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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 564425 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1575
This works like a charm! One minor thing, update 3.9 mentions adding yt-dlp support. I have yt-dlp installed via winget, so it is in some obscure folder BUT it is very definitely on the path via "yt-dlp". The component says it is not on the path, which means it is probably checking for the wrong command. I can add it by specifying the executable directly, but I thought I would mention it.

One thing I have been wondering about, is support for YouTube Music on the roadmap at all? As in, playing my YTM playlists including "Liked Songs" which is not a public playlist, and playing music I uploaded into my account? Those songs are also not available publicly at all, if you share a playlist those songs will not work. The audio quality available on YTM is also superior to regular YT, it has some 256kbps vbr aac IIRC vs the 120 or so vbr opus. So yeah, just wondering if that is somewhere on the roadmap or if the plan is to stick to regular YouTube. YTM doesn't have any decent integration anywhere as far as I know, so it would be a first as far as I can tell!

foobar 2000 (foo_youtube)

Reply #1576
how to fix Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: client error: SSL connect error (35) | ffmpeg: Error number -10054 occurred | foobar2000: Network error):

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1577
Hi, @3dyd
1、The LAVFilters and madVR loaded in the foo_youtube maintenance interferes with the playback of DVD-Audio ISO files, which leads to a large amount of CPU usage and unresponsiveness of the foobar2000 window.
2、Background image, set to cover can only display the embedded image, can not display the cover.jpg in the file directory.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1578
How do you add a custom metadata tag which contains spaces in the tag name?

For ex. this fails: (the album artist part)
Code: [Select]
fy+ artist=aretha+franklin&fb2k_artist=Aretha+Franklin&fb2k_search_title=Aretha+Franklin+-+Respect+%28Official+Lyric+Video%29&fb2kx_length=151&fb2kx_title=Respect&v=A134hShx_gw
But also this:
Code: [Select]
And this:
Code: [Select]

Using '_' instead of space, percent encoding or '+' remap it to the wrong tag.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1579
Tell me why, after executing the “Full Screen” command, a second window appears in the taskbar and does not disappear until the end of the session, this is extremely inconvenient and annoying. Does this happen to everyone or just me?
YouTube Music

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1580
Hi, I found a work-around related to "Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: Analysis, no video found on Youtube URL):".

I can make the track live again by clearing the cache. View > Youtube Source > Analysis Cache > Wipe Cache.

Hope this help and not repeat with previous post.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1581

how open .avi video file from local hard disk in foo_youtube? example c:\terminator_2.avi

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1582
The plugin doesn't seem to work:
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):
I tried two YouTube links with the same negative result.
Magically yours

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1583
The plugin doesn't seem to work:

I can confirm. It stopped working today.

Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1584
The plugin doesn't seem to work:

I can confirm. It stopped working today.

Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):

Ok, I found a solution. Deleting storage helped. I mean this one:

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1585
I have "Enable persistent cookie option" unchecked so I don't think this is the case.
Magically yours

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1586
The plugin doesn't seem to work:

I can confirm. It stopped working today.

Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):

I faced same issue today.
After updating yt-dlp to latest version(2024.07.09), now it works again.
Persistant Cookie was already disabled in my case.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1587
I faced same issue today.
After updating yt-dlp to latest version(2024.07.09), now it works again.
Persistant Cookie was already disabled in my case.

Where is this version available?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1590
I have "Enable persistent cookie option" unchecked so I don't think this is the case.
Sorry for the confusion. I had it on because
But in fact after a few hours it was not working again.

I decided to switch to the new version of `yt-dlp` and uncheck the persistent cookies option. Now it works fine.

I do not see yt-dlp included in the plugin's package. Where should I put it?

You should download it from github and put it somewhere on your computer, eg.:

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1592
devnull2000, done but no success, the error is the same. What is strange is that I don't see yt-dlp.exe in the process list when trying to play a YouTube link.
Magically yours

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1593
devnull2000, done but no success, the error is the same. What is strange is that I don't see yt-dlp.exe in the process list when trying to play a YouTube link.

Have you tried restarting foobar?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1595
The plugin doesn't seem to work:

I can confirm. It stopped working today.

Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):

I got the same problem today (everything was fine until yesterday).

I've reinstalled the component, downloaded the lastest yt-dlp version (2024.07.09, I tried both x86 and 64-bits versions), restarted foobar many times... the 403 error thing still appears, no matter the video I'm trying to play.

I'm using foobar2000 v2.1.4 [x86]

Please help!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1596
The plugin doesn't seem to work:

I can confirm. It stopped working today.

Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):

I got the same problem today (everything was fine until yesterday).

I've reinstalled the component, downloaded the lastest yt-dlp version (2024.07.09, I tried both x86 and 64-bits versions), restarted foobar many times... the 403 error thing still appears, no matter the video I'm trying to play.

I'm using foobar2000 v2.1.4 [x86]

Please help!

By following the instructions given to GCRaistlin, and then some trial and error, I was able to figure out that for this to actually work, you have to right click youtube-dl and check "prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer" like so.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1597
The plugin doesn't seem to work:

I can confirm. It stopped working today.

Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: server error (403) from | ffmpeg: Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied) | foobar2000: Forbidden (403)):

I got the same problem today (everything was fine until yesterday).

I've reinstalled the component, downloaded the lastest yt-dlp version (2024.07.09, I tried both x86 and 64-bits versions), restarted foobar many times... the 403 error thing still appears, no matter the video I'm trying to play.

I'm using foobar2000 v2.1.4 [x86]

Please help!

By following the instructions given to GCRaistlin, and then some trial and error, I was able to figure out that for this to actually work, you have to right click youtube-dl and check "prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer" like so.

It works! Thank you alonectorch!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1598
Thanks Cantaro_Sinfonico and in extension GCRaistlin!
I also reinstalled and downloaded the components so many times with the same error.
Maybe thinking it's the API key part broken so I messed around there for way too long too.

This little check "prefer youtube-dl over internal analyzer" is what got it working on my side.
So happy to have access to my again!

Does anyone have a guess why things stopped working now recently, is it a Windows update or Youtube related change?

This forum has helped a lot thanks again.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #1599
Exactly what I forgot to check; was about to give up.

I don't know whether youtube made a change or the patch Tuesday updates were to blame, but I suspect we'll see a new beta for the plugin soon. The defaults should work.