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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 537753 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #800
it's only needed for the similar artists/charts script.

Yeah, that's what I was aiming for.
I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #801
And what about the Now.playing.txt ?????

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #802
So is there a way to fix the broken biography?  The wikipedia biography is laughably terrible for so many artists.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #803
there is no fix for this component because the source has never been shared. as an alternative, you can use my WSH panel mod script which is linked a few posts up.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #804
there is no fix for this component because the source has never been shared. as an alternative, you can use my WSH panel mod script which is linked a few posts up.

Ah that's too bad.  It still pulls the artwork from and bio from wikipedia (although this can be wrong). 

Your links you posted are down.  Mind updating?

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #806
Could anyone please advise me of a plugin that will quickly and easily download album art?

I've tried this Biography View plugin but can't get it to work. The instructions are Japanese and I couldn't find instructions in this thread. All I could get it to do was show a panel with the album art in it, I couldn't get it to download album art and put it in the folder.

Until now I have been using the Discogs plugin, but it's not ideal as it is a slow process - first you have to search through artist names and find the right artist, then you have to carefully choose the album, and then worst of all you have to wait while the art downloads which can take up to about 30 seconds (during which you can't use Foobar so you are just sitting there waiting).

I have a large number of CDs to rip so I want something I can quickly download album art with.

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #807
I've tried this Biography View plugin but can't get it to work. The instructions are Japanese and I couldn't find instructions in this thread. All I could get it to do was show a panel with the album art in it, I couldn't get it to download album art and put it in the folder.

Right click on the album art in the panel and select "save image".
I'm late

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #808
Right click on the album art in the panel and select "save image".
Oh, thank you, that worked. Though I am not impressed with this plugin and will be sticking with Discogs for my album artwork, for 3 reasons:

1. It only provides two images, and not even a back cover! (Back covers are really important to me.)
2. You can't just press a button to download them both, and you have to specify the file location every time which seems pointless.
3. Crucially, the images it downloads are really tiny (only 300x300) - that's even smaller than Discogs (600x600). That makes it unusable to me as I have a large art panel and I like to look at the CD covers in detail, read the smallprint etc.

Thanks anyway :)

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #809
you have to specify the file location every time which seems pointless.

Save image->Config...  There you can set default paths for both artist and album pics.
I'm late

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #810
Save image->Config...  There you can set default paths for both artist and album pics.
Thank you once again, though I can't work out how to tell it to save them into whatever folder the music is in.

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #812
because Biography view via is no longer working, I tried to do it by Bio Scraper Python script. lastfm-bio-scraper But I couldn't get it to work. Is there some experience or another solution?
Thank you all!!
cheers Ralfes

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #813
because Biography view via is no longer working, I tried to do it by Bio Scraper Python script. lastfm-bio-scraper But I couldn't get it to work. Is there some experience or another solution?
Thank you all!!
cheers Ralfes

I have a solution: I make it by using "lastfm_bio.vbs" - works great!!!

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #814
because Biography view via is no longer working, I tried to do it by Bio Scraper Python script. lastfm-bio-scraper But I couldn't get it to work. Is there some experience or another solution?
Thank you all!!
cheers Ralfes

I have a solution: I make it by using "lastfm_bio.vbs" - works great!!!
Is it posible to change the language?

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #815
You can edit the url to one of the following...

Or you could just install JScript Panel and use my bio script which has that menu.

Component (foo-jscript-panel) and scripts (js-marc2003) are in my sig.

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #816
You can edit the url to one of the following...

Or you could just install JScript Panel and use my bio script which has that menu.

Component (foo-jscript-panel) and scripts (js-marc2003) are in my sig.
Uhh!! Wow!! I´ll try it. Thank you very much!!

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #817
I replaced now foo_uie_biography with foo_jscript_panel + bio of js_marc2003.

Two questions:
- How can I change colors of text (in case of Pseudo Transparent needed)?
- How can I implement download of artist images?

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #818
Right click the panel>Configure. Look inside the on_paint function and insert this before text.paint(gr);

Code: [Select]
panel.colours.text = _.RGB(255, 0, 0);

To download images, you'll need the thumbs script. Automatic downloads are off by default but you can turn that on via the right click menu.

If you want images/bio text combined in the same script, look at now playing (basic).

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #819
Right click the panel>Configure. Look inside the on_paint function and insert this before text.paint(gr);

Code: [Select]
panel.colours.text = _.RGB(255, 0, 0);

To download images, you'll need the thumbs script. Automatic downloads are off by default but you can turn that on via the right click menu.

If you want images/bio text combined in the same script, look at now playing (basic).
Again thank you very much!! It works. :-)
Now one last: how I can change saving artist images and "*.json" Information files from "Roaming\foobar2000\wsh_data\artists" to the album correspondingly folder? I also would like to give artist thumbs specific names (for example like %artist%1).
I would like to use this information (image + bio) for offline use.

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #820
All files are already cached and are available offline. I won't be providing help on how to change filenames because it's important they keep the ID from the original to prevent duplicates from being downloaded in future.

If you want to use the art elsewhere in foobar, you can go to File>Preferences>Display>Album art>Artist tab.

Code: [Select]
c:\users\YOU\appdata\roaming\foobar2000\wsh_data\artists\%album artist%\*.*

or if using portable mode, something like...

Code: [Select]
D:\Applications\foobar2000\wsh_data\artists\%album artist%\*.*

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #821
All files are already cached and are available offline. I won't be providing help on how to change filenames because it's important they keep the ID from the original to prevent duplicates from being downloaded in future.

If you want to use the art elsewhere in foobar, you can go to File>Preferences>Display>Album art>Artist tab.

Code: [Select]
c:\users\YOU\appdata\roaming\foobar2000\wsh_data\artists\%album artist%\*.*

or if using portable mode, something like...

Code: [Select]
D:\Applications\foobar2000\wsh_data\artists\%album artist%\*.*

merci beaucoup!!  :)

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #822

Thanks for your solution! Works great for the biography text.   

However....  is there anyway to get the artist photo/album cover with jscript?  Right now the artist photo/album photo still works with the foo_uie_biography component, so I am still using that along with your script.   But I'm wondering if there is a way I can ditch the bio componant completely? 


Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #823
His thumbs script can pull artist images. He also posted a script that downloads cover art, which should be somewhere on the more recent pages in one of the jscript topics.

Re: [Not my release] Biography view

Reply #824
Hi guys, I've tried to make some of the suggestions work but they don't. I'm using catrox skin, and only thing that's missing is the bio text. I still get the artist picture but no text. Could somebody please message me on how to set it up so i can see bio from or a similar website? I'm relatively green when it comes to this so if somebody could explain at least with some detail I'd be grateful. Thanks.