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Topic: World-Map-SMP (Read 17729 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: World-Map-SMP

Reply #100
This is a pretty interesting panel to me.
But I ran into a small stumbling block.

I'm really liking this script!
I've already been keeping country tags for my library so I have no need to fetch them from the Biography script. How could I make the script read those? I store them in %country% using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.

Additionally, is there a way to choose the color of the spot indicating the location?
Download the latest files as noted on the previous reply. Have not created a release yet, but the latest version already allows that (see images blu-orange!).

About tags, right now it uses locale tag. Just put "country" on the properties panel, its configurable. I think it's the first entry (read the descriptions).

All files in my library have an ISO 3166 2-letter code written in the %country% field.
Displays "- none -".
Changed the tags of some files to ISO 3166 3-letter code.
It works correctly.

ISO 3166 2-letter code is not supported?
I think I'm missing something, but I can't find it 8)

Re: World-Map-SMP

Reply #101
Never added 2-letter compatibility, just 3-letter, although the code was there. It should now be fixed on latest nightly on 10 min (check at bottom)

Have not tested it, so let me know if it doesn't work.

Re: World-Map-SMP

Reply #102
world_map.js to main.js
2-letter is still - none -

Re: World-Map-SMP

Reply #104
Tried again and it works.
But the country flag is displayed as a question mark.

2-letter US

3-letter USA

Re: World-Map-SMP

Reply #105
Yep, now fixed for sure both the flag and replacing the 2-letter code with the full name. Check in 10 mins again.


Re: World-Map-SMP

Reply #106
works perfectly
thank you! :))