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Topic: Playback Error with multiple flac formats - Bug Report (Read 342 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playback Error with multiple flac formats - Bug Report

Hello since the update to Preview 2.2 2004-03-04 and after, I have multiple flack formatted files that give a playback error wind. This did not happen previous versions.

I've completed a clean install, rebooted, etc.

Playback error:

Unrecoverable playback error: Unsupported stream format: 192000 Hz / 16-bit / 2 channels (0x3)
Unrecoverable playback error: Unsupported stream format: 96000 Hz / 16-bit / 2 channels (0x3)

Attached is an example file.


MOD edit: Attachment removed, music clip exceeded 30 seconds.

Re: Playback Error with multiple flac formats - Bug Report

Reply #1
That error usually means your output device doesn't support the format (bit depth and/or sample rate). Did you perhaps switch to an audio device with [exclusive] at the end of its name? If so you will need to resample any files in a format your audio device doesn't support (like, say, 96kHz or 192kHz) to something your device supports, like 48kHz. Automatic resampling can be done in your DSP chain, and it will not alter your files in any way; it is only for playback.

If you don't want to use exclusive mode, the easy fix is to just select a different audio device in Preferences > Playback > Output. You want to pick one that starts with "Default : " and does not have [exclusive] at the end.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Playback Error with multiple flac formats - Bug Report

Reply #2
"If you don't want to use exclusive mode, the easy fix is to just select a different audio device in Preferences > Playback > Output. You want to pick one that starts with "Default : " and does not have [exclusive] at the end."

Thank you, corrected, somehow it changed to this on the update.

The option of reformatting and downgrading 56K songs is not an option :-)

Have a great weekend