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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 555186 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1600
Is this still workiung?  I've had issues.  Error msg saying:   Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):   ""

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1601
RichBum, see above.
Magically yours

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1602
Hello, managed to get it working with yt-dlp.exe latest from github and added it to environmental variables path. Chose external and preferer over internal as mentioned in previous post by "cantaro_sinfonico", youtube-dl.exe did not work for me. Plus make sure to put your youtube's api key. File > Preferences > Tools > Youtube Source > Maintenance

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1603
hi, 403 forbidden!!!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1604
Managed to solve after a good 30 minutes troubleshooting like crazy. Updating yt-dlp, repasting API key, and all that.
What worked:
RESTUFFING THE COOKIES MANUALLY (copying the curl (POSIX compliant) from a 200 GET petition (like in Firefox Dev Tools and pasting them in the own dialog window listing the cookies in the foobar2000 settings (Network tab | [X]Enable persistent cookie storage | Storage > Modify, then Paste button bottom left)
Also reenabling the 'Prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer', which I had tried on and off in every previous configuration before, it MUST be enabled.
To the extent that blanking my API key doesn't affect the marvelous working state in which the component is right now! Playing back like a mad horse! If things stop working, or some videos don't load because age restriction and similar checks, I'll fill it back, but for now, not in the mood of touching anything else! For the rest of the afternoon at least! :D

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1605
hi, 403 forbidden!!!
Try what I did!
Of all, make sure that you have:
- 'Prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer' ENABLED
- and the cookies in good order (yt-dlp auto generates a cookies.txt file, but is a pretty barebones one, to me seems to be the culprit of my problems)
- also, and goes without saying, yt-dlp updated to the last version (most up-to date release is only a few weeks newer than the previous one, so go figure).

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1606
foo_youtube 3.9.2 is out, fixing the 403 error and adding support for /live/<id>/ URLs.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1607
foo_youtube 3.9.2 is out, fixing the 403 error and adding support for /live/<id>/ URLs.

This component has been working fine, when using yt-dlp_x86.exe (updt. 2024.7.25), before this new foo_youtube release. But, if I I stop using yt-dlp, I still get "403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403))".

What am I missing guys? :D

Anyway, thanks to the developer for making this component.

Edit: Never mind, there seems to be some kind of bug, I guess.

What I did before I posted this comment was: Under the "Maintenance" tab I right clicked youtube-dl, unchecked "Prefer youtube-dl..." and then clicked "None". Restarted a few times, but I was getting the 403 error. Went back to "External" (the setting I had been using) to double check that "Prefer youtube-dl..." was unchecked, it was. I selected "None" again, and restarted. But, still got 403.

The solution for me was to select "System", restart, and when the component was unable to find it (I don't have it installed) it finally stopped giving me the 403 error. Now, I have changed it to "None" and it works fine. I've restarted and it keeps working fine.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1608
New version: "3.9.3 (31-Jul-2024) fixed error opening Youtube URLs caused by another internal change on the site. Youtube gives no rest this month."

Solved the error I was getting. Thank you for your work, 3dyd.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1609
When playing DVD-Audio ISO files, the mouse selects the audio track, which causes foobar2000 to temporarily become unresponsive. Hopefully this can be fixed!
Suggestion: Can the Youtube settings include a function to exclude file formats?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1610
version:3.9.3  but again  I get foobar2000: Forbidden (403

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1611

Reply #1590 By: devnull2000,104379.msg1047677.html#msg1047677

yt-dlp (yt-dlp.exe) 2024.08.06
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1613

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1614
When adding a URL it seems to get stuck without any errors while "Processing..." The only way to get out of that again is taskkilling foobar.
Using latest 3.9.4 and yt-dlp.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1615
When adding a URL it seems to get stuck without any errors while "Processing..." The only way to get out of that again is taskkilling foobar.
Using latest 3.9.4 and yt-dlp.

Hi. I'm using foo_youtube 3.9.4 with yt-dlp_x86.exe (2024.8.6.0) (Foobar v.2.1.5 [x86]) without issues. I never use 64-bit Foobar, though. If you are using something similar maybe try troubleshooting your other components.
