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Topic: Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help (Read 670 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: JScript Panel scr...
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Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Hi Air Ken,
You mean script "{deployed} album_art [cd-vinyl].txt" !?
This script from and @Jul23 as stated, and we also need some images from TT (TT-ReBORN.Georgia-ReBORN) to apply CD/Vinyl mask.
As such, i was hesitant to enclose them with the early post.

Attached is these images in their folder structure. we can unzip and copy them into [foobar2000] root folder and the script should be compiled without error.

Credit goes to Jul23, TT for their hard work in creating beautiful CD/vinyl images.

Artwork is randomly tilted.
note: as i am not sure about IP in other countries, whether or not some artworks were under public domain or not, i can not make any screenshot. sorry.
 I think of some pseudo screenshots.

It is weir that my web browser usually   get stuck (banned)  accessing this site.
The script "{deployed} album_art [cd-vinyl].txt" shows album art often in gray instead of color.