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Topic: "Album List" tab, "by folder structure" doesn't quite work for the media library (Read 1580 times) previous topic - next topic
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"Album List" tab, "by folder structure" doesn't quite work for the media library

foobar2000 v2.1.5 [x64]

I have these SMB shared folder paths configured in the Media Library of foobar2000:

  • \\\music\AmigaRemix\
  • \\\music\Anzen Chitai\
  • \\\music\Audi Tracks I\
  • \\\music\Audi Tracks II\
  • \\\music\C64Audio Classics\
  • \\\music\Classical\
  • \\\music\drivexv\
  • \\\music\Dwelling of Duels\
  • \\\music\G.Bevin - Eigenharp Sketches of 2011\
  • \\\music\Gangstagrass\
  • \\\music\Hardjet Playground Podcasts\
  • \\\music\Linn - 24-Bits of Christmas\
  • \\\music\OCReMix\
  • \\\music\OKX\
  • \\\music\Open Music Contest - Sampler #1\
  • \\\music\Open Music Contest - Sampler #2\
  • \\\music\Open Music Contest - Sampler #3\
  • \\\music\Open Music Contest - Sampler #4\
  • \\\music\Pimp my Rights (Volume 1)\
  • \\\music\Quest mix aug 2013\
  • \\\music\\
  • \\\music\\
  • \\\music\The Sonic Stadium\
  • \\\music\trndtunes1.0\
  • \\\music\trndtunes2.0\
  • \\\music\trndtunes2.1\
  • \\\music\trndtunes3.0\
  • \\\music\trndtunes3.1\
  • \\\music\trndtunes3.2\
  • \\\music\trndtunes3.3\
  • \\\music\trndtunes3.4\
  • \\\music\trndtunes4.0\
  • \\\music\trndtunes4.1\
  • \\\music\trndtunes4.2\
  • \\\music\trndtunes4.3\
  • \\\music\VG Music\
  • \\\music\Wir haben bezahlt\

However, in the "Album List" tab of the main foobar2000 window, it's a complete mess because foobar2000 mixes them all together.

I suspect this is because foobar2000 hasn't grouped them by the first level of each shared folder path.

Could we get an option so that foobar2000 keeps each shared folder separate in the "Album List" view?

Re: "Album List" tab, "by folder structure" doesn't quite work for the media library

Reply #1
Going on the assumption that the listed paths contain all your music (there are no paths not accounted for):

I believe to achieve what you are after in the albums list tab you can just cut the path at
Code: [Select]

Re: "Album List" tab, "by folder structure" doesn't quite work for the media library

Reply #2
Going on the assumption that the listed paths contain all your music (there are no paths not accounted for):

I believe to achieve what you are after in the albums list tab you can just cut the path at
Code: [Select]
This would work only if \\\music\ contains exactly all and only music that I want in my Media Library.
It wouldn't work if:
  • there is music on other servers or on my local machine that I want to add; or
  • there is music in \\\music\ that I don't want to include in my Media Library.


Re: "Album List" tab, "by folder structure" doesn't quite work for the media library

Reply #3
Hence the assumption, evidently this is not your case. I also realise my previous response doesn't actually stop the meshing of the top level. Apologies.

The following solution should keep separate the top level, and resolve your second point. But I'll have to need a more in-depth look into it to see if there is a way to resolve your first point

In the preferences tab in Album list (Media Library -> Album List) you should see the list of views you can sort the Album List by.

Add a new view with whatever name and add the following
Code: [Select]

You may need to adjust the starting point of substring (21) of the files to properly match the path.

I theorise a better solution may be accomplished by using something other than $substr, but as I said I'll have to investigate further