or not. I am on Win 7 x64 and I am running WMP Tag Plus 2 beta 2

I frequently use my WMP to "play to" DLNA devices. Previously I have been able to play native and non-native files from WMP's library on my DLNA-supporting media renderers by using the Play To feature. You select the device and WMP serves the file, and you have the music through your stereo.

At some point this stopped working, and I've now managed to fix it. However, now I can only serve the native files in this way (i.e. MP3 and M4A work), but whenever I try to serve a FLAC file I get an error in the Play To box:

Media is not available
HRESULT: 0x80040374
UPnP error 716

When I look into the Event Viewer logs (Windows/System) there is a WMP-related warning there

The Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service cannot process the request for URI '' from IP address '' due to error '0xc00d1906'.

Following the link given in the error gives a rather bizarre white-text-on-black-background graphic with the error "The image 'http://blabla...' cannot be displayed because it contains errors."

Why WMP Networking Service seems to be serving images instead of music files, I have no idea, but I know next to nothing about the DLNA protocol.

Unfortunately, I don't know whether this is related to my having upgraded to WMPT+ 2, upgraded the Shark codecs in the mean time, or something else completely. As I say, I had another unrelated issue which was preventing me from using this, but I think I've resolved it fully. Of course without WMPT+ I would not be able to serve any of these files at all, but I don't know quite how all the lilbrary enhancers/codecs/DLNA business interface.

Is this something that anyone else tries to do?

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #392
Additional: I have tried reinstalling WMP Tag 1.2 and this did not fix the issue, unfortunately. Still, if anyone has any ideas what could be causing it, they would be much appreciated.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #393
Do you still get the same error with WMP Tag Plus uninstalled? If so, then you should probably look for the cause with the codecs that were changed. As far as I know, WMP Tag Plus has little to do with the Play To feature.

I'm afraid that I know as little about DLNA as you seem to do, so that's all the help I can provide for now.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #394
Do you still get the same error with WMP Tag Plus uninstalled? If so, then you should probably look for the cause with the codecs that were changed. As far as I know, WMP Tag Plus has little to do with the Play To feature.

Unfortunately, without WMPT+ I don't have the problematic FLAC files in my library, so it's not even possible to fail! Thanks!

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #395
Just make sure that the FLAC files are already in WMP's library before uninstalling WMP Tag Plus. The FLAC files will then stay in the library, even when WMP Tag Plus isn't installed.

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #396
Hi Tim,

I've installed WMP Tag Plus 2.0b2 on a Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit machine which I'm using to run Windows 7 Media Center (x64). For decode support,
I also have installed the Xiph FLAC codec package. This setup seems to work great for both WMP12 and WMC7 running locally on my PC.

However, primarily I am using Xbox 360s as Media Center Extenders for my TVs. This does not seem to be working properly with this setup. The FLAC tag files are not being read properly and I'm getting the following error in my Windows Media Center application event log:

Code: [Select]
Log Name:	  Media Center
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Media Center Extender
Date:   4/30/2012 9:30:06 PM
Event ID:   107
Task Category: Session Enforcement
Level: Warning
User:   explorer\Mcx1-EXPLORER
Computer:   explorer
An unauthorized window was detected while running Windows Media Center, 'WMP Tag Plus', with file name 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe'.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Media Center Extender" Guid="{7B7838A3-6562-4269-BB7A-97B0D9593882}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-05-01T01:30:06.870432400Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="4344" ThreadID="2560" />
<Channel>Media Center</Channel>
<Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2907086231-552969432-3693767780-1003" />
<Data Name="Title">WMP Tag Plus</Data>
<Data Name="File">C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe</Data>
I also seem to be getting this, perhaps related message:

