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Topic: Playlists column width is reset at every start up (Read 2380 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playlists column width is reset at every start up

In the last two preview updates, mac 2,24 from 2024-10-15 and 2024-10-14, playlists column width is reset at every start up. Normally I leave that column narrower, but now it always resets to the default, which is too wide for my taste. Until version 2024-10-10-10 there was no such problem.

Re: Playlists column width is reset at every start up

Reply #1
Sorry, can't reproduce.

I assume it's something with splitter behavior changes made in recent builds.

Can you please post pictures of what happens?

What exact layout do you use? View >> Layout >> Edit Layout >> post full text of layout from there

Also what exact Mac OS version?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Playlists column width is reset at every start up

Reply #2
Hello, thanks for responding.
Here are some screens describing the problem.
-First How I normally set the playlist width
-Then the second scree is how it is reset to its default width on every start up, like I said, unitl v. 2024-10-10-10, the layout will open exactly how I set it. Since the las 2 versions, it won't preserve the layout how I left it.
-Last one is the layout, I never changed this.
-I am on macOS 12.7.6

Re: Playlists column width is reset at every start up

Reply #3
Thanks, looks like problem affects old macOS versions only.
Fixed for the next foobar2000 update.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Playlists column width is reset at every start up

Reply #4
Thank you


Re: Playlists column width is reset at every start up

Reply #5
Just reporting back. With v2.24 preview 2024-10-18 the playlist column remains as I left it at the start again. Thank you.