Code: [Select]
Log Name:	  Media Center
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Media Center Extender
Date:   4/30/2012 9:45:06 PM
Event ID:   107
Task Category: Session Enforcement
Level: Warning
User:   explorer\Mcx1-EXPLORER
Computer:   explorer
An unauthorized window was detected while running Windows Media Center, 'Windows Media Player Library', with file name 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msdt.exe'.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Media Center Extender" Guid="{7B7838A3-6562-4269-BB7A-97B0D9593882}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-05-01T01:45:06.901221800Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="4344" ThreadID="2560" />
<Channel>Media Center</Channel>
<Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2907086231-552969432-3693767780-1003" />
<Data Name="Title">Windows Media Player Library</Data>
<Data Name="File">C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msdt.exe</Data>
When uninstalling WMP Tag Plus, I do not see these error messages being generated performing the same tasks. I've also tried uninstalling 2.0b2, cleaning my
library and installing the 1.2 release. This did not remedy the errors.

After a bit more digging tonight, it seems to be related to the launching of the WMP Tag Plus preference window when using this software for the first time. Windows 7 Media Center seems to create/remove new Windows user accounts (and HKEY_USERS registry hives) dynamically when Media Center Extender sessions are connected/disconnected.

Is it possible to create a test version which doesn't open this preference window and instead just uses the defaults? I was only able to notice one particular key being created (HKEY_USERS\<USER>\Software\BM-productions\WMP Tag Plus). Are there others that need to be configured?

If you know that this particular setup (or some other configuration) works for Windows Media Extenders, please let me know and I'll re-install everything. Trying to work out all the kinks before I take this setup live for the family. I can successfully play the files regardless of this, but no tags is obviously a no-go.


WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #397
However, primarily I am using Xbox 360s as Media Center Extenders for my TVs. This does not seem to be working properly with this setup.

WMP Tag Plus hasn't been tested at all in this setup, so it's not really surprising that there are issues.

The FLAC tag files are not being read properly

Please provide some more info on this. Do you mean for FLAC files that are added while using the Media Center Extender? Or doesn't the Media Center Extender display the tags for any FLAC file? Does this work alright in WMP?

Is it possible to create a test version which doesn't open this preference window and instead just uses the defaults? I was only able to notice one particular key being created (HKEY_USERS\<USER>\Software\BM-productions\WMP Tag Plus). Are there others that need to be configured?

I will PM you the download link to a WMP Tag Plus version that doesn't show the settings window when the main WMP window isn't visible (e.g. when using Media Center). Please install it on top of the current version and let me know if it fixes those error messages in the event log. If it does, the fix will be included in the final 2.0 release. Thanks!

WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #398
However, primarily I am using Xbox 360s as Media Center Extenders for my TVs. This does not seem to be working properly with this setup.

WMP Tag Plus hasn't been tested at all in this setup, so it's not really surprising that there are issues.

The FLAC tag files are not being read properly

Please provide some more info on this. Do you mean for FLAC files that are added while using the Media Center Extender? Or doesn't the Media Center Extender display the tags for any FLAC file? Does this work alright in WMP?

The extenders see the FLAC media in the music browser, but none of the tag information (artist, title, track length, cover art, etc.) is displayed. All music is Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/Unknown Track, etc. The music plays file.

Is it possible to create a test version which doesn't open this preference window and instead just uses the defaults? I was only able to notice one particular key being created (HKEY_USERS\<USER>\Software\BM-productions\WMP Tag Plus). Are there others that need to be configured?

I will PM you the download link to a WMP Tag Plus version that doesn't show the settings window when the main WMP window isn't visible (e.g. when using Media Center). Please install it on top of the current version and let me know if it fixes those error messages in the event log. If it does, the fix will be included in the final 2.0 release. Thanks!

Thanks, I'm going to do a clean install of everything tonight (since I have attempted some registry hackery and used a mix/match of codecs trying to get this going). I'll install this test version and report back to you.


WMP Tag Plus - MPEG4, Vorbis and FLAC metadata support for WMP

Reply #399
Thanks, I'm going to do a clean install of everything tonight (since I have attempted some registry hackery and used a mix/match of codecs trying to get this going). I'll install this test version and report back to you.


Hrm. Spoke too soon earlier. 2 of 3 extenders working. Let me dig some more